Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Managing Cookies with Cookie File Jar for HTTP Requests

Last updated: 2024-12-08 06:41:25

The cookie file jar provides an easy way to manage cookies when making HTTP requests with the Luminova cURL client or retrieving an incoming HTTP request cookie header.

Cookie file jar provides an easy way to manage cookies when making HTTP requests with Luminova cURL client or retrieving incoming HTTP request cookie header.

The Luminova framework simplifies cookie management during HTTP requests using the Luminova\Http\Client\Curl client. The CookieFileJar class provides a interface and methods for handling cookies by storing them in a file and reusing them across multiple requests. This makes it ideal for maintaining session states or persisting authentication cookies.

Additionally, the CookieFileJar class processes incoming HTTP requests that include a Cookie header. It integrates with the Incoming HTTP Request Class, enabling easy access to all cookie information associated with the current request object.

Key Features

  • Persistent Storage:
    Cookies are saved to the specified file only if the persistCookie option is set to true in the configuration array.
  • Flexible Domain and Path Management:
    By default, the cookie domain and path are automatically derived from the request URL. However, you can override this behavior by specifying a custom domain and path in the configuration during initialization.

When initializing or working with an array of cookies (e.g., in methods like newCookie or toNetscapeCookies), the array must follow this specific structure:

  1. Lowercase Option Keys:
    All cookie option keys should be in lowercase.

  2. Cookie Name as Key:
    The cookie name is used as the array key.

  3. Options as Nested Array:
    Cookie options are stored as a child array under the options key, while the value key holds the cookie's value.


$cookies = [
    "CookieName" => [
        "value" => "64ke1i31a93f",
        "options" => [
            "prefix"   => "optional-prefix",
            "raw"      => false, 
            "expires"  => "Thu, 31 Oct 2080 16:12:50 GMT",
            "path"     => "/",
            "domain"   => "",
            "secure"   => true,
            "httponly" => true,
            "samesite" => "Lax"

This structure ensures consistency and compatibility across cookie-related operations.

Implementing Cookie Jar in an HTTP Request

Below is an example that demonstrates how to use the CookieFileJar with Luminova cURL Network client class:

use Luminova\Http\Network;
use Luminova\Http\Client\Curl;
use Luminova\Cookies\CookieFileJar;

// Create a CookieFileJar to manage cookies
$cookies = new CookieFileJar(root('/writeable/temp/') . 'cookies.txt', [
    'netscapeFormat' => true    // Store cookies in Netscape format

// Optionally set new cookie before request
$cookies->set('Foo', 'Bar', [
    'expires' => 3600

// Initialize the HTTP client with custom headers
$network = new Network(new Curl([
    'headers' => [
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
    'cookies' => $cookies, // Pass the CookieFileJar instance

// Make a GET request with cookies
$response = $network->get('');

// Output the response content
echo $response->getContents();

// Retrieve a specific cookie value
    $foo = $response->cookie->getCookie('cookie-foo');
    echo $foo->getValue();
    echo $foo->getOption('httponly');


Class Definition


Initialization Configuration

This property defines customizable initialization options for handling cookies, such as their name, domain, path, and storage preferences. These settings influence how cookies are managed and stored during a session or across requests.

Configuration Keys:

  • name (string|null): Sets the default cookie name to manage. The cookie's name. Can also be set after initialization. Default is null.
  • domain (string|null): Specifies the domain for the cookie. If set, it overrides domain extraction from the request URL. Default is null.
  • path (string|null): Specifies the path for the cookie. If set, it overrides path extraction from the request URL. Default is null.
  • newSession (bool): Indicates whether the cookie starts a new session (uses PHP cURL's CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION). Default is false.
  • netscapeFormat (bool): Determines whether cookies are stored in Netscape format instead of a custom JSON format. Default is false.
  • readOnly (bool): If set to true, the cookie jar operates in read-only mode, only used during the current session. Cookies will not be written to the file, and persistent storage is disabled. Defaults to false.
  • emulateBrowser (bool): Determines whether cookies should be handled in a way that mimics browser behavior. When set to true, cookies are sent using the Cookie header as part of the request headers (via CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER). If false, cookies are sent using the CURLOPT_COOKIE option in cURL. This can be useful for scenarios where specific header-based cookie handling is required to emulate browser-like interactions. Default is false.

