Luminova Framework

Base View Controller

Last updated: 2024-05-23 01:10:26

The BaseViewController is the fundamental component of Luminova's MVC component, serving as an important intermediary for managing view operations. This core class offers a structured approach to accepts instructions from the router and transmitting the relevant information to the template class for rendering views.

It establishes a solid foundation for building interactive and optimized web applications, well-suited for client-side rendering. While its primary focus is not limited to frontend operations, it also suitable for backend applications, ensuring consistency between frontend and backend functionalities.

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Base\BaseViewController
  • This class is an Abstract class


To use BaseViewController class, you will need to extend it whenever you want create a new view controller class.

Below is an example of how a basic view controller class may look like, in this example we use __construct, optionally you can use onCreate method instead.

namespace App\Controllers;
use \luminova\Base\BaseViewController;

class BackendController extends BaseViewController 
    public function __construct()

    public function user(): int 
        return $this->view('user', [
            'foo' => 'bar'


Access to HTTP request object.

protected ?\Luminova\Http\Request $request = null;

Access to input validation object.

protected ?\Luminova\Security\InputValidator $validate = null;

Access to application object.

protected ?\App\Controllers\Application $app = null;

Note: In BaseViewController, the $validate or $request object is not initialized by default.To use access it properties you must first initialized it in __construct or onCreate method by calling the proper method to create it e.g $this->request().



Initializes the HTTP request class instance

protected final request(): \Luminova\Http\Request

Return Value:

Request - Return request class instance.


Initializes the input validation class instance.

protected final validate(): \Luminova\Security\InputValidator

Return Value:

InputValidator - Return input validation class instance.


Initializes the application class instance.

protected final app(): \App\Controllers\Application

Return Value:

Application - Return application class instance.


The view method serves as a convenient alias or shorthand for rendering views within the ViewController class. It is equivalent to $this->app->view('view_file')->render().

protected final view(string $view, array $options = [], string $type = 'html'): int

Return Value:

int - Return STATUS_SUCCESS on success, otherwise STATUS_ERROR failure.


$viewstringThe view name to render.
$optionsarrayOptional options to be passed to view template.
$typestringThe type of view content you are compiling (default: html).


The respond method is also a convenient alias or shorthand for returning view contents within the ViewController class. It is equivalent to $this->app->view('view_file')->respond().

protected final respond(string $view, array $options = [], string $type = 'html'): string

Return Value:

string - Return view contents which is ready to be rendered.


$viewstringThe view name to respond with.
$optionsarrayOptional options to be passed to view template.
$typestringThe type of view content you are compiling (default: html).


The onCreate method serves as an alternative to __construct. It is invoked after the controller class has completed its initialization via the constructor method. When using this method for initialization, there is no need to explicitly call parent::__construct().

protected onCreate(): void


The onDestroy method acts as an alternative to __destruct. It is called after the __destruct method has completed its execution.

protected onDestroy(): void