Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: HTTP Request Upload File Object

Last updated: 2024-12-07 04:24:17

File object encapsulates a file ready to be uploaded to a server. It offers customization options before sending the file to the upload class, It allows you to modify properties like filename, etc...

The File object represents a file ready to be uploaded to the server. With this class, you can customize files before sending them to the Uploader or Storage class for final upload. Optionally, you can change the filename or set a symlink path to generate a symbolic link for files stored in the private storage directory.

Configuration Example

Setting upload configurations for the file object

use Luminova\Http\Request;

$request = new Request();
$file = $request->getFile('image');

// Set various upload configurations
    'upload_path'   => root('writeable/storages/uploads/'),
    'max_size'      => 10485760,
    'min_size'      => 1024,
    'allowed_types' => 'png|jpg|gif|pdf',
    'chunk_length'  => 5242880,
    'if_existed'    => File::IF_EXIST_RETAIN,
    'symlink'       => '/public/assets/symlink',

// Validate the file before proceeding with upload
if ($file->valid()) {
    echo 'File is valid for upload';
} else {
    echo 'File validation failed: (' . $file->getError() . ') ' . $file->getMessage();


  1. upload_path: Specifies the writeable/storages/uploads/ as the path where the file will be saved on the server.
  2. max_size: Defines the maximum allowable file size. In this example, 10MB is the maximum size.
  3. min_size: Sets the minimum allowable size for the file, such as 1KB in the example.
  4. allowed_types: Restricts file types to specific extensions (png, jpg, gif, pdf).
  5. chunk_length: Enables chunked file uploads, useful for large files (5MB chunks in this case).
  6. if_existed: Determines how to handle existing files; File::IF_EXIST_RETAIN retains old versions of files.
  7. symlink: Creates a symlink in the specified path /public/assets/symlink once the upload completes.

Class Definition


These constant are available for custom error code and custom file configurations for upload behavior.

UPLOAD_ERR_NO_SIZEint9Custom upload error: file has no size.
UPLOAD_ERR_MIN_SIZEint10Custom upload error: file is below the minimum allowed size.
IF_EXIST_RETAINstringretainsetConfig possible value for key if_existed: Retain the old version and create a new version of the file if it exists.
IF_EXIST_OVERWRITEstringoverwritesetConfig possible value for key if_existed: Overwrite the existing file if it exists.



Constructs a File object.

public __construct(
    protected int $index = 0,
    protected ?string $name = null,
    protected ?string $type = null,
    protected int $size = 0,
    protected ?string $extension = null,
    protected ?string $temp = null,
    protected int $error = UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE,
    protected ?string $content = null,
    protected bool $is_blob = false


$indexintThe index of the file in the uploaded file array, typically representing the position in a multi-file upload scenario.
$namestring|nullThe original name of the uploaded file. This includes the file name and its extension (e.g., document.pdf).
$typestring|nullThe MIME type of the file (e.g., image/jpeg, application/pdf). This is used to identify the type of file uploaded for further processing or validation.
$sizeintThe size of the uploaded file in bytes. This value is essential for checking file size limits and ensuring compliance with upload restrictions.
$extensionstring|nullThe file extension (e.g., jpg, png, pdf). This allows quick identification of the file type based on its extension and can be used for validation or categorization.
$tempstring|nullThe temporary file path where the uploaded file is stored on the server. This is the location from which the file can be moved or processed.
$errorintThe error code associated with the file upload (e.g, UPLOAD_ERR_OK, UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE).
$contentstring|nullThe file's content in string format, typically used as an alternative to using the temp when the file data is stored directly in memory (e.g., blobs).
$is_blobboolIndicates whether the uploaded file is handled as a binary large object (BLOB), which is commonly used for in-memory file storage (default: false).


Magic getter method to allow access to protected properties.

echo $file->name; // File name
echo $file->type; // File MIME type
echo $file->mime; // File MIME type from temporary file
echo $file->size; // File size
echo $file->extension; // File extension type 
echo $file->temp; // File temporary filepath
echo $file->error; // File error code
echo $file->message; // File validation message
echo $file->content; // File string content 
echo $file->index; // File index 
echo $file->is_blob; // Is file uploaded as binary or from browser chunking


Gets the index of the file.

public getIndex(): int

Return Value:

int - Return the index of the file.


Gets the name of the file.

public getName(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Return the name of the file.


Gets the MIME type of the file.

public getType(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Return the MIME type of the file.


Gets the MIME type of the file.

public getMime(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Return the MIME type of the file.

Alias of getType.


Retrieves the MIME type directly from the temporary file path.

public getMimeFromTemp(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Returns the MIME type of the file, or null if no temporary file exists.

Useful for cases where the file is uploaded as a large object (BLOB).Typically, the MIME type may default to 'application/octet-stream'.


Gets the size of the file in bytes.

public getSize(): int

Return Value:

int - Return the size of the file in bytes.


Gets the file extension.

public getExtension(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Return the file extension.


Gets the temporary file path.

public getTemp(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Return the temporary file path.


Gets the error code of the file upload.

public getError(): int

Return Value:

int - Return the error code of the file upload.


Gets the validation message.

public getMessage(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Return the validation message.


Gets file upload configurations.

public getConfig(): ?\stdClass

Return Value:

\stdClass|null - Return upload configurations.


Sets the file name, with an option to replace its extension.

public setName(string $name, bool $replace_extension = true): self


$namestringThe desired name of the file, without directory paths.
$replace_extensionbool(optional) If true, updates the file extension based on the provided name (default: true).

Return Value:

self - Return instance of file object.



Set file configurations for upload behavior.

public setConfig(array<string,string|int> $config): self


$configarray<string,string|int>An associative array of file configuration key and value.

Return Value:

self - Return instance of file object.

Note: The configurations will be used in validating file before uploading to server.

Supported Configurations Keys

  • upload_path - (string) The path where files will be uploaded.
  • max_size - (int) Maximum allowed file size in bytes.
  • min_size - (int) Minimum allowed file size in bytes.
  • allowed_types - (string|string[]) Array of allowed file types or String separated by pipe symbol (e.g, png|jpg|gif).
  • chunk_length - (int) Length of chunk in bytes (default: 5242880).
  • if_existed - (string) How to handle existing files [File::IF_EXIST_OVERWRITE or File::IF_EXIST_RETAIN] (default: File::IF_EXIST_OVERWRITE).
  • symlink - (string) Specify a valid path to create a symlink after upload was completed (e.g /public/assets/).


Determines if the file is uploaded as a BLOB (Binary Large Object).

This method checks whether the file was uploaded as a BLOB,typically used for large file uploads or when the file's content is handled directly in binary form.

public isBlob(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if the file is a BLOB, otherwise false.


Checks if an error occurred during the file upload process.

public isError(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if an error occurred; false otherwise.


Resets the file configuration, clears content, and deletes any temporary file.

public free(): void


Validates the uploaded file against the defined configuration rules.

Unlike isError(), which only checks for basic upload errors, valid() performs a comprehensive check to verify if the file aligns with custom configuration constraints. For instance, it verifies the file's existence,size, and type based on the configuration settings, offering additional checks beyond standard upload errors.

public valid(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if the file is valid; false otherwise, with an appropriate error code and message set.