Example usage of cookie configuration:

$cookieJar = new CookieFileJar('path/to/cookie.txt', [
    'name' => 'SessionID',
    'domain' => '',
    'path' => '/',
    'newSession' => false,
    'netscapeFormat' => false,
    'readOnly' => false,
    'emulateBrowser' => false,


Constructor to initialize cookies from a file path or an array.

public __construct(string|array<string,array<string,mixed> $from, array<string,mixed> $config = []): mixed

If a string is provided, it is treated as a file path, and cookies are loaded from the file.If an array is provided, it is directly used as the cookies array.


$fromstring|array<string,array<string,mixed>>The source of cookies, either a file path (string) or an array of cookies.
$configarray<string,mixed>Optional settings or configurations for cookies.


Create a new cookie instance.

public static newCookie(array<string,array<string,mixed> $cookies, array<string,mixed> $config = []): \Luminova\Interface\CookieJarInterface

This method creates a new cookie instance with the specified array cookies.


$cookiesarray<string,array<string,mixed>>An associative array of cookies where
the key is the cookie name and the value contains the cookie data and options.
$configarray<string,mixed>Optional configurations or settings to apply to the
new or updated cookie.

Return Value:

\Luminova\Interface\CookieJarInterface - Returns the created or updated cookie jar instance.


Define cookies:

$cookies = [
    'SessionID' => [
        'value' => 'abc123',
        'options' => [
            'path' => '/',
            'domain' => '',
            'secure' => true,
            'httponly' => true,
            'samesite' => 'Lax',

$cookieJar = CookieHandler::newCookie($cookies, [
'netscapeFormat' => true

// Retrieve a specific cookie
$cookie = $cookieJar->getCookie('SessionID');
echo "Name: SessionID, Value: {$cookie->getValue()}";


Set a cookie value by name with additional options.

public set(mixed $name, mixed $value, array $options = []): self


$namemixedThe name of the cookie.
$valuemixedThe value of the cookie.
$optionsarrayAn array of cookie options.

Return Value:

self - Return instance of Cookie Jar.


Set the value of a cookie.

public setValue(mixed $value): self


$valuemixedThe value to set.

Return Value:

self - Return instance of Cookie Jar.



Set cookie options.

public setOptions(\App\Config\Cookie|array<string,mixed> $options): self


$options\App\Config\Cookie|array<string,mixed>An array of cookie options or cookie config class object.

Return Value:

self - Return instance of Cookie Jar.



Set a custom path for retrieving request cookies.

This path will be used when filtering cookies instead of extracting the path from a request URL.

public setCookiePath(string $path): self


$pathstringThe custom path to set.

Return Value:

self - Returns the current instance for method chaining.

Note: If set a custom cookie request path, you must also set domain setCookieDomain.


Set a custom domain for retrieving request cookies.

public setCookieDomain(string $domain): self

This domain will be used when filtering cookies instead of extracting the domain from a request URL.


$domainstringThe custom domain to set.

Return Value:

self - Return instance of Cookie Jar.

Note: If set a custom cookie request domain, you must also set path setCookiePath.


Set cookie from an array.

public setCookies(array<string,array<string,mixed>> $cookies): self;


$cookiesarray<string,array<string,mixed>>The array of cookies to set.

Return Value:

self - Return instance of Cookie Jar.


Retrieve cookie information by it's name.

public get(?string $name): array<string,mixed>


$namestring|nullThe cookie name to retrieve.

Return Value:

array<string,mixed> - Return the value of the cookie name or entire cookies if null is passed.


Set a specify cookie name to make ready for access or manage.

public getCookie(string $name): self


$namestringThe name of cookie to access.

Return Value:

self - Return instance of cookie class.


Manage Cookie By Name:

$cookie = $cookieJar->getCookie('my-cookie');

echo $cookie->getPrefix();
echo $cookie->getDomain();
echo $cookie->toString();


Retrieves the entire cookies from the source.

public getCookies(): array<string,array<string,mixed>

If cookies have already been loaded, they are returned directly.If a file path is provided, the cookies are loaded from the file.If no file path is provided, an empty array is returned.

Return Value:

array<string,array<string,mixed> - Return an associative array of cookies where keys are the cookie names.


Retrieves an array of all cookie names in cookie jar.

public getCookieNames(): array<int,string>

Return Value:

array<int,string> - Return all loaded cookie names.


Parse and retrieve cookies from Set-Cookie header values.

public static getFromHeader(array<int,string> $headers, bool $raw = false, array<string,mixed> $default = []): array<string,array<string,mixed>

This method processes an array of Set-Cookie header strings to extract cookie names, values, and options. And returns an array containing the extracted cookies.


