Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Asynchronous Interval Execution with Timeouts

Last updated: 2024-12-20 16:40:44

Interval class mimics the behavior of JavaScript's setInterval using PHP Fibers.

The Interval class built with PHP Fiber, to ensure asynchronous operation and efficient task management. It provides a way to execute a callback function repeatedly at a specified interval, similar to setInterval in JavaScript. You can use it to perform tasks at regular intervals while maintaining precise control over when the interval starts, stops, or clears.

Usage Examples

Basic Usage

Executes every 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds).

$interval = Interval::setInterval(function () {
    echo "Interval executed at: " . date('H:i:s') . "\n";
}, 2000); 

// Clear the interval conditionally.
if ($foo === $bar) {
    echo "Interval cleared due to condition.\n";

Execution the Interval from new Instance

Create an interval and manually handle interval execution.

$interval = new Interval(function () {
    echo "Executing at: " . date('H:i:s') . "\n";
}, 1000);

Dynamic Interval Adjustments

Create an interval and manually handle interval execution.

$interval = new Interval(function (int $index) {
    echo "Count: $index at " . date('H:i:s') . "\n";

    // Change behavior dynamically.
    if ($index === 3) {
        echo "Adjusting logic after third tick.\n";
}, 1000);

for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
    usleep(500_000); // Simulates a delay (500ms).


Executing for a Fixed Number of Ticks

$maxTicks = 5;
$ticks = 0;

$interval = new Interval(function () use (&$ticks, $maxTicks, &$interval) {
    echo "Tick {$ticks} at " . date('H:i:s') . "\n";

    if ($ticks >= $maxTicks) {
        echo "Reached maximum ticks. Interval cleared.\n";
}, 1000);

Notes:Use tick() in conjunction with a timer or loop to manage interval execution.When use setInterval or run is called, the interval persists until manually cleared using the clear() method.

Class Definition

  • Class Namespace: \Luminova\Utils\Interval



Initializes the interval and starts the execution of the given callback at specified intervals.

public __construct(callable $callback, int $milliseconds): mixed


$callbackcallableThe callback function to execute at each interval.
$millisecondsintThe interval duration in milliseconds.



Creates and returns an Interval instance, allowing a callback to execute repeatedly asynchronously at the specified interval in milliseconds.

public static setInterval(callable $callback, int $milliseconds): \Luminova\Utils\Interval


$callbackcallableThe callback function to execute on each interval.
$millisecondsintThe interval duration in milliseconds.

Return Value:

Return new created interval instance.



Starts or resumes the execution of the interval.

This method ensures the interval is marked as running and resumes the internal Fiber if it is currently suspended. The interval will execute its callback repeatedly until explicitly stopped using clear().

public run(mixed $value = null): void


$valuemixedAn optional value to pass to the callback (default: null).


Stops the interval and clears any further execution.

This method gracefully terminates the interval loop and prevents the callback from being executed again.

public clear(mixed $value = null): void


$valuemixedAn optional value to pass to the callback during the clear operation (default: null).


Resumes the interval execution manually.

This method should be called periodically to resume the interval fiber and allow the next execution of the callback.

public tick(mixed $value = null): bool


$valuemixedAn optional value to pass to the callback when resuming (default: null).

Return Value:

bool - Return true if interval is running and invocation succeed, false otherwise.


Checks if the interval is currently running.

This method returns a boolean indicating whether the interval is active and its callback is being executed at regular intervals.

public isRunning(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the interval is running, otherwise false.