Luminova Framework

URI Routing Examples

Last updated: 2024-08-08 02:03:20

How Luminova Routing Works?

The framework redirects every request URI that doesn't start with your custom routing context name to the main web controller. For instance, URIs starting with api or console will not be redirected to the main web controller.

Requests to or any URI beginning with will be treated as API requests, and they will be handled by the routings defined in routes/api.php.

Similarly, requests to or any URI starting with will be treated as console requests, and they will be handled by the routings defined in routes/console.php.

Ensure that you do not have any custom web routes that start with the paths registered in your public/index.php file, such as api or console, to avoid conflicts with the designated API and console routes.

Registering Routes Prefix

To register a route prefix, it can be done in public/index.php and also create the handler file in routes/.The handler file name must match with routing prefix name registered in context method at public/index.php, see below examples.

In public/index.php, add a route prefix, to $app->router->context() method for routing. The context method accepts arguments of the \Luminova\Routing\Prefix class instance or an Array.You can register as many prefix as needed, ensuring that each route prefix name is unique. It's important to ensure that the start URI are also unique and match your desired route handler to avoid conflicts.

Routes Attribute

You can register routes and context using PHP8 attribute,to use attributes first you will have to enable the feature in ENV file by changing the value of feature.route.attributes to enable.

Once done you can now use Route attribute before methods and use Error attribute before class declaration.


Without Attribute

new Prefix('routing name', 'callback function for error handling');

To learn more about routing context See Documentation


The below context can be accessed in browser by visiting, every request that starts with panel will be handles by routes/panel.php

$app->router->context(new Prefix('panel', [ViewErrors::class, 'myErrorMethodName']));


When creating custom routes, avoid changing the default web route Context::WEB. Changing this name may lead to unexpected errors in your application.

Using Attribute

use \Luminova\Attributes\Error;

#[Error('panel', onError: [ViewErrors::class, 'myErrorMethodName')]
class PanelController extends BaseController

Routing Capture & Controllers

Within any of your route files located in /routes/, you can register routing controllers with specific patterns and methods depending on your application's requirements.

To register a custom route, follow these steps:

  1. Open /routes/your-context-name.php to define your URI routing using the global variable $router class instance.
  2. Create a corresponding handler PHP file in the routes/ directory if you haven't, in this example we are using panel .
  3. Ensure that the controller file name matches the routing context name specified in /public/index.php.

In /routes/panel.php, add your routings

For APIs, websites, and other non-CLI routes, they use the same HTTP methods.

HTTP Middleware

Middleware are designed to intercept requests before they reach your controllers, allowing you to perform security checks or other pre-processing tasks. If middleware authentication fails, error will be triggered and controllers will not be called.

To set up global middleware security for websites and APIs request in your application route handler file, create middleware that returns an integer value of STATUS_SUCCESS to indicate success or STATUS_ERROR to indicate failure.

Here is an example of how you can implement your middleware:

$router->middleware('GET|POST', '/.*', 'HomeController::middleware');

Implementation example in closure.

// routes/web.php
$router->middleware('GET|POST', '/.*', static function (): int {
        return STATUS_OK;
    return STATUS_ERROR;

You can also implement middleware in bind method for group capture.

Using Attribute

// app/Controllers/HomeController.php
use \Luminova\Attributes\Route;

#[Route('/.*', methods: ['GET', 'POST']), middleware: 'before']
public function middleware(): int

Presenting Views

To present your application's views, you can define a route in your routes/panel.php file that renders a specific view or template when users accessed, this pattern (/) will present your default landing page.

Here's an example of how to set up a landing page route:

// routes/web.php
$router->get('/', 'HomeController::index');

It can also be done using closure.

// routes/web.php
$router->get('/', static function(Application $app): int {
    return $app->view("index")->render();

Using Attribute

// app/Controllers/HomeController.php
use \Luminova\Attributes\Route;

#[Route('/', methods: ['GET'])]
public function index(): int

URL Parameters

To define a route for URL parameter with dynamic value (e.g.,, you can use a regular expression pattern to match the expected value of the value in the URL.

