Luminova Framework

NovaKit Commands

Last updated: 2024-05-29 20:38:48

NovaKit Command Line Tool is a powerful tool provided by Luminova framework, for simplifying command-line operations and facilitating the development as well as building command-line applications. It offers a wide range of functionalities such as generating boilerplate code, scaffolds, templates, environment variables, sitemap, database operations, executing scripts, starting development server, and more.


Controller Help

Print help information for a command group in the controller.

php index.php blog --help

Novakit Help

Print help all novakit help commands.

php novakit --help

To print help for a specific novakit help commands.

php novakit --help create:controller


The generator commands allow you to easily generate a skeleton for a controller class, utils class, or a view file.

Utils Class

To create a utility class for your application use the below example command.The class will be saved in /app/Controllers/Utils/

php novakit create:class "myClass" --extend "baseClassName" --implement "myClassInterface"

Model Class

To create a database model class for your application use the below example command.The class will be saved in /app/Controllers/Models/

php novakit create:model "myModel" 


To create a new controller class for your application use the below example command.The class will be saved in /app/Controllers/

php novakit create:controller "PayStackController"  --type "view"

You can pass the type of API to extend \Luminova\Base\BaseController or view to extend \Luminova\Base\BaseViewController.

For command controller class extend and implement will ignore, use flag --type "command"

View File

To create a utility class for your application use the below example command.The class will be saved in /resources/views/

php novakit create:view "blog" 

To create a view file in a subdirectory in /resources/views/ folder, use flag --dir "mySubDir"

Routing Context

To install a new routing context use the below example command.

php novakit context "test"'

The above command will create a file in /routes/ directory and update your /public/index.php with a new context.

To disable adding an error handler in index.php use flag --no-error

Note: If the error handler is not disabled, you need to manually create the method name in your View errors class in /app/Controllers/Config/ViewErrors.php.


To generate your website sitemap use the below command.

php novakit generate:sitemap

To configure the sitemap domain and ignore list, it can be done here /app/Controllers/Config/Sitemap.php.

App Key

To generate your application encryption key use the below command.

php novakit generate:key

If you wish to generate without saving the key to env file, use flag --no-save.

Add/Update Env Key

To add new or update value to your env file use the below command.

php novakit env:add --key="my_new_key" --value="my key value"

If you wish to generate without saving the key to env file, use flag --no-save.

Remove Env Key

To remove key from your env file use the below command.

php novakit env:remove --key="my_old_key"

Build Project

To package your application for publishing, use the below command to archive the project files required for production.

php novakit build:project --type zip