Luminova Framework

Smarty Implementation

Last updated: 2024-07-25 19:24:42

Welcome to the Luminova framework documentation for integrating and optimizing the Smarty template engine. This guide introduces built-in methods call_static, call_new, call_func, and get_const, designed to enhance efficiency and maintainability when using Smarty. These methods minimize unnecessary class initialization and reduce maintenance efforts, ensuring optimal performance. Our aim is to simplify your experience with Smarty in the Luminova framework, allowing you to focus on creating your applications.


Version: v5.1 - Learn more

To get started with Smarty, install it via Composer:

composer require "smarty/smarty"

Call Static Methods

To call a static method in Smarty, you first need to register your class using the Smarty API method registerClass.

Using Luminova, you can register your class to be accessible in Smarty templates by adding class name in /app/Config/Templates/Smarty/Classes.php. under the registerClasses method, define your class alias as the array key and the string class name as the array value.

However, a more recommended approach is to use the built-in method call_static to access any class object without manually registering each class you need.

function call_static(string $className, string $method, ?string $class = null, mixed ...$arguments): mixed

The above is a pseudo class example illustrating how call_static handles method loading in a plain PHP design.


To call a method previously defined with private static array $classes = []; in /app/Config/Templates/Smarty/Classes.php:

{call_static->foo method='myMethod'}

To directly call a static method from the class namespace:

{call_static->instance class='\\Foo\\Bar\\ExampleClass' method='myExampleMethod'}

Note:In other to call a method from a class namespace you must specify instance as the call_static method name.

Call New

In pure Smarty, to initialize a class and access its properties, you first need to register your class object using Smarty's registerObject API method. You can then access your object using {foo->methodName p1='foo' p2=$bar}.

Alternatively, with Luminova, you can use the call_new class method to initialize a class object, directly access the object, or assign it to a variable.

function call_new(string $className, ?string $class = null, mixed ...$arguments): object


To initialize a class instance using the alias previously defined with private static array $classes = []:

{call_new->fooClass param='param' assign='foo'}

To directly initialize a class instance from the class namespace:

{call_new->instance class='\\Foo\\Bar\\Example' assign='foo'}

To access methods and properties of the instance assigned above in $foo:


Call Function

In pure Smarty, calling a global function requires extending Smarty\Extension\Base and overriding the getModifierCallback method, allowing you to use {myFunction()}. With Luminova, this extension is already handled, so you can call any global function directly using {myFunction()}.

Alternatively, you can use the call_func class method to call any global function.

function call_func(string $functionName, mixed ...$arguments): mixed


Here is an example of calling a function:

{call_func->myFunction param='param'}

Get Constants

To get a constant variable in Smarty, you can use the default Smarty constant implementation {$smarty.const.APP_NAME}.

Optionally, you can use the get_const class method to retrieve any globally defined constant variable. This approach is recommended for better future updates and maintainability.

function get_const(string $constant): mixed


The example below will output your application name:



The following are reserved keywords for method parameters and default method name for initializing class from namespace.

  • class (argument) - Specify the class name you want to call.
  • method (argument) - Specify the method name you want to call.
  • instance (method) - Specify that you are initializing a new class object.

Exported Class

Accessing your exported classes in smarty template files.

Here's an example of how to export the required classes within your application class.

namespace App;

use \Luminova\Base\BaseApplication;
use \App\Utils\FooClass;
use \App\Utils\BarStaticClass;

class Application extends BaseApplication 
    public function __construct()
        $this->export(BarStaticClass::class, null, false); 

Accessing Methods

Non-Static Methods

For non-static class methods, which are initialized during or before export.

<p>My non-static class { FooClass->getSomeMethod() }</p>

Static Methods

For static class methods, that doesn't initialize during nor after export.

<p>My static class { BarStaticClass::getSomeMethod() }</p>