Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Time-Based One-Time Password Authenticator

Last updated: 2025-01-26 09:37:26

An interface for Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) generation and validation. It uses an AuthenticatorInterface implementation (e.g., Google Authenticator) to manage secrets, generate QR codes and

The TOTP class simplifies the integration of Time-Based One-Time Passwords (TOTP) in your application. It provides user-friendly methods to specify an authenticator client, ensuring consistency across your implementation.

By default, the Google Authenticator client Luminova\Security\Authenticator\Google is used. To use a different client, simply implement the \Luminova\Interface\AuthenticatorInterface interface to create a custom authenticator.

Usage Examples

Create a TOTP Instance

use Luminova\Security\TOTP;
use Luminova\Security\Authenticator\Google;
use Luminova\Cache\FileCache;
use DateTimeZone;

// Initialize the TOTP authenticator
$auth = TOTP::create(
    new Google(
        '[email protected]',
        new DateTimeZone('Africa/Lagos'), // Optional timezone
        new FileCache('authenticator')   // Optional PSR-6 cache instance

Setup TOTP for a New User

// Generate a secret and associate it with the user
$secret = $auth->secret(Google::generateSecret());

// Display the QR Code image and secret for the user
echo $auth->image();
echo "\nScan this QR Code\nYour Authenticator Secret: {$secret}";

Verify User Secret and TOTP Code

$user_secret = 'EWQAIIFPZPDLFS2K'; // User's secret
$code = '12345'; // TOTP code provided by the user

// Assign the user's secret to the authenticator

// Validate the provided code
if ($auth->validate($code)) {
    echo 'Token is valid';
} else {
    echo 'Token is invalid';

Class Definition

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Security\TOTP
  • This class is marked as final and can't be subclassed\



Factory method to create a TOTP instance.

public static create(?Luminova\Interface\AuthenticatorInterface $client = null): self


$client\Luminova\Interface\AuthenticatorInterface|nullOptional custom authenticator client.
Defaults to a Google Authenticator client.

Return Value:

self - Return a new TOTP instance.


Get or set the secret key used for TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password).

This method allows you to either retrieve the current secret key or set a new one.If a secret is provided, it will be set as the new secret key.If no secret is provided, the current secret key will be returned.

public secret(?string $secret = null): ?string


$secretstring|nullOptional. The secret key to set.
If null, the method will retrieve the current secret.

Return Value:

string|null - Returns the newly set secret key if a new secret was provided, or the current secret key if no new secret was given. Returns null if no secret is set and none was provided.


Generate the QR code URL for the authenticator.

public url(): string

Return Value:

string - Return the URL for the QR code.



Generate the QR code image for the TOTP setup.

This method generates a QR code image for Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) setup.It can create the image in different formats and sizes, either using an installed QR code library or a fallback method using an external service.

public image(int $size = 200, string $format = 'svg'): string


$sizeintThe size of the QR code image in pixels. Default is 200.
$formatstringThe desired format of the QR code image.
Supported formats are 'png', 'svg', and 'base64'. Default is 'svg'.

Return Value:

string - Return the QR code image as HTML element, depending on the chosen format and generation method.



Retrieve the label for the TOTP account.

public label(): string

Return Value:

string - Return the label for the account.


Retrieve the account identifier used for the TOTP.

public account(): string

Return Value:

string - Return the account identifier.


Validate a TOTP code.

public validate(string $code, int $discrepancy = 1, int $timeStep = 30): bool


$codestringThe TOTP code to validate.
$discrepancyintThe allowed time window (in steps) for validation. Default: 1.
$timeStepintThe time step in seconds for TOTP generation. Default: 30.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the code is valid; otherwise, false.
