Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Command Execution and Formatting with the Terminal Module

Last updated: 2024-12-23 06:51:05

NovaKit Terminal class seamlessly facilitates user prompts and manages input with built-in validation like a web form capabilities, it enhances the CLI experience for efficient workflow & productivity

The Luminova Terminal class is a command utility helper designed to facilitate command operations for NovaKit, BaseCommand, and BaseConsole. While it can be initialized and used independently, most of its methods are defined statically for easy access. However, not all methods can be executed correctly without proper constructor initialization.

This class offers a powerful set of methods that enhance command-line interactions for developers utilizing the Luminova framework. Key features include:

  • Table Generation: Create and display formatted tables.
  • User Input Prompts: Easily prompt users for input, including secure password entries.
  • Write Operations: Read from and write in command line tool using various methods.
  • Command Argument Extraction: Efficiently extract command-line arguments.
  • Command Execution: Execute commands directly within the terminal.
  • Output Formatting and Styling: Format and style command text output for improved readability.

The Terminal class is inherited by the BaseCommand class, making its methods available for use within your controller classes, either statically or through the this keyword.

Basic Usage Examples

Using the Terminal Class in Command Controllers

When calling methods from the Terminal class within your command controller, use $this or self. This approach assumes that the Terminal instance is initialized within the command controller.

For example, avoid the following within the command controller class:

$terminal = new Terminal();
// or

Instead, use:

// or 

Table Display

Display a simple table with names and emails:

    ['Name', 'Email'], 
        ['Name' => 'Peter', 'Email' => '[email protected]'],
        ['Name' => 'Hana', 'Email' => '[email protected]']


│ Name  │ Email             │
│ Peter │ [email protected] │
│ Hana  │ [email protected]  │

Multiple Chooser Prompts

Ask the user to choose an option or default to the first element:

$array = Terminal::chooser(
    'Choose your programming languages?', 
    ['PHP', 'JAVA', 'SWIFT', 'JS', 'SQL', 'CSS', 'HTML']

Require the user to choose at least one option is required:

$array = Terminal::chooser(
    'Choose your programming languages?', 
    ['PHP', 'JAVA', 'SWIFT', 'JS', 'SQL', 'CSS', 'HTML'], 

User Prompts

Prompt the user with color-coded options and is required:

$color = Terminal::prompt(
    'Are you sure you want to continue?', 
        'green' => 'YES', 
        'red' => 'NO'

Prompt the user to select their gender, without colored text nor validation required:

$gender = Terminal::prompt(
    'What is your gender?', 
    ['male', 'female'], 

Prompt the user to select an option with custom validation rules:

$email = Terminal::prompt(
    'Are you sure you want to continue?', 
    ['YES', 'NO'], 

User Input Methods

Request user to enter an input.

$name = Terminal::input('What is your name? ');
echo $name;

Request user to enter password without displaying while typing:

$password = Terminal::password('Enter your password? ');
echo $password;

Using prompt to request the user to enter their email address:

$email = Terminal::prompt('What is your email?');
echo $email;

Waiting Examples

Display a waiting message until the user presses any key:


Show a waiting message for 20 seconds with a countdown:


Show a custom downloading message for 20 seconds:

Terminal::waiting(20, 'Downloading... (%d seconds)');

Freezing Examples

Freeze the console screen for 20 seconds:


Freeze the console and clear all output and user input for 20 seconds:

Terminal::freeze(20, true);

Progress Bar Examples

Draw a progress bar with with manual step updates:

for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i++) {
    $step = Terminal::progress($i, 100);

    if ($step >= 100) {
        echo 'Am done';

Stope a progress bar halfway, up to 50% without completing:

for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i++) {
    $step = Terminal::progress($i, 100);

    if ($step >= 50) {
        echo 'Am done halfway';

Watcher Examples

Show 100 lines of progress with callbacks and a beep upon completion:

Terminal::watcher(100, function() {
    Terminal::writeln("Am done here");
}, function(float|int $step) {
    // Avoid adding a new line here to prevent progress bars from miss-aligning except is intended
    Terminal::write(" Current {$step}");

Example Output:

index.php foo --watch [##########] 100% Current 99 Current 100 Am done here

Animation Example

Draw a spinning animation with an array list of any charters. Animate 5 spins, a 100ms sleep between frames, and a custom completion message:

Terminal::spinner(['-', '\\', '|', '/'], 5, 100000, function() {
    Terminal::write("Finished spinning!\n");

Example Output:

index.php foo --spin Animating:

Class Definition

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Command\Terminal


These constants represent the standard input, output, and error streams, often used in terminal or command-line applications to manage and control where data flows.

