Luminova Framework

Template Configuration

Last updated: 2024-07-26 15:07:07

Template Configuration in Luminova allows you to set up PHP, Twig, and Smarty template rendering engines for application views. You can configure modes, cache path, visibilities, as well as Smarty and Twig extensions.

  • Class namespace: \App\Config\Template
  • File path: /app/Config/Template.php
  • This class is marked as final and can't be subclassed


IMPORTANT: Do not change the visibility of these properties nor the declaration types.


Specify the template engine to use for rendering your application views.

public string $templateEngine = 'default';

Available Template Engines

  1. default - To use default PHP template, no additional configuration is required..
  2. smarty - To use smarty, Configurations: /app/Config/Templates/Smarty/.
  3. twig - To use twig, configurations: /app/Config/Templates/Twig/.

To use Smarty or Twig you will need to first install the library by running command composer require smarty/smarty for smarty or composer require "twig/twig:^3.0 for Twig.

Also you need to configure the classes, constants or function to use manually.


Enabling this isolation will render your view in isolation mode keeping away access to your application controller class and template class object while enforcing template view options to be accessed as variables (e.g., $verName or $_verName instead of $this->verName or $this->_verName).

Furthermore, access to protected and public properties registered in your App\Application class won't be possible using the $this keyword (e.g., $this->myClassName->doMethod()).

Instead, you can use a custom $self keyword (e.g., $self->myClassName->doMethod()) and classes must be exported first using template dependency injection method $this->export(), in application controller.

public bool $templateIsolation = false;


// /app/Application.php
namespace App;
use \Luminova\Base\BaseApplication;
class Application extends BaseApplication 
    public function __construct()
        $this->export(new FooClass(), 'foo');

Or using onCreate method.

// /app/Application.php
namespace App;
use \Luminova\Base\BaseApplication;
class Application extends BaseApplication 
    protected function onCreate()
        $this->export(new FooClass(), 'foo');


This property controls the use of variable key prefixing with _ for view options, when set to false, accessing view options with underscore prefixing will be disabled.

Instead of using $this->_vername or in isolation $_vername , you will use $this->vername or $vername in isolation.

public bool|null $variablePrefixing = true;


You must specify your variable type before building, your application you can't change this option after building.

Changing it later will cause view options not to be discovered except if you will have to trace and replace all files where you have used previous implementation.

If NULL is passed, the view options will be left as raw arrays and can be accessed by $options.


Set your application template cache file directory path.

public string $cacheFolder = 'writeable/caches/';


Set your application template compile folder, this will be used by template engines like Smarty or Twig.

public string $compileFolder = 'writeable/compile/';


Set your application template configuration folder for Smarty or Twig template engine.

public string $configFolder = 'writeable/config/';