Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Cron Tasks Configuration

Last updated: 2024-12-26 08:54:28

The CronJob configuration class enables you to define services and their execution intervals. When registered with `crontab` and paired with the novakit command-line tool, it facilitates the period

The Cron class is the central configuration for defining and scheduling tasks to be executed by the cron task manager. It extends the CoreCronTasks class provided by Luminova Core and allows you to schedule services and their corresponding execution intervals.


The Cron class is located in the /app/Config/ namespace and defines tasks to be executed by implementing the schedule method. This method specifies the services (controller methods) to be executed at defined intervals.

Class Definition

  • Class namespace: \App\Config\Cron
  • File path: /app/Config/Cron.php
  • Parent Class: Luminova\Core\CoreCronTasks
  • This class is marked as final and can't be subclassed



The schedule abstract method is the primary method where tasks are defined and scheduled. It uses the service method to register services and allows chaining additional configuration methods such as seconds and output.

protected function schedule(): void


  • Define services to be executed by cron.
  • Set the execution interval for each service.
  • Specify log file paths for task output.

Example Implementation

protected function schedule(): void
        ->output(root('/writeable/log/') . 'cron-one.log');


Configuration Options


The service method specifies the task to be executed. It accepts a combination of a controller class and a method name. The controller can be an Http controller or a Cli controller class designed for execution.


The service definition must adhere to the following pattern: a fully qualified class name (FQCN) followed by :: and the method name, resembling the syntax for invoking a static method.


Full Example

Below is a complete example of the Cron class configuration:

// /app/Config/Cron.php
namespace App\Config;

use Luminova\Core\CoreCronTasks;

final class Cron extends CoreCronTasks
     * Define and schedule tasks for cron execution.
    protected function schedule(): void
            ->output(root('/writeable/log/') . 'cron-one.log');


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