Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Abstract Base Controller for HTTP Routing Controller Classes

Last updated: 2025-02-03 08:12:56

Base Controller provides a foundation for controller class operations in the Luminova framework. Offering efficient request handling, input validation, response, and view rendering capabilities.

The BaseController serves as a foundational component in Luminova's MVC (Model-View-Controller) and HMVC (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller) architectures. It acts as the core interface between the application's routing system and its template engine, orchestrating communication between the front-end and back-end layers of your application.

In essence, a controller is responsible for:

  • Handling Requests: It processes incoming requests from users or systems.
  • Executing Business Logic: It coordinates interactions between models, services, and other layers to perform specific tasks.
  • Returning Responses: It prepares and sends data back to the user or system, often through a view method or response class.

When extended, the BaseController equips your custom controllers with default properties and utilities to enhance development. This ensures consistency and reduces boilerplate code, allowing you to focus on your application's logic.

Key Features

  1. Lazy Loading for Efficiency:

    • Properties like $app, $request, and $validate are implemented as Luminova\Utils\LazyObject instances.
    • These properties are only initialized when accessed, optimizing memory usage and performance.
  2. Seamless Integration:

    • Automatically integrates with Luminova's routing system to map URIs to controller actions.
    • Provides access to common utilities and helpers needed for request handling, validation, and response generation.
  3. Extensibility:

    • Developers can extend the BaseController to create custom controllers, inheriting built-in features while adding application-specific logic.
    • Offers a clean structure for organizing application logic in a modular way, whether using a traditional MVC approach or the HMVC pattern for larger projects.
  4. PHP Route Attributes:
    Simplify route definition using PHP attributes, such as #[Route('/route/path', methods: ['POST'])] for individual routes, and #[Prefix('/url-prefix', onError: [Error::class, 'errorMethod'])] for class-level prefixes or error handling. This feature enhances readability and reduces boilerplate code.

  5. Custom Responses:
    Return various response types effortlessly using the Luminova\Template\Response class or the global helper function response. Supported response types include:

    • response()->json([...]) for JSON responses.
    • response()->html('<html>') for HTML output.
    • response()->xml('<xml>') for XML responses.
      These options provide flexibility in responses to client requirements.

Controller Method Return Status

In Luminova, routable controller methods are required to return an integer value that represents the internal state of the request handled by the controller. The following status codes are expected:

    Indicates the view was successfully handled.

    • For middleware authentication handlers, this status allows subsequent controller methods to execute, as the authentication process is considered successful.
    Indicates an error occurred during request handling.

    • This triggers the routing system to respond with an "404 error view not found".
    Indicates the request was handled internally, with no errors reported.

    • The routing system will not trigger any errors. However, if no content is rendered, a blank page will be displayed.

Default Properties

The BaseController comes with these pre-configured properties:

$this->appProvides access to the application instance which also extends View template class, enabling interaction with services, settings, and state.
$this->requestHandles HTTP request data, including methods for retrieving query parameters, POST data, Cookie etc.
$this->validateFacilitates validation of input data, ensuring your application operates on clean and reliable data.

These properties are loaded only when needed, ensuring optimal resource usage.

Why Using BaseController?

  • Simplifies Development: Reduces the effort required to set up controllers by providing essential tools out of the box.
  • Promotes Best Practices: Encourages separation of concerns by keeping business logic separate from routing and views.
  • Scales with Your Application: Supports both traditional MVC and HMVC patterns, making it suitable for projects of all sizes.

By leveraging BaseController, developers can focus on building features while maintaining a clean and maintainable architecture.

Example Usages

To use the BaseController class, extend it whenever you create a new controller. This ensures your controller inherits essential features and follows the framework's conventions.

MVC Controller Implementation

The following example demonstrates a basic implementation of an MVC controller:

// /app/Controllers/Http/MyController.php

namespace App\Controllers\Http;

use Luminova\Base\BaseController;
use Luminova\Attributes\Route;
use App\Models\User;

class MyController extends BaseController 
    // private ?User $user = null;

    * Called during initialization.
   protected function onCreate(): void
      // Add any setup logic here
      // $this->user = new User();

    * Example action: Adds a user to the database.
    * @return int Status of the operation.
    #[Route('/user/add', methods: ['POST'])]
   public function addUser(User $user): int 
      $name = escape($this->request->getPost('name'));
      $added = $user->insert([
            'name' => $name,
            // Add other fields as needed

      return $added ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_SILENT;

HMVC Root Module Controller Implementation

Here's how to implement a root-level HMVC controller:

// /app/Modules/Controllers/Http/MyController.php

namespace App\Modules\Controllers\Http;

use Luminova\Base\BaseController;

class MyController extends BaseController 
    * Called during initialization.
   protected function onCreate(): void
      // Add any setup logic here

HMVC Specific Module Controller Implementation

Below is an example of a controller specific to an HMVC module:

// /app/Modules/FooModule/Controllers/Http/MyController.php

namespace App\Modules\FooModule\Controllers\Http;

use Luminova\Base\BaseController;

class MyController extends BaseController 
    * Called during initialization.
   protected function onCreate(): void
      // Add any setup logic here


  1. File Organization:

    • Place your controllers in the appropriate directory based on the architecture (MVC or HMVC).
    • Use descriptive module names for better organization.
  2. Customization:

    • Override onCreate for setup tasks specific to your controller.
    • Add action methods (e.g., addUser) as needed to handle application logic.
  3. Best Practices:

    • Keep your controllers thin by delegating business logic to services or models.
    • Use dependency injection where applicable.

