Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Integration of OpenAI Models

Last updated: 2024-12-07 04:16:33

Using Luminova OpenAI class, to integrate AI functionalities into your applications, enhancing the capabilities and providing users with advanced AI-powered features.

The Luminova OpenAI class provides an easy to use methods for integrating OpenAI's powerful language models into your applications. This class abstracts the complexities of interacting with OpenAI's API, enabling developers to effortlessly harness the capabilities of models like ChatGPT, DALL-E, Whisper, and others. Whether you're building chatbots, generating images, performing text analysis, or converting speech, the OpenAI class offers a useful methods to embedding advanced AI functionalities into your projects. To learn more about OpenAI Integration.

Example Usage

Here's a basic example demonstrating how to use the Luminova\OpenAI class to generate text completions:

use \Luminova\Ai\Models\OpenAI;
use \Luminova\Exceptions\AppException;

$openai = new OpenAI('your-api-key');

try {
    $options = ['model' => 'gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct'];
    $response = $openai->completion('Tell me a joke.', $options);
} catch (AppException $e) {
    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();

Using the AI Model class for easy implementation, this is useful when you want to switch AIs.

use \Luminova\Ai\Model;
use \Luminova\Ai\Models\OpenAI;
use \Luminova\Exceptions\AppException;

$ai = new Model(); // Optional pass AI class instance (default: OpenAI)

try {
    $options = ['model' => 'gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct'];
    $response = $ai->completion('Tell me a joke.', $options);
} catch (AppException $e) {
    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();


To get started, Set up your API key, and optional organization and project IDs.


Constructs a new instance.

public __construct(string $apiKey, string $version = 'v1', string|null $organization = null, string|null $project = null)


$apiKeystringThe API key for OpenAI.
$versionstringThe API version (default: v1).
$organizationstring|nullThe organization ID (optional).
$projectstring|nullThe project ID (optional).


Get completions for the given prompt.

public completion(string $prompt, array $options = []): array


$promptstringThe prompt for which completions are requested.
$optionsarrayOptional parameters to pass to the API.
Required options:
- model (string): The model to use for completion (default: gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct).

Return Value:array - Returns an array of completion choices.



Get suggestions for the given prompt.

public suggestions(string $prompt, array $options = []): array


$promptstringThe prompt for which suggestions are requested.
$optionsarrayOptional parameters to pass to the API.
Required options:
- model (string): The model to use for suggestions (default: gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct).

Return Value:array - Returns an array of suggestion choices.



Send a message and receive replies.

public message(string $prompt, array $options = []): array


$promptstringThe message prompt to send.
$optionsarrayOptional parameters to pass to the API.
Required options:
- model (string): The model to use for the message (default: gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct).

Return Value:array - Returns an array of replies.



Generate random images.

public image(string $prompt, array $options = []): array|false


$promptstringThe message prompt to send.
$optionsarrayOptional parameters to pass to the API.
Required options:
- model (string): The model to use for image generation (default: dall-e-3).
- response_format (string): The format of the generated image (default: url).

Return Value:array|false - An array of image URLs or base64 encoded images, false on failure.



Edit or swap areas of an image with another image.

public imageEdit(string $prompt, array $options): array|false


$promptstringThe message prompt to send.
$optionsarrayOptional parameters to pass to the API.
Required options:
- model (string): The model to use for image editing (default: dall-e-2).
- image (string): The path to the original image to edit (PNG only, max 4MB).
- mask (string): The path to the image to swap areas with (PNG only, max 4MB).
- response_format (string): The format of the edited image (default: url).

Return Value:array|false - An array of edited image URLs or base64 encoded images, false on failure.



Create additional training on how ChatGPT should behave based on your training examples.

public fineTune(string $trainingFile, array $options = []): array


$trainingFilestringThe path to the training file.
$optionsarrayOptional parameters to pass to the API.
Required options:
- model (string): The model to use for fine-tuning (default: gpt-3.5-turbo).

Return Value:array - Returns an array of training responses.



Get text embeddings to measure the relatedness of text strings.

public embed(string|array $input, array $options = []): array


$inputstring|arrayThe text or array of text to embed.
$optionsarrayOptional parameters to pass to the API.
Required options:
- model (string): The model to use for embeddings (default: text-embedding-ada-002).

Return Value:array - Returns an array of embedding vectors.



Generate audio from text.

public speech(string $text, array $options = []): string|false


$textstringThe text to convert to audio.
$optionsarrayAdditional options for conversion.
Available options:
- model (string): The model to use for conversion (default: tts-1).
- voice (string): The voice to use for conversion (default: alloy), available voices: alloy, echo, fable, onyx, nova, or shimmer.
- path (string): The destination path to save the converted file (default: writeable/ai/speech).
- response_format (string): The format of the converted file (default: mp3).
- symlink (string): Optional symbolic link destination.

Return Value:string|false - Return file url on success, false on failure.



Translates audio to text.

public audio(string $filename, array $options = []): string|false


$filenamestringThe path to the audio file.
$optionsarrayAdditional options for conversion.
Available options:
- model (string): The model to use for conversion (default: whisper-1).
- response_format (string): The format of the converted file (default: json).

Return Value:string|false - Returns the converted audio on success, false on failure.



Retrieve a list of available models.

public models(string|null $name = null): array


$namestring|nullThe name of the model to retrieve (optional).

Return Value:array - An array containing information about the model(s).


API Options

Shared Options

  • model (string) (required) - The model to use for the API call.
  • n (int) (optional) - The number of items to generate.
  • user (string) (optional) - The identifier for the end-user.


  • max_tokens (int) (optional) - The maximum number of tokens to generate.
  • temperature (float) (optional) - The sampling temperature to use, ranging from 0 to 1.

Image Generation

  • size (string) (optional) - The dimensions of the generated image, e.g., 256x256.
  • response_format (string) (optional) - The format of the API response, e.g., url or base64_json.

Image Editing

  • image (string) (required) - The path to the original image to edit (PNG only, max 4MB).
  • mask (string) (required) - The path to the image to use as a mask (PNG only, max 4MB).
  • size (string) (optional) - The dimensions of the edited image, e.g., 256x256.
  • response_format (string) (optional) - The format of the API response, e.g., url or base64_json.

Speech Generation

  • voice (string) (optional) - The voice to use for audio conversion. Available voices: alloy, echo, fable, onyx, nova, or shimmer. Default is alloy.
  • path (string) (optional) - The destination path to save the converted file. Default is writeable/ai/speech.
  • symlink (string) (optional) - The optional symbolic link destination for audio files.
  • response_format (string) (optional) - The format of the API response, e.g., mp3, wav.

Audio Transcription

  • prompt (string) (optional) - The optional text prompt to guide the transcription.
  • language (string) (optional) - The language of the audio file.
  • response_format (string) (optional) - The format of the API response, e.g., json, text.
  • temperature (float) (optional) - The sampling temperature to use for transcription, ranging from 0 to 1.


  • validation_file (string) (required) - The path to the validation file for fine-tuning.
  • training_file (string) (required) - The path to the training file for fine-tuning.


  • dimensions (int) (optional) - The number of dimensions for the embedding vector.
  • encoding_format (string) (optional) - The format of the embedding, e.g., json, binary.