Luminova Framework


Last updated: 2024-05-14 00:48:39

Luminova offers a numerous powerful features, yet we recognize that not all may be essential for every application. Understanding and leveraging these features can sometimes pose challenges, especially for beginners who may feel overwhelmed by their complexity.

To address this, we provide a method for enabling or disabling specific features through environment configuration. By doing so, you have the flexibility to customize the framework to your specific needs, ensuring that only the necessary components are included in your application.

Many of these features are loaded during the bootstrap process and are readily available throughout the framework's execution, making them easily accessible whenever you require them.


You can configure the features in your environment variable file /.env, by simply specifying enable or disable as the value for the variable key.

Class Alias When enabled, the framework will create name alias for the listed classes in your controller configuration file /app/Controllers/Config/Modules.php.

return [
    'alias' => [
        'Foo' => 'SomeClass\ExampleFoo'

Services When enabled, the framework will register all services listed in your controller Services configuration located in /app/Controllers/Config/Services.php.

public function bootstrap(): void
        static::newService(Adapter::class, 'adapter', true, true, []); // service('adapter)
        static::newService(ExampleClass::class, null, true, true, []); // service('ExampleClass')

PSR4 Autoloading When enabled, the framework will autoload all the listed classes using the psr-4 standard. To list your classes, locate the file in the controller configuration file /app/Controllers/Config/Modules.php.

return [
    'psr-4' => [
        'Example\MyNamespace'    => '/example/MyClass/',
        'Example\AnotherClass' => '/example/anotherclass/',
        'Example' => '/example/'

Note: Luminova is all about code organization. To maintain good practice and application maintainability.

All your class files must be placed in the /libraries/libs/ directory to load them.

Single File Import

Alternatively, you can load a single file without the need to enable the psr-4 feature by using the import method. This method allows you to include a specific file directly into your application without relying on the psr-4 autoloading feature.

To import a single file, use the import method in your controller or any relevant file:

use Luminova\Library\Modules;

//Or global function 

Dev Functions When enabled, the framework will automatically include your development global PHP file /app/Controllers/Utils/Global.php. This goal file allows you to define your own custom functions or overwrite PHP procedural functions to replace them with your own.


if (!function_exists('my_string_count')) {
    function my_string_count(string $string): int 
        return strlen($string);

Dependency Injection

feature.route.dependency.injection By default, dependency injection in the router is disabled to optimize performance. You can enable it in the environment file. Once enabled, you can specify a type hint for your router parameter with the desired class to be loaded.

use \Luminova\Security\Crypter;

$router->get('/users', function (Crypter $crypt) {
    $crypt->encrypt("My data");

Using dependency injection with your routes to accept a URI parameter in the callback.

URL Example:

use \Luminova\Security\Crypter;

$router->get('/users/token/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)', function (Crypter $crypt, String $token) {

Here's how you can achieve the same result in a controller class.

$router->get('/users/token/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)', 'UserController::hashToken');

And the corresponding controller class will look like below example.

namespace App\Controllers;

use \Luminova\Base\BaseController;
use \Luminova\Security\Crypter;

class UserController extends BaseController {
    public function hashToken(Crypter $crypt, String $token): void 