Luminova Framework

Base Application

Last updated: 2024-07-26 14:39:20

The Base Application serves as the foundational framework upon which your web application are built. It encapsulates essential functionalities, design patterns, and architectural principles that provide a solid starting point for developing complex applications. Essentially, the Base Application represents the core infrastructure and scaffolding upon which you can construct your application logic.

Your application class must be located in the /app/ directory, and its name must remain unchanged under any circumstance.

Additionally application class inherited the methods within the \Luminova\Template\View trait class.To lean more on how to render template views refer to the documentation.

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Base\BaseApplication
  • This class is an Abstract class
  • Inherited class: \Luminova\Template\View


This is an example a basic application class may look like using the __construct method.

namespace App;

use \Luminova\Base\BaseApplication;
class Application extends BaseApplication  
    public function __construct()

Alternatively, this is an of application class may using the onCreate method.

namespace App;

use \Luminova\Base\BaseApplication;
class Application extends BaseApplication  
    protected function onCreate(): void



The application router class instance.

public ?Router $router = null;


The methods and properties of the base application are a combination of those inherited from the View, your Application, and the BaseApplication class. These classes ensure that properties and methods are accessible wherever the application object is invoked, based on their visibility. You can access them accordingly.


The singleton getInstance method allows you to return a shared static instance of your application class.

public static final getInstance(): static


The getView method allows you to the current view URI segments.

public final getView(): string

Return Value:

string - Returns current view URI segment.

Application Events

To handle command events in your application controller class based on actions, below are the list of events to listen to.


The __on method in your application class allows you trigger an application event methods.

public __on(string $event, mixed ...$arguments): void 


$eventstringThe event method name to trigger.
...$argumentsmixed[mixed ...$] Optional event method arguments.


The onCreate method in your application class serves as an alternative to the __construct() method. It is invoked after all necessary initializations have been performed, ensuring that your application is fully initialized before any operations are carried out on template views.

protected onCreate(): void

This method provides a convenient hook for executing additional setup logic or configurations specific to your application after the standard initialization process.


Application on finish even, which triggers once application router has finished handling request.This trigger weather error occurs or not.

protected onFinish(): void


Application on finish even, which triggers once application router has finished handling request.This trigger weather error occurs or not.

protected onFinish(): void


Application on context installed, which triggers once application route context has successfully registered request context.

protected function onContextInstalled(string $context): void


$contextstringThe context name that was registered.


Application on view presented event, which is triggered after view controller method was called.

protected function onViewPresent(string $uri): void


$uristringThe view URI that was presented.


Application on command presented event, which is triggered after command controller was called.

protected function onCommandPresent(array $options): void


$optionsarrayThe command options that was presented.