$headersarray<int,string>An array of Set-Cookie header strings to parse.
$rawboolWhether to handle cookies as raw values (default: false).
$defaultarray<string,mixed>Optional default options to apply to cookies.

Return Value:

array<string,array<string,mixed> - Return an associative array of extracted cookies, where the key is the cookie name and the value contains the cookie data and options.


Set cookies from header

$headers = [
    "SessionID=abc123; Path=/; HttpOnly",
    "UserID=42; Secure; Max-Age=3600",

$defaultOptions = [
    'domain' => '',

// Parse cookies from headers
$cookies = $cookieJar->getFromHeader($headers, false, $defaultOptions);

$newCookieJar = new CookieJar($cookies, [
    'readOnly' => true

echo $newCookieJar->getCookie('SessionID')->getValue();


Parse and retrieve cookies from global variable $_COOKIE values.

public static getFromGlobal(array<string,mixed> $cookies, bool $raw = false, array<string,mixed> $default = []): array<string,array<string,mixed>

This method processes an array of Cookies key-pir value to extract cookie names, values and returns an array containing the extracted cookies.


$cookiesarray<string,mixed>An array of $_COOKIE to parse.
$rawboolWhether to handle cookies as raw values (default: false).
$defaultarray<string,mixed>Optional default options to apply to cookies.

Return Value:

array<string,array<string,mixed> - Return an associative array of extracted cookies, where the key is the cookie name and the value contains the cookie data and options.


Set cookies from header

$cookies = [
    "SessionID" => "abc123",
    "UserID" => 42,

$defaultOptions = [
    'domain' => '',

// Parse cookies from global
$cookies = $cookieJar->getFromGlobal($_COOKIE, false, $defaultOptions);

// Or parse cookies from array
//$cookies = $cookieJar->getFromGlobal($cookies, false, $defaultOptions);

$newCookieJar = new CookieJar($cookies, [
    'readOnly' => true

echo $newCookieJar->getCookie('SessionID')->getValue();


Retrieves the cookie storage jar filename.

public getCookieFile(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Return the cookie filepath and filename or null.


Retrieves the cookie configuration options.

public getConfig(): array<string,mixed>

Return Value:

array<string,mixed> - Return an array of cookie global configuration.


Retrieve all cookies for a specific domain and path. Only unexpired cookies are returned.

public getCookieByDomain(string $domain, string $path = '/'): array<string,array>


$domainstringThe domain to filter cookies.
$pathstringThe path to filter cookies. Defaults to '/'.

Return Value:

array<string,array> - Return an array of cookies for the specified domain and path.



Retrieve cookies for a specific domain and path as a formatted string.

public getCookieStringByDomain(?string $url = null, bool $metadata = false): ?string

Only unexpired cookies are included.


$urlstring|nullThe request URL to extract domain and path.
If null, defaults to set domain (setCookieDomain) and path (setCookiePath).
$metadataboolWeather to include metadata (e.g., Expires, Max-Age etc...).
This can be used for testing purposes or to emulate a browser's behavior..

Return Value:

string|null - Return a semicolon-separated cookie string, or null if no cookies match.



Get the cookie name if specified.

public getName(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Return the name of the cookie or null string if not specified.


Get the options associated with the cookie name if name is specified.

public getOptions(): array<string,mixed>

Return Value:

array<string,mixed> - Return the options associated with the cookie.



Get an option value associated with the cookie name

public getOption(string $key): mixed


$keystringThe option key name to retrieve.

Return Value:

mixed - Return the option value associated with the cookie-option key.



Get the cookie value if name is specified.

public getValue(bool $as_array = false): mixed


$as_arrayboolWeather to return value as an array if its a valid json string (default: false).

Return Value:

mixed - Return the value of the cookie.



Get the domain associated with the cookie, if name is specified.

public getDomain(): string

Return Value:

string - Return the domain associated with the cookie.



Get the prefix associated with the cookie.

public getPrefix(): string

Return Value:

string Return the prefix associated with the cookie.



Get the maximum age of the cookie.

public getMaxAge(): int

Return Value:

int Return the maximum age of the cookie.



Get the path associated with the cookie.

public getPath(): string

Return Value:

string - The path associated with the cookie.



Get the SameSite attribute of the cookie.

public getSameSite(): string

Return Value:

string - Return the SameSite attribute of the cookie.



Get the prefixed name of the cookie.

public getPrefixedName(): string

Return Value:

string - Return the prepended prefix name of the cookie.



Get the cookie expiration time.

public getExpiry(bool $return_string = false): string|int


$return