Luminova Framework

Cache Usage Examples

Last updated: 2024-08-17 17:12:51

In this guide, we demonstrate how to efficiently use Luminova's File System Cache and Memory Cache to store and retrieve reusable data, reducing the need for frequent database or API calls.


You can initialize the FileCache or MemoryCache using the global cache() helper function. Specify the cache storage name and folder for file storage, or the persistent ID for Memcached:

$cache = cache('filesystem', 'storage_name', 'cache_folder_name'); // FileCache
$cache = cache('memcached', 'storage_name', 'cache_id'); // MemoryCache

Alternatively, you can directly instantiate the cache classes:

use \Luminova\Cache\FileCache;
use \Luminova\Cache\MemoryCache;

$fileCache = new FileCache('storage_name', 'cache_folder_name');
$memoryCache = new MemoryCache('storage_name', 'cache_id');

Dynamic Initialization

If the storage name is not specified during initialization, you can set it later before performing any cache operations:


Storing and Retrieving

Use the onExpired() method to retrieve content from the cache or execute a callback if the cache has expired or does not exist:

$content = $cache->onExpired('cache_key', static function() {
    return databaseLoadContent();

Getting Cached Content

Retrieve the cached content using the getItem() method:

$content = $cache->getItem('cache_key');

Delayed Retrieval

To retrieve multiple items asynchronously, use the execute() method with an optional callback:

use \Luminova\Base\BaseCache;

$cache->execute(['key1', 'key2'], false, function(BaseCache $instance, array &$result) {
    // Modify the cache result if needed
    $result['value'] = strtoupper($result['value']);


Replacing Cache Content

Replace the content of an existing cache entry using the replace() method:

$data = 'New content to update';

if ($cache->replace('cache_key', $data)) {
    // Cache updated successfully

Saving Content

Save content to the cache. The lock parameter determines whether the cache should prevent automatic expiration and deletion:

$data = 'Content to store';

if ($cache->setItem('cache_key', $data, 1200, 1200, true)) {
    // Cache saved successfully

You can also use predefined options for saving content:

$data = 'Content to store';

if ($cache->set('cache_key', $data)) {
    // Cache saved successfully

Delete Cache Content:

To delete a specific cache item.

if ($cache->deleteItem('cache_key')) {
    // Cache item deleted

Delete Multiple Items:

To delete a specified cache keys.

if ($cache->deleteItems(['key1', 'key2'])) {
    // Cache items were deleted

Clear All Cache Content:

To clear all items in the cache storage.

if ($cache->clear()) {
    // All cache items cleared

Flush All Cache Content:

To clear all items in the cache directory or cache server.

if ($cache->flush()) {
    // All cache items flushed

Check if Cache Exists:

To check if a specific cache key exists.

if ($cache->hasItem('cache_key')) {
    // Cache item exists