Luminova Framework

Public Controller Handler

Last updated: 2024-05-13 23:44:46

Class details various properties that can be adjusted to customize the behavior of sessions in your application, including cookie settings, expiration time, session paths, and more particularly for server-side session management.

  • Class namespace: \App\Controllers\Config\Session
  • This class is marked as final and can't be subclassed
  • This class is a Final class


These properties are public static.

The name of the session cookie.

public static string $cookieName = 'PHPSESSID'

Save Path

The path where session files are stored on the server.

public static string $savePath = ''


The lifetime of the session in seconds.

public static int $expiration = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60; 

Session Path

The path to use for the session cookie.

public static string $sessionPath = '/'

Session Domain

The domain to use for the session cookie.

public static string $sessionDomain = '.localhost'

Same Site

Set the session cookie security level.

public static string $sameSite = 'Lax'

None, Lax, Strict

Strict Session Ip Address

Enable strict session IP authentication.

public static bool $strictSessionIp = 'false'

If set to true, the user will be logged out if their IP address changes.

CSRF Storage

Set the csrf storage enginecookie, session,

public static string $csrfStorage = 'session'