STD_OUTint0Standard output stream, typically used for displaying normal messages or output in a terminal.
STD_ERRint1Standard error stream, used for displaying error messages and diagnostic information.
STD_INint2Standard input stream, used for receiving input from the user or another source in a terminal.


Input validations object.

protected static ?\Luminova\Security\Validation $validation = null;



Initialize command line instance before running any commands.

public __construct(): mixed


Displays a countdown timer in the console, with a custom message pattern, or prompts the user to press any key to continue.

public static waiting(int $seconds, string $pattern = 'Waiting...(%d seconds)'): void


$secondsintThe number of seconds to wait before continuing (default: 0 seconds).
$patternstringA custom message pattern to display during the waiting countdown (default: Waiting...(%d seconds)).
Use %d as a placeholder for the remaining seconds.

Return Value:

Note:During count down, the CLI screen will be wiped out of any output.If number of seconds is less than 1, it will prompt message Press any key to continue....


Freeze and pause execution for a specified number of seconds, optionally clear the screen and the user input during the freeze.

public static freeze(int $seconds = 10, bool $clear = true): void


$secondsintThe number of seconds to freeze execution (default: 10).
$clearboolWeather to clear the console screen and input while freezing (default: false).


Displays a rotating spinner animation in the CLI.

public static spinner(
    array $spinners = [...], 
    int $spins = 10, 
    int $sleep = 100000, 
    \Closure|bool|null $onComplete = null
): void


$spinnersarrayAn array of characters representing each frame of the spinner animation, (default: Array('-', '\', '|', '/')).
$spinsintThe number of full rotations (i.e., cycles through the spinner array) to display (default: 10).
$sleepintThe delay in microseconds between each frame of the spinner animation to control animation speed, default is 100,000 (0.1 seconds).
$onComplete\Closure|bool|nullA callback or boolean indicating what should happen after the spinner finishes (default: null).
If true, it outputs "Done!\n". If a Closure is provided, it will be executed.


Displays a progress bar in the console for a given number of steps.

public static progress(int|false $step = 1, int $steps = 10, bool $beep = true): float|int


$stepint|falseThe current step in the progress, set to false to indicate completion.
$stepsintThe total number of steps for the progress.
$beepboolWhether to beep when the progress is complete (default: true).

Return Value:

float|int - Return the percentage of completion between (0-100) or 100 if completed.

Note: Progress should be called in a loop otherwise use watcher method.


Displays a progress bar on the console and executes optional callbacks at each step and upon completion.

public static watcher(
    int $limit, 
    ?\Closure $onFinish = null, 
    ?\Closure $onProgress = null, 
    bool $beep = true
): void


$limitintThe total number of progress steps to display.
$onFinish\Closure|nullA callback to execute when the progress reaches 100% (default: null).
$onProgress\Closure|nullA callback to execute at each progress step (default: null).
$beepboolIndicates whether to emit a beep sound upon completion. Defaults to true.

Progress Callback Signature:

Receiving the current progress percentage using $onProgress Closure.

Terminal::watcher(5, function(float|int $step): void {
    echo "Progress: $step%";

This method is designed to be called without a loop, as it handles the iteration internally.It is useful for showing progress while performing a task and executing subsequent actions when complete.


Beep or make a bell sound for a certain number of time.

public static beeps(int $total = 1): void


$totalintThe total number of time to beep.


