Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Utility Functions for Basic Operations Using the Func Class

Last updated: 2024-11-20 20:41:27

Useful methods to format and normalize inputs, including validating email and phone numbers or generating randomized strings, EAN, UPC, UUIDs, email masking and more.

The Func module provides a range of useful methods designed to enhance and standardize data handling in your applications. Key functionalities include:

  • Input Formatting: Easily format various types of inputs to ensure consistency and correctness.
  • Email Validation: Validate email addresses to confirm they meet standard email format requirements.
  • Phone Number Validation: Check phone numbers for proper formatting and validity based on regional rules.
  • Randomized String Generation: Create unique, random strings for various purposes, such as tokens or identifiers.
  • EAN & UPC Generation: Generate European Article Number (EAN) and Universal Product Code (UPC) for products and inventory management.
  • UUID Generation: Generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) to ensure the uniqueness of elements or records in your system.
  • Email Masking: Protect email addresses by masking them, which helps to prevent spam or unauthorized use.
  • String Masking: Apply masking to other sensitive strings to enhance security and privacy.

These methods are designed to eas common data processing tasks, ensuring data integrity and facilitating a smoother development process.

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Functions\Func


The methods can be accessed through global function helper, Factory instance or call statically.

echo func()->random(50, 'string');

Or using factory instance to initialize function and call math method.

use Luminova\Application\Factory;

echo Factory::functions()->random(50, 'string');

Or continently call it statically.

use \Luminova\Functions\Func;

echo Func::random(50, 'string');


Format text before display by matching links, email, phone,hashtags and mentions with a link representation and replace multiple line breaks.

public static normalize(string $text, string $target = '_self', string $blocked = null, bool $noHtml = true): string


$textstringText to be formatted
$targetstringLink target attribute in HTML anchor name.
-@example [_blank, _self, _top, _window, _parent or frame name]
$blockedstringReplace blocked word with
$noHtmlboolDetermines whether to remove all HTML tags or only allow certain tags like <p> by default, it's set to true.

Return Value:

string - Return the formatted text.


Generate a random string or value.

public static random(int $length = 10, string $type = 'int', bool $uppercase = false): string


$lengthintThe length of the random value to generate.
$typestringThe type of random value to generate (e.g., character, alphabet, int, password, bytes, hex).
$uppercaseboolWhether to convert non-numeric values to uppercase (default: false).

Return Value:

string - Return the generated randomized value.

Supported Types:

  • character - Includes special characters like %#*^,?+$;"{}][|\/:=)(@!.-`.
  • alphabet - Contains only alphabetical characters (both uppercase and lowercase).
  • password - Combines letters, numbers, and an expanded set of special characters (%#^_-@!$&*+=|~?<>[]{}()).
  • bytes - Returns a raw binary string of the specified length.
  • hex - Returns a hexadecimal representation of random bytes.
  • int|integer - Contains only numeric characters (0-9).


Generates a secure password of 16 characters.

Func::random(16, 'password');

Generates an 8-character string in uppercase letters.

Func::random(8, 'alphabet', true);

Generates a 32-character hexadecimal string.

Func::random(32, 'hex');


Create a random big integer based on minimum and maximum.

public static bigInteger(int $min, int $max): string


$minintThe minimum number.
$maxintThe maximin number.

Return Value:

string - Return the generated big integer.


Generate product EAN13 id.

public static ean(int $country = 615, int $length = 13): string


$countryintThe start prefix country code.
$lengthintThe maximum length.

Return Value:

string - Return the generated product ean code.


Generate a product UPC ID.

public static upc(int $prefix, int $length = 12): string


$prefixintThe start prefix number.
$lengthintThe maximum length.

Return Value:

string - Return the generated UPC ID.


Generates a UUID string of the specified version.

public static uuid(int $version = 4, ?string $namespace = null, ?string $name = null): string


$versionintThe version of the UUID to generate (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5).
$namespacestring|nullThe namespace for versions 3 and 5.
$namestring|nullThe name for versions 3 and 5.

Return Value:

string - Return the generated UUID string.



Validates a UUID string against a specific version.

public static isUuid(string $uuid, int $version = 4): bool


$uuidstringThe UUID string to check.
$versionintThe UUID version to check (default: 4).

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the UUID is valid, false otherwise.


Checks if string is a valid email address, with optional support for internationalized domains.

public static isEmail(string $email, bool $allow_idn = false): bool


$emailstringThe email address to validate.
$allow_idnboolSet to true to allow internationalized domains (default: false).

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if valid email address, false otherwise.


Validates if the input is a valid phone number.

public static isPhone(string|int $phone, int $min = 10, int $max = 15): bool


$phonestring|intThe phone address to validate
$minintThe minimum allowed length allowed (default: 10).
$maxintThe maximum allowed length (default: 15).

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if valid phone number, false otherwise.


Checks if the string is a valid URL, with optional support for internationalized domains.

public static isUrl(string $url, bool $allow_idn = false, bool $http_only = false): bool


$urlstringThe URL to validate.
$allow_idnboolSet to true to allow internationalized domains (default: false).
$http_onlyboolWeather to support urls with http and https scheme (default: false).

