Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Database Connection Management

Last updated: 2024-12-24 10:16:35

Initializes Database Connections with efficient data management, database connection pool, and backup server connectivity.

Databases are crucial in application development for storing and managing data. The Luminova Database class simplifies initiating a database connection, enabling efficient data management. For a comprehensive guide, see Database Example.

With Luminova, establishing a database connection is easy and requires minimal configuration. Simply define your database host-name, username, and password in the ENV file.

To allow connections through the CLI, specify your MYSQL socket path in the ENV file using database.mysql.socket.path. For SQLITE, specify your database path and file in database.sqlite.path, such as writeable/database/production.sqlite, ensuring it is located in /writeable/database/.

Class Definition


Database connection driver instance.

protected ?\Luminova\Interface\DatabaseInterface $db = null;



Initializes a database connection based on provided parameters or default to .env configuration.

  • Configures maxConnections and pool properties from the provided arguments or environment variables.
  • If $pool or $max are provided, they override the corresponding environment variable values.
public __construct(?bool $pool = null, ?int $max = null)


$poolbool|nullOptional. Weather to enables or disables connection pooling.
Defaults to the value of database.connection.pool from the environment.
$maxint|nullOptional. Specifies the maximum number of database connections.
Defaults to the value of database.max.connections from the environment.



Retrieves the shared singleton instance of the Connection class.

public static getInstance(?bool $pool = null, ?int $max = null): self


$poolbool|nullOptional. Weather to enables or disables connection pooling.
$maxint|nullOptional. Specifies the maximum number of database connections.

Return Value:

self - Return the singleton instance of the Connection class.


  • \Luminova\Exceptions\DatabaseException - If all retry attempts fail, the maximum connection limit is reached, an invalid database driver is provided, an error occurs during connection, or an invalid driver interface is detected.


Retrieves a free connection from the pool. Optionally fetches the first available valid connection.

If $any_free is set to true, the method returns the first free connection that is connected and valid, removing it from the pool. Otherwise, it fetches the first connection in the pool and returns it if valid, or null if no valid connection exists.

public getPool(bool $any_free = false): ?\Luminova\Interface\DatabaseInterface


$any_freeboolIf true, returns the first valid connection from the pool (default: false).

Return Value:

DatabaseInterface - Return the first valid connection from the pool or null if none are available.


Retrieves a new database driver instance based on the provided configuration.

If no configuration is provided, the default configuration will be used.

public static newInstance(?\Luminova\Base\CoreDatabase $config = null): ?\Luminova\Interface\DatabaseInterface


$config\Luminova\Base\CoreDatabase|nullDatabase configuration (default: null).

Return Value:

DatabaseInterface|null - Return the database driver instance, or null if connection fails.


  • \Luminova\Exceptions\DatabaseException - If all retry attempts fail, the maximum connection limit is reached, an invalid database driver is provided, an error occurs during connection, or an invalid driver interface is detected.


Retrieves the database driver connection instance.

public database(): ?\Luminova\Interface\DatabaseInterface

Return Value:

DatabaseInterface|null - Return the driver connection instance, or null if not connected.


To get the raw database connection instance of PDO or mysqli.

$db = $conn->database()->raw()


Connects to the database, either returning a connection instance or reusing a previous connection from the pool if available. This method also optionally retries failed connections based on the retry attempt value set in the .env configuration (database.connection.retry) or backup database connections defined withing the App\Config\Database class.

public connect(): ?\Luminova\Interface\DatabaseInterface

Return Value:

DatabaseInterface|null -Return the database driver instance (either MySqliDriver or PdoDriver), or null if connection fails.


  • \Luminova\Exceptions\DatabaseException - If all retry attempts fail, the maximum connection limit is reached, an invalid database driver is provided, an error occurs during connection, or an invalid driver interface is detected.


Frees up the statement cursor and close current database connection.

public disconnect(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if disconnected, false otherwise.

Note: To close all connections including pools use purge method instead.


Attempts to reconnect to the database with optional fallback to backup servers.

If $retry is set to null, the method will attempt to connect using backup databases (if available).Otherwise, it will attempt to reconnect based on the specified retry count.

public retry(int|null $retry = 1): ?\Luminova\Interface\DatabaseInterface


$retryint|nullThe number of retry attempts (default: 1). Pass null to attempt fallback to backup servers.

Return Value:

DatabaseInterface|null - Returns a database connection if successful, or null if all attempts fail.



Releases a connection back to the connection pool.

public release(DatabaseInterface $connection, string $id): void


$connection\Luminova\Interface\DatabaseInterfaceThe connection to release to pools.
$idstringAn identifier for the current connection pool.


If the connection pool is not full, adds the provided connection to the pool else closes the provided connection.


Purges all pooled connections and optionally closes the current database connection.

public purge(bool $close_current = false): bool


$close_currentboolIf true, close the current database connection also (default: false).

Return Value:

bool - Return true when connections are closed, otherwise false.

Note: If the conn parameter is true, the database connection will be closed; otherwise, only the pool connections will be closed.


Count the number of connections in pools.

public count(): int

Return Value:

int - Return the number of connection pools.