Prompt user to type something, optionally pass an array of options for user to enter any.Additionally, you can make a colored options by using the array key for color name (e.g,['green' => 'YES', 'red' => 'NO']).

public static prompt(
    string $message, 
    array $options = [], 
    string|false|null $validations = null, 
    bool $silent = false
): string


$messagestringThe message to prompt.
$optionsarrayOptional array options to prompt for selection.
$validationsstring|false|nullOptional validation rules to ensure only the listed options are allowed (default: null), resulting to validation with rules as required\|in_array(foo,bar,baz).
To disable validation pass false as the value.
$silentboolWeather to print validation failure message if wrong option was selected (default: false).

Return Value:

string - Return the client input value.

See Also:


Request user with multiple option selection.This method will use the array index key as the option identifier to select, even if the array is an associative array users will still see indexed key instead.

public static chooser(string $text, array $options, bool $required = false): array<string|int,mixed>


$textstringThe chooser description message to prompt.
$optionsarrayThe list of options to prompt (e.g, ['male' => 'Male', 'female' => 'Female'] or ['male', 'female']).
$requiredboolRequire user to choose any option else the first array will be return as default.

Return Value:

array<string|int,mixed> Return the client selected option array key and values.



Prompts the user to enter a password with hidden input. Supports retry attempts and optional timeout.

  • On Windows, it uses a VBS script or PowerShell to hide the input.
  • On Linux/Unix, it uses a bash command to hide the input.
public static password(string $message = 'Enter Password', int $retry = 3, int $timeout = 0): string


$messagestringOptional message to display when prompting for the password (default: 'Enter Password').
$retryintThe number of allowed retry attempts, set to 0 for unlimited retries (default: 3).
$timeoutintOptional time window for password input in seconds, set to 0 for no timeout (default: 0).

Return Value:

string - Return the entered password or an empty string if the maximum retry attempts are exceeded.

Highlights URL to indicate it clickable in terminal.

public static link(string $url, ?string $title = null): void 


$urlstringThe url to be highlighted.
$titlestring\nullOptional title to be displayed (default: null).


Terminates the script execution with an optional message and status code.

This method provides a consistent way to end script execution, optionally printing a message before termination. The script exits with the provided status code, which defaults to a success code. If a non-success status code is provided, the script will still terminate, but the status code can be used to indicate an error or abnormal termination to the system.

public static terminate(?string $message = null, int $statusCode = STATUS_SUCCESS): never


$messagestring|nullOptional message to display before termination (default: null).
$statusCodeintAn exit status code to terminate the script with (default: STATUS_SUCCESS).


Execute a callback function after a specified timeout when no input or output is received.

public static timeout(\Closure $callback, int $timeout, mixed $stream = STDIN): bool


$callback\ClosureThe callback function to execute on timeout.
$timeoutintTimeout duration in seconds. If <= 0, callback is invoked immediately (default: 0).
$streammixedOptional stream to monitor for activity (default: STDIN).

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if the timeout occurred and callback was executed, otherwise false.


Execute a system command.

public execute(string $command): array|false


$commandstringThe command to execute.

Return Value:

array|false - Return the output of executed command as an array of lines, or false on failure.


Executes a command via exec and redirect error output to null based on the platform (Windows or Unix-like).

public static _exec(string $command, array& $output = [], int &$result_code = STATUS_ERROR): string|bool


$commandstringThe command to execute.
$outputarrayOutput lines of the executed command (default: []).
$result_codeintThe exit status of the executed command, passed by reference (default: STATUS_ERROR).

Return Value:

string|false - Return the last line of the command output, or false on failure.


Executes a shell command via shell_exec and return the complete output as a string.Also it redirects error output to NUL based on the platform (Windows or Unix-like).

public static _shell(string $command): string|bool|null


$commandstringThe command to execute.

Return Value:

string|bool|null - Return the output of the command, or null on error.


Toggles the terminal visibility of user input.

public static visibility(bool $visibility = true): bool


$visibilityboolTrue to show input, False to hide input.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if visibility toggling was successful, false otherwise.


Get user input from the shell, after requesting for user to type or select an option.

public static input(?string $prompt = null, bool $use_fopen = false): string


$promptstring|nullOptional message to prompt the user after they have typed.
$use_fopenboolWeather to use fopen, this opens STDIN stream in read-only binary mode (default: false).
This creates a new file resource.

Return Value:

string - Return user input string.


