Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: HTTP Socket Server Examples

Last updated: 2024-09-29 10:48:04

In this example, we demonstrate how to create a simple HTTP Server to handle incoming HTTP, WebSocket, and SocketIO requests, routing each request accordingly.

This example demonstrates how to build a simple HTTP server capable of handling real-time communication using HTTP, WebSocket, and Socket.IO protocols. It also incorporates graceful shutdown and commands to start and stop the server.

Getting Started


  • Luminova Framework: Make sure you've installed the framework and its dependencies.
  • PHP CLI: The server runs through PHP's CLI (Command Line Interface).

Setting Up the Server

  1. Autoload Dependencies: Before running the server, you'll need to load the composer dependencies. This is handled automatically by Luminova's Boot.php.
require __DIR__ . '/system/Boot.php';
Boot::cli();  // Initialize CLI environment
  1. Create the Server: Instantiate the HttpServer class by specifying the IP address and port. For example, we’re binding it to on port 8081.
$server = new HttpServer('', 8081, false);

Note: Here we passed the third parameter $autostart to false, so we can manually handle start and shutdown with commands.

  1. Server Control Commands: In this example the script supports options to start, stop, or kill the server via command line flags.
# Start the server
php server --start

# Stop the server
php server --stop

# Force stop the server and kill the port process
php server --stop --kill

Full Sample Code

// /server
#!/usr/bin/env php
use Luminova\Http\HttpServer;
use Luminova\Interface\HttpRequestInterface;
use Luminova\Http\Message\Response;
use Luminova\Boot;

 * Autoload composer dependencies
require __DIR__ . '/system/Boot.php';

// Initialize the CLI environment

// Create a new instance of the HTTP server
$server = new HttpServer('', 8081, false);
$options = getopt("", [

// Enable debug mode

// Enable WebSocket support

// Set up connection handler
$server->connect(function(array $client) {
    logger('debug', "Connected: ", $client);

// Set up disconnection handler
$server->disconnect(function(array $client) {
    logger('debug', "Disconnected: ", $client);

// Set up error handler
$server->error(function(HttpRequestInterface $request, string $type) {
    return new Response(
        ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'],
        "Form submitted!"

// Set up GET route for the root URL
$server->get('/', function(HttpRequestInterface $request) {
    return new Response(
        ['Content-Type' => 'text/html'],
        "<h1>Hello, World!</h1>"

// Set up GET route for user endpoint
$server->get('/user', function(HttpRequestInterface $request) {
    $name = $request->getGet('name', 'Guest');
    return new Response(
        ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'],
        "Hello, {$name}"

// Set up POST route for form submission
$server->post('/submit', function(HttpRequestInterface $request) {
    return new Response(
        ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'],
        "Form submitted!"

 $server->get('/foo', function(HttpRequestInterface $request) {
    return "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\Response string from foo!";

// Set up WebSocket message acceptance handler
$server->accept('/ws(?:/.*)?', function(string $message, array $payload) {
    logger('debug', "Websocket Message: {$message}", $payload);

// Set up message acceptance handler
$server->accept('/*)?', function(string $message, array $payload) {
    logger('debug', "SocketIO Message: {$message}", $payload);

// Start the server


// Exit the script