View Content Response

Below is an example of using a template view file to handle an index page.

Template File Example:

<!-- File: resources/View/index.php -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<head><title>Index Example</title></head>
    Current Theme: <?= $this->theme; ?>

Controller Method Example:

#[Route('/', methods: ['GET'])]
public function mainIndex(): int 
    return $this->view('index', [
        'theme' => 'dark'
    ], 'html', 200);

Equivalent example using the application instance:

#[Route('/', methods: ['GET'])]
public function mainIndex(): int 
    return $this->app->view('index', 'html')->render([
        'theme' => 'dark'
    ], 200);

Returning Rendered View Content

If you need to return the rendered view content instead of sending it directly to the client, you can do the following:

#[Route('/', methods: ['GET'])]
public function mainIndex(): int 
    $content = $this->respond('index', [
        'theme' => 'dark'
    ], 'html', 200);

    // Process or log the content here if needed
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

Equivalent example using the application instance:

#[Route('/', methods: ['GET'])]
public function mainIndex(): int 
    $content = $this->app->view('index', 'html')->respond([
        'theme' => 'dark'
    ], 200);

    // Process or log the content here if needed
    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

This can be useful when you want to send the entire content as an email template.

Custom Response Handling

You can customize responses by interacting with the Luminova\Template\Response class:

#[Route('/', methods: ['GET'])]
public function mainIndex(Luminova\Template\Response $response): int 
    $response->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');

    return $response->json([
        'foo' => 'Bar'

Alternatively, you can use the global helper function for simplicity:

#[Route('/', methods: ['GET'])]
public function mainIndex(): int 
    return response(200)->json([
        'foo' => 'Bar'


  1. Flexibility:

    • The view method is useful for rendering templates and delivering them to clients.
    • The respond method is helpful when you need to manipulate or store the rendered content before returning.
  2. Custom Responses:

    • You can easily craft JSON, HTML, XML, or other types of responses using the Response class or helper.
  3. Integration:

    • These methods align with Luminova's routing and response systems, ensuring a consistent and streamlined approach to handling client requests.

Class Definition

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Base\BaseController
  • This class is an Abstract class


Access to HTTP request object.

protected ?Luminova\Interface\LazyInterface<Luminova\Http\Request> $request = null;

Access to input validation object.

protected ?Luminova\Interface\LazyInterface<Luminova\Security\Validation> $validate = null;

Access to application object.

protected ?Luminova\Interface\LazyInterface<App\Application> $app = null;



The view method serves as a convenient alias or shorthand for rendering views within the controller class.

protected final view(string $view, array $options = [], string $type = 'html', int $status = 200): int


$viewstringThe view file name without extension type.
$optionsarray<string,mixed>Optional options to be passed to view template.
$typestringThe view content extension type (default: html).
$statusintHTTP status code to response (default: 200 OK)..

Return Value:

int - Return one of the following status codes:

  • STATUS_SUCCESS if the view is handled successfully,
  • STATUS_SILENT if failed, silently terminate without error page allowing you to manually handle the state.


Render view within controller method:

$this->view('view-name', [...], 'html', 200);

Equivalent to the above example:

$this->app->view('view-name', 'html')->render([...], 200);


The respond method is also a convenient alias or shorthand for returning view contents within the controller class.

View Types:

Any of these types are supported view type argument for respond and view method.

  • html - View will render HTML content.
  • json - View will render JSON content.
  • text - View will render Plain text content.
  • xml - View will render XML content.
  • js - View will render JavaScript content.
  • css - View will render CSS content.
  • rdf - View will render RDF content.
  • atom - View will render Atom content.
  • rss - View will render RSS feed content.
protected final respond(string $view, array $options = [], string $type = 'html', int $status = 200): string


$viewstringThe view file name without extension type.
$optionsarray<string,mixed>Optional options to be passed to view template.
$typestringThe view content extension type (default: html).
$statusintHTTP status code to response (default: 200 OK)..

Return Value:

string - Return view contents which is ready to be rendered.


Process view and return contents:

$content = $this->respond('view-name', [...], 'html', 200);

Equivalent to the above example:

$content = $this->app->view('view-name', 'html')->respond([...], 200);


The onCreate method in the controller serves as an alternative to __construct. It is invoked after the controller class has completed its initialization via the constructor method. When using this method for initialization, there is no need to explicitly call parent::__construct().

protected onCreate(): void


The onDestroy method in the controller acts as an alternative to __destruct. It is called after the __destruct method has completed its execution.

protected onDestroy(): void


Handles the failure of the middleware check in the controller.
Invoked when the middleware method returns STATUS_ERROR, this allows you render a custom view or display an error message.

protected onMiddlewareFailure(string $uri, array $classInfo): void


$uristringThe request URI, useful for logging or triggering an error view.
$classInfoarray<string,mixed>Information about the class where the middleware check failed.


Render View on Middleware Failure

namespace App\Controllers\Http;

use Luminova\Base\BaseController;
use Luminova\Attributes\Route;

class AccountController extends BaseController
   #[Route('/account/(:root)', methods: ['ANY'], middleware: Route::BEFORE_MIDDLEWARE)]
   public function middleware(): int
      return $this->app->session->online() ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_ERROR;

   protected function onMiddlewareFailure(string $uri, array $classInfo): void 