Here's how you can set up the route using a regular expression pattern in your route file (routes/web.php or similar):

Define the route using a regular expression pattern for the username after user/ segment in a url.

// routes/user.php
$router->get('/user/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)', 'UserController::profile');

Using Attribute

// app/Controllers/UserController.php
use \Luminova\Attributes\Route;

#[Route('/user/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)', methods: ['GET'])]
public function profile(): int

The above examples allows you to capture dynamic usernames from the URL and route them to the appropriate controller method for processing and displaying user profiles.

POST Requests

When implementing functionality to update user profiles via POST requests, it's recommended to create a dedicated controller class for handling it rather than using the main web controller. You can create a custom controller class for your API requests by extending BaseController or BaseViewController for handling the requests.

Here's an example of defining a route for updating user profiles using a POST request:

// routes/user.php
$router->post('/user', 'UserController::update');

Using Attribute

// app/Controllers/UserController.php
use \Luminova\Attributes\Route;

#[Route('/user', methods: ['POST'])]
public function update(): int

Nested Binding

To bind and access routes defined under /blog and its nested group /blog/id/id7366 using the following setup:

// routes/blog.php
use \Luminova\Routing\Router;
use \App\Application;

$router->bind('/blog', function(Router $router, Application $app) {
    $router->get('/', 'BlogController::blogs');
    $router->get('/id/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)', 'BlogController::blog');

Using Attribute

// app/Controllers/BlogController.php
use \Luminova\Attributes\Route;

#[Route('/blog', methods: ['POST'])]
public function blogs(): int

#[Route('/blog/id/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)', methods: ['POST'])]
public function blog(): int

Custom View Hierarchy

You can load template views from a sub-folder within the resources/views directory, set a custom view folder using the setFolder() method in your controller onCreate or __construct method, it can also be done within specific route context file.

This allows you to organize views based on directory Hierarchy and archive HMVC implementation, for better structure, organization and separation of concern.

Setting Custom View Folder Globally

To set a custom view folder globally for all routes within a context file or the context controllers class (e.g., panel), use the setFolder() method in your view controller initialization method like onCreate, __construct or middleware method if in use.

// app/Controllers/Controller.php
use \Luminova\Base\BaseController;

class Controller extends BaseController 
    protected onCreate(): void 

Alternatively, you can set the custom view folder within a specific route context in a global scope, withing bind method for group global scope or before calling view method.

// routes/panel.php
use \Luminova\Routing\Router;
use \App\Application;

// In context global scope.

$router->bind('/admin', static function(Router $router, Application $app) {
    // Or in bind global scope.

    $router->get('/', function() use ($app) {
        //Or optionally before a specific view

CLI Capture & Controllers

You can register global before middleware security checks, similar to those used in HTTP, but in CLI it uses before method to handle middleware authentication. Your callback or controller method for middleware must return an integer (0 or STATUS_SUCCESS) to indicate a pass, or (1 or STATUS_ERROR) to indicate a failure.

CLI Middleware

You can define a global before middleware for command using any as the group name.

// routes/cli.php
$router->before('any', 'CommandController::middleware');

Alternatively, you can pass a Closure as the before callback method to use. This allows you to define a single authentication check that applies to all CLI routes.

// routes/cli.php
$router->before('any', function(): int {
    // Authentication passed
    if (doAuthenticationPassed()) {
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    // Authentication failed
    return STATUS_ERROR; 

CLI Implementation

To register command controllers in CLI routing, you must use the command method only, to define commands. Unlike the HTTP routing that support methods like (post, get, put, etc.), the CLI commands are triggered directly from the command line tool and do not use traditional HTTP request methods in handling commands.

Registering Controllers

To register command controllers and grouped middleware security, use the command and before method within the group closure callback. All commands belonging to a group should be wrapped in same group closure do not define multiple group with same name, it must be unique just like you will do on HTTP routing.