Command user input validation on prompts.

public static validate(string $value, array $rules): bool


$valuestringThe user input value.
$rulesarrayThe validation rules, array key name input value rules (e.g. ['input' => 'required\|email']).

Return Value:

bool - Return true if validation succeeded, false if validation failed.


Escapes a command argument to ensure safe execution in the shell.

public static escape(?string $argument = null): string


$argumentstring|nullThe command argument to escape.

Return Value:

string - Return the escaped command string.


$argument = 'example argument with "special" characters & symbols';
$escaped = Terminal::escape($argument);

Terminal::_exec("echo $escaped", $output);



Replace placeholders in a command with environment variable values.

Placeholders follow the format ${:VAR_NAME}, where VAR_NAME corresponds to a key in the $env array.Optionally escapes each replacement for safe shell execution.

public static replace(string $command, <string,mixed> $env, bool $escape = false): string


$commandstringThe command string with placeholders to replace.
$envarray<string,mixed>Associative array of environment variables for replacements.
$escapeboolWhether to escape each replacement after substitution (default: false).

Return Value:

string - Throws if a placeholder variable is not found in $env or is set to false.



Example of the environment variables:

$command = 'echo "${:USER} is running a ${:TASK}"';
$env = [
    'USER' => 'Alice',
    'TASK' => 'test command'

Replace placeholders:

$command = Terminal::replace($command, $env);
echo $command; 
// Output: echo "Alice is running a test command"

Execute the command:

Terminal::_exec($escaped, $output);


Display an error message box with a default red background and white text.

public static error(
    string $text, 
    string|null $foreground = 'white',
    string|null $background ='red'
): void


$textstringThe text to output.
$foregroundstring|nullForeground color name.
$backgroundstring|nullOptional background color name.

Note: The message is formatted as a block and written to STDOUT.


Display a success message with a default green background and white text.

public static success(
    string $text, 
    string|null $foreground = 'white', 
    string|null $background = 'green'
): void


$textstringThe text to output.
$foregroundstring|nullAn optional foreground color name (default: white).
$backgroundstring|nullAn optional background color name (default: green).


Print text followed by a newline to the specified stream, defaulting to Terminal::STD_OUT.

public static writeln(
    string $text = '', 
    ?string $foreground = null, 
    ?string $background = null, 
    int $stream = self::STD_OUT
): void


$textstringThe text to write in a new line (default: blank).
$foregroundstring|nullAn optional foreground color name (default: null).
$backgroundstring|nullAn optional background color name (default: null).
$streamintThe stream resource to write to (e.g, Terminal::STD_OUT, Terminal::STD_IN, Terminal::STD_ERR).


Print text without appending a newline to the specified stream, defaulting to Terminal::STD_OUT.

public static write(
    string $text = '', 
    ?string $foreground = null, 
    ?string $background = null, 
    int $stream = self::STD_OUT
): void


$textstringThe text to write (default: blank).
$foregroundstring|nullAn optional foreground color name (default: null).
$backgroundstring|nullAn optional background color name (default: null).
$streamintThe stream resource to write to (e.g, Terminal::STD_OUT, Terminal::STD_IN, Terminal::STD_ERR).


Print text directly using echo without any stream handling.

public static print(string $text, ?string $foreground = null, ?string $background = null): void


$textstringThe text to print.
$foregroundstring|nullAn optional foreground color name (default: null).
$backgroundstring|nullAn optional background color name (default: null).


Write text to the specified stream resource, without applying any colors defaulting to STDOUT.

public static fwrite(string $text, resource|int $handler = self::STD_OUT): void


$textstringThe text to output or write.
$handlerresource|intThe stream resource handler to write to (e.g. STDOUT, STDERR, STDIN).

Note: If the environment is non-command-based, the text will be output using echo instead of fwrite.


Clears the entire console screen for both Windows and Unix-based systems.

This method refreshes the entire terminal view, removing all previously displayed content.

public static clear(): void


Clears the last printed line or lines of text in the terminal output.

This method is useful for updating the terminal with new content withoutclearing the entire screen, allowing for a more controlled output.

public static flush(?string $lastOutput = null): void


$lastOutputstring|nullAn optional last output printed to the terminal (default: null).

If $lastOutput is provided, the it calculates how many lines it occupied and clears them.If not provided, it clears the current line only.


Print new lines based on specified count.

public static newLine(int $count = 1): void


$countintThe number of new lines to print.


Oops! command, show an error message for unknown executed command.

public static oops(string $command, string|null $color = 'red'): int


$commandstringThe command that was executed.
$colorstring|nullText color for the command (default: red).

Return Value:

int - Return status code STATUS_ERROR.


Generate and print a formatted table with headers and rows to the console.

This method constructs a visually appealing table using the specified headers and data rows.It supports customization of text colors for both the header and the table content, as well as options for displaying borders after each table row.

public static table(
    string[] $headers, 
    array<int,array<string,string>> $rows, 
    ?string $foreground = null,
    ?string $headerColor = null, 
    ?string $borderColor = null,
    bool $border = true
): string


$headersarray<int,string>The headers for the table columns, where each header is defined by its index.
$rowsarray<int,array<string,string>>The rows of table data to display in the tables body, where each row is an associative array with keys representing the column headers and values containing the corresponding content.
$foregroundstring|nullAn optional text color for the table's body content (default: null).
$headerColorstring|nullAn optional text color for the table header columns (default: null).
$borderColorstring|nullAn optional color for the table borders (default: null).
$borderboolIndicate whether to display borders between each table raw (default: true).

Return Value:

string - Return the formatted table as a string, ready to be output to the console.


Checks whether the current stream resource supports or refers to a valid terminal type device.

public static isStreamSupports(string $function, resource|string|int $resource = self::STD_OUT): bool


$functionstringFunction name to check.
$resourceresource|string|intResource to handle (e.g. Terminal::STD_*, STDIN, STDOUT).

Return Value:

bool - Return true if stream resource is supported, otherwise false.


Attempts to determine the width of the viewable command line window.

final public static getWidth(int $default = 80): int


$defaultintOptional default width (default: 80).

Return Value:

int - Return terminal window width or default.


Attempts to determine the height of the viewable command line window.

final public static getHeight(int $default = 24): int


$defaultintOptional default height (default: 24).

Return Value:

int - Return terminal window height or default.


Get command argument by index number.

public static getArgument(int $index): mixed


$indexintThe index position to get.

Return Value:

mixed - Return command argument by index number.


Get command arguments.

public static getArguments(): array

Return Value:

array - Return command arguments.


Get command name.

public static getCommand(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Return the command name.


Get command caller command string.

public static getCaller(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Return the full passed command, options and arguments.


Get options value from command arguments.If option key is passed with an empty value true will be return otherwise the default value.

public static getOption(string $key, mixed $default = false): mixed


$keystringOption key to retrieve.
$defaultmixedDefault value to return (default: false).

Return Value:

mixed - Return option value, true if empty value, otherwise default value.


Get options value from command arguments with an alias key to lookup if main key isn't found.If option key is passed with an empty value true will be return otherwise the default value.

public static getAnyOption(string $key, string $alias, mixed $default = false): mixed


$keystringOption key to retrieve.
$aliasstringOption key alias to retrieve. if main key is not found.
$defaultmixedDefault value to return (default: false).

Return Value:

mixed - Return option value, true if empty value, otherwise default value.

Get Any Option Example

Assume you have a command, such as php index.php my-command --which=a.If you want to also accept an alias of --which as -w, then getAnyOption is what you need.

$which = Terminal::getAnyOption('which', 'w');
echo $which;

In the above example, getAnyOption('which', 'w') checks for both --which and -w, allowing you to use either option in your command.


Returns the command controller class method name.

public static getMethod(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Return the command controller class method name, otherwise null.


Returns the array of executed command option key values.

public static getOptions(): array

Return Value:

array - Return array of executed command options.


Gets a single value from executed command information by the array option key name, if it doesn't exists return null.

public static getQuery(string $name): mixed


$namestringThe option key name (e.g, group, arguments, command, caller, options, exe_string).

Return Value:

mixed - Return the command option key value.


Returns the entire command associative that was executed.This is a complied array of executed command details which has been processed for final use.

public static getQueries(): array

Return Value:

array<string,mixed> - Return an associative array of the entire command information.


Resolves the provided stream constant (Terminal::STD_OUT, Terminal::STD_ERR, or Terminal::STD_IN) and returns the corresponding PHP predefined stream (STDOUT, STDERR, or STDIN).

If the input does not match any of these constants, it returns the original input.

final public static getStd(resource|int $std): resource|string


$stdresource|intThe stream identifier, which can be one of the predefined
constants Terminal::STD_* or another value.

Return Value:

resource|string - Return the corresponding PHP stream resource (STDOUT, STDERR, STDIN)or the original input if it doesn't match any standard streams.


Force enables color output for all standard streams (STDOUT, STDERR, STDIN) without checking whether the terminal or console supports colors.

public static setColorOutputEnabled(): void

This method bypasses any checks and ensures that color formatting will be applied to the output, regardless of compatibility.


Force enables ANSI escape codes (for formatting like text color, cursor movement, etc.) for all standard streams (STDOUT, STDERR, STDIN), without checking whether the terminal or console supports ANSI codes.

public static setAnsiSupportEnabled(): void

This method will ensure that ANSI sequences will be processed, regardlessof the actual terminal capabilities.


Checks if the terminal supports ANSI escape codes for color output.

This method determines whether the current terminal can display colored text,based on the platform and the resource (e.g., STDOUT, STDERR, or STDIN).

public static isColorSupported(int $std = self::STD_OUT): bool


$stdintThe std resource to check for color support (e.g, Terminal::STD_OUT, Terminal::STD_ERR or Terminal::STD_IN).

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if color output is supported, false otherwise.

Note: On windows you must specify the stream resource (e.g, Terminal::STD_*).


Checks if the terminal supports ANSI escape codes, including color and text formatting.

This method detects whether the terminal supports ANSI features such as colors, bold, underline,and cursor movement, which are used for enhanced CLI output.

public static isAnsiSupported(int $std = self::STD_OUT): bool


$stdintThe std resource to check for ANSI support (e.g, Terminal::STD_OUT, Terminal::STD_ERR or Terminal::STD_IN).

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if ANSI escape codes are supported, false otherwise.


Checks whether the current terminal is mac terminal.

public static isMacTerminal(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if is mac, otherwise false.


Determine whether the current terminal is windows os terminal by passing the stream Terminal::STD_* resource to check on.

public static isWindowsTerminal(resource|string|int $resource = self::STD_IN): bool


$resourceresource|int|stringThe resource type to check (e.g. STDIN, STDOUT, Terminal::STD_*).

Return Value:

bool - Return true if is windows terminal, false otherwise.


Determines if the current terminal is a supported Linux terminal.

public static isLinuxTerminal(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the terminal is a supported Linux terminal, false otherwise.


Determines if PTY (Pseudo-Terminal) is supported on the current system.

public static isPtySupported(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if PTY is supported, false otherwise.


Checks if the current system supports TTY (Teletypewriter).

public static isTtySupported(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if TTY is supported, false otherwise.


Checks whether the no color is available in environment, including command flag --no-color.

public static isColorDisabled(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if color is disabled, false otherwise.


Check if command is help command.

final public static isHelp(string|array $command): bool


$commandstring|arrayCommand name to check or command array options.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if command is help, false otherwise.


Determines if ANSI escape codes are disabled explicitly, including command flag --no-ansi.

This method checks environment variables and other indicators to determineif ANSI escape codes (for colors, text formatting, etc.) should be disabled.

public static isAnsiDisabled(): bool

Return Value:

bool Returns true if ANSI escape codes are disabled, false otherwise.


Convert executed command array arguments to their original string form.

public static toString(array $arguments): ?string


$argumentsarrayThe command arguments from server variable args.

Return Value:

string|null - Returns the parsed command arguments as a string, or null if the array is empty.


Checks whether framework has the requested command.

final public static hasCommand(string $command): bool


$commandstringCommand name to check.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if command exist, false otherwise.


Print NovaKit Command line header information.This method also honors command flag --no-header.

final public static header(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if header was printed, false otherwise.