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if valid URL, false otherwise.


Determines if a given string is likely to be Base64-encoded.

public static isBase64Encoded(string $data): bool


$datastringThe string to check for Base64 encoding.

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if the string is likely to be Base64-encoded, false otherwise.


Determines if the content string is likely a binary based on the presence of non-printable characters.

public static isBinary(string $data): bool


$datastringThe string to check for binary.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if it's a binary, false otherwise.


Formats a phone number as (xxx) xxx-xxxx or xxx-xxxx depending on the length.

public static formatPhone(string $phone): string


$phonestringThe phone address to format.

Return Value:

string - Return the formatted phone number.


Determine if password strength matches the basic strength recommendation.

public static strength(string $password, int $complexity = 4, int $min = 6, int $max = 50): bool


$passwordstringThe password string to check.
$complexityintThe maximum complexity pass count 4 means password must contain (numbers, uppercase, lowercase and special characters).
$minintThe minimum allowed password length (default: 6).
$maxintThe maximum allowed password length (default: 50).

Return Value:

bool - Return true if password passed, otherwise false.


Strictly sanitizes user input to protect against invalid characters and ensure it conforms to the expected type.

This method validates and sanitizes a given string based on predefined patterns for various data types.If the string contains HTML tags, those tags and their content will be removed or replaced according to the provided replacement. If NULL is provided for $replacement and the string does not match the expected type, an exception will be thrown.

public static strictType(string $value, string $type = 'name', string|null $replacement = ''): ?string


$valuestringThe input string value to be sanitized.
$typestringThe expected data type (e.g., 'int', 'email', 'username').
$replacementstring|nullThe symbol to replace disallowed characters or null to throw and exception (default: '').

Return Value:

string|null - Return the sanitized string or null if input doesn't match nor support replacing like email url username or password.


Available Types:

  • int : Only numeric characters (0-9) are allowed.
  • numeric : Numeric characters, including negative numbers and decimals.
  • key : Alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens.
  • password : Alphanumeric characters, and special characters (@, *, !, _, -).
  • username : Alphanumeric characters, hyphen, underscore, and dot.
  • email : Alphanumeric characters and characters allowed in email addresses.
  • url : Valid URL characters (alphanumeric, ?, #, &, +, =, . , : , /, -).
  • money : Numeric characters, including decimal and negative values.
  • double : Floating point numbers (numeric and decimal points).
  • alphabet : Only alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z).
  • phone : Numeric characters, plus sign, and hyphen (e.g., phone numbers).
  • name : Unicode characters, spaces, and common name symbols (e.g., apostrophe).
  • timezone : Alphanumeric characters, hyphen, slash, and colon (e.g., timezone names).
  • time : Alphanumeric characters and colon (e.g., time format).
  • date : Alphanumeric characters, hyphen, slash, comma, and space (e.g., date format).
  • uuid : A valid UUID format (e.g., 8-4-4-4-12 hexadecimal characters).
  • default : Removes HTML tags.


use \Luminova\Functions\Func;

$input = '1235hJndhb@<script>alert("hello");</script>';
echo Func::strictType($input, 'int'); // Returns 1235

Note:HTML tags (including their content) are completely removed for the 'any' type.This method ensures secure handling of input to prevent invalid characters or unsafe content.Additionally this method can easily be used from it global helper function strict(...).


Remove subdomains from a URL and return the main domain name only.

public static mainDomain(string $url): string


$urlstringThe input URL from which subdomains should be removed.

Return Value:

string - Return the main domain extracted from the URL.


Remove main domain from a URL and return only the first subdomain name.

public static subdomain(string $url): string


$urlstringThe input URL from which the domain should be extracted.

Return Value:

string - Return the extracted domain or an empty string if no domain is found.

Note: www is considered as none subdomain.And only the first level of subdomain will be returned if the url contains multiple levels of subdomain.


Truncate a string in specified length and adds an ellipsis at the end if the text is longer than the specified length.

public static truncate(string $text, int $length = 10, string $encoding = 'UTF-8'): string


$textstringThe string to truncate.
$lengthintThe length to display before truncating.
$encodingstringThe text encoding type.

Return Value:

string - Return the truncated string.


Convert a string to base64 encode in other to pass it as a URL parameter.

public static base64_url_encode(string $input): string


$inputstringThe string to encode.

Return Value:

string - Return base64 encoded string url.


Decode a URL Base64 decoded string back to it's original content.

public static base64_url_decode(string $input): string


$inputstringThe base64 encoded URL string to decode.

Return Value:

string - Return base64 decoded string.


Mask an email address to hide part of it (e.g pe***[email protected]).

public static maskEmail(string $email, string $masker = '*'): string


$emailstringThe email address to mask.
$maskerstringThe mask character (default: *).

Return Value:

string - Return masked email address.


Mask a string by position to hide part of it (e.g: mfk****kld).

public static mask(string $string, string $masker = '*', string $position = 'center'): string


$stringstringThe string to mask.
$maskerstringThe mask character (default: *).
$positionstringThe position of the string to mask (center, left, or right).

Return Value:

string - Return masked string.