Luminova Framework

Base Controller

Last updated: 2024-05-23 00:49:26

The BaseController is a core element of Luminova's MVC architecture, functioning as an intermediary between the router and template engines. It suitable for handling backend operations by receiving instructions from the router and conveying them to the template for processing. While similar to the BaseViewController, but differs in its approach to request handling and validation. It initializes the class on the go, making easy access to validation user inputs and interact with request objects without requiring class initialization beforehand.

While primarily designed for backend operations, the BaseController remains compatible with frontend applications, offering a seamless integration between frontend and backend components.

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Base\BaseController
  • This class is an Abstract class

Example usages

In other to use BaseController class, you will need to extend it whenever you want create a new controller class.

Below is an example of how a basic controller class should look like.

namespace App\Controllers;
use \luminova\Base\BaseController;

class BackendController extends BaseController 
    public function __construct()

    public function addUser(): int 
        $name = escape($this->request->getPost('name'));
        $added = $builder->table('users')->insert([
                'name' => $name,
        return $added ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_ERROR;


Access to HTTP request object.

protected ?\Luminova\Http\Request $request = null;

Access to input validation object.

protected ?\Luminova\Security\InputValidator $validate = null;

Access to application object.

protected ?\App\Controllers\Application $app = null;



Initializes the HTTP request class instance

protected final request(): \Luminova\Http\Request

Return Value:

Request - Return request class instance.


Initializes the input validation class instance.

protected final validate(): \Luminova\Security\InputValidator

Return Value:

InputValidator - Return input validation class instance.


Initializes the application class instance.

protected final app(): \App\Controllers\Application

Return Value:

Application - Return application class instance.


The view method serves as a convenient alias or shorthand for rendering views within the controller class. It is equivalent to $this->app->view('view_file')->render().

protected final view(string $view, array $options = [], string $type = 'html'): int

Return Value:

int - Return STATUS_SUCCESS on success, otherwise STATUS_ERROR failure.


$viewstringThe view name to render.
$optionsarrayOptional options to be passed to view template.
$typestringThe type of view content you are compiling (default: html).


The respond method is also a convenient alias or shorthand for returning view contents within the controller class. It is equivalent to $this->app->view('view_file')->respond().

protected final respond(string $view, array $options = [], string $type = 'html'): string

Return Value:

string - Return view contents which is ready to be rendered.


$viewstringThe view name to respond with.
$optionsarrayOptional options to be passed to view template.
$typestringThe type of view content you are compiling (default: html).


The onCreate method in the controller serves as an alternative to __construct. It is invoked after the controller class has completed its initialization via the constructor method. When using this method for initialization, there is no need to explicitly call parent::__construct().

protected onCreate(): void


The onDestroy method in the controller acts as an alternative to __destruct. It is called after the __destruct method has completed its execution.

protected onDestroy(): void