Luminova Framework

Base Command

Last updated: 2024-07-26 14:26:19

Base Command is Luminova's comprehensive framework designed for managing command-line operations. As a controller base class, it offers a structured approach to building and executing command-line commands, providing a solid foundation for developing robust and extensible command-line tool (CLIs).


  • Define custom commands with specific functionalities, each associated with a unique name and description.
  • Handle command execution, including parsing command-line arguments, validating inputs, and invoking the appropriate command handler.
  • Organize commands into logical modules or groups for improved code reusability and maintainability.
  • Customize and extend functionality by creating custom command handlers, adding new command-line options, or integrating with third-party libraries.
  • Access controller class functionality just as you would in a web browser, providing seamless integration between command-line and browser-based operations.



The group name for the current command controller class. This group is used for router capture authentication to ensure that commands within the same group are executed accordingly (e.g., php index.php <command-group-name> <command> <arguments>).

protected string $group = '';


The execution command name for the current controller class. This name is used internally to build information about your command, which can be utilized in displaying command help.

protected string $name = '';


A description of your command usages. This can be either a string or an array of usage examples.

protected string|array $usage = [];


A more expressive way to describe your command options and their descriptive messages. The array key represents the command option, while the value is a description of the option (e.g., ['-f, --foo' => 'Foo description']).

protected array<string,mixed> $options = [];


Examples of how to use the command. This allows you to provide full examples demonstrating command usage.

protected array<string,mixed> $examples = [];


A detailed description of your command to help users understand its purpose and functionality.

protected string $description = '';


The base command extends the Luminova Terminal class, making all the methods available and ready to use in command controller class.


Command on create method, an alternative method to __construct().

protected onCreate(): void


This allows you to override the default help display implementation.When you implement your custom help information display, you must return STATUS_SUCCESS else return STATUS_ERROR to tell the framework to keep using the default help implementation.

To call help command: php index.php groupName --help

abstract public help(array $helps): int;


$helpsarray<string,mixed>Receives the helps information about command.

Return Value

int - Return status code success as implemented, error using default implementation.

Help arguments array keys

  • class - The class name of the command (Note: this key may not be available if you extend BaseConsole).
  • group - The group name of the command.
  • name - The name of the command.
  • description - The description of the command.
  • usages - The usages of the command.
  • options - The available options for the command.
  • examples - The examples of the command.


Initialize command line instance before running any commands if you plan to do anything in your Command Controller class.

namespace App\Controllers;
use \Luminova\Base\BaseCommand;

class PayStackCommand extends BaseCommand 
    public function help(array $helps): int
        return STATUS_ERROR;