Bellow example we register a command route with 'foo' name, mapped to 'CommandController::foo' to handle the execution.

// routes/cli.php
use \Luminova\Routing\Router;
use \App\Application;

$router->group("users", function(Router $router, Application $app){
    $router->before('users', 'UserCommandController::middleware');
    $router->command("foo", 'UserCommandController::foo');

Using Attribute

// app/Controllers/UserCommandController.php
use \Luminova\Attributes\Route;

#[Route('users', group: 'users', middleware: 'before')]
public function middleware(): int

#[Route('foo', group: 'users')]
public function foo(): int

To execute the above example command foo, use the following command in the terminal:

 php index.php users foo
 php index.php users foo --bar

Note: The before middleware will first execute before command is executed.If middleware fails, then the execution of command will be terminated.

CLI Dynamic Segments

In CLI routing, you can define routes with dynamic segments to capture variable values within command arguments. Dynamic segments are specified using the syntax like (:mixed), (:int), (:optional) and more within the route pattern.


This example shows how you can create a route with dynamic segments.

// routes/cli.php
use \Luminova\Routing\Router;

$router->group("users", function(Router $router){
    $router->command('profile/name/(:mixed)', 'UserCommandController::profile');

Using Attribute

// app/Controllers/UserCommandController.php
use \Luminova\Attributes\Route;

#[Route('profile/name/(:mixed)', group: 'users')]
public function profile(): int

To execute the registered command route user, use the following command in the terminal:

php index.php users profile name "Peter"

Define a command route with multiple dynamic segments.

use \Luminova\Routing\Router;

$router->group("blogs", function(Router $router){
    $router->command('/post/id/(:int)/title/(:string)', 'BlogCommandController::blog');

To execute the registered command route foo, use the following command in the terminal:

php index.php blogs post id 277363 title "my post title"

While defining command controllers for CLI, it's possible to use Closure functions directly as command handlers. However, it's generally not recommended.


use \Luminova\Routing\Router;

$router->group("users", function(Router $router){
    $router->command('/user/name/(:string)', function(string $name): int {
        echo "Hello, $name!";
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

Define a command route with multiple dynamic segments.

use \Luminova\Routing\Router;
$router->group("blogs", function((Router $router){
    $router->command('/blog/id/(:int)/title/(:string)', function(string $title, int $id): int {
        echo "Blog: {$id}, Title: {$title}";

        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

Controller Classes

HTTP Controller

This UserController class is an example of HTTP controller class that extends BaseController from the Luminova's component. It defines methods to handle specific URI request and actions.

// app/Controllers/UserController.php
namespace App\Controllers;

use Luminova\Base\BaseController;

class UserController extends BaseController
    public function profile(string $username): int
         * Setting folder here is not a good practice, this is just for an example.
         * Always create a new controller class to handle views based on custom folder and define your `setFolder` in `onCreate` or `__construct` initailzation method.
        return $this->app->setFolder('profile')->view('foo')->render([
            'username' => $username

    public function blog(string $id): void
        return $this->view('foo')->render([
            'blog_id' => $id

    public function blogs(): int
        return $this->view('blogs')->render();

    public function update(): int
        if ($this->request->isPost()) {
            $name = escape($this->request->getPost("name"));
            // Your update code here

            return response(200)->json(['message' => 'okay']);

        return response(405)->json(['message' => 'error']);

Command Controller

This CommandController class is an example of a CLI controller that extends BaseCommand from the Luminova's Terminal component. It defines methods to handle specific command and actions based on command arguments.

// app/Controllers/BlogCommandController.php
namespace App\Controllers;

use Luminova\Base\BaseCommand;

class BlogCommandController extends BaseCommand 
    protected string $group = 'blogs';

    public function help(array $helps): int
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    public function middleware():int
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    public function foo(): int
        echo $this->getOption('bar');
        echo $this->getAnyOption('bar', 'baz');

        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

    public function name(string $id, string $title): int
        echo "Blog: {$id}, Title: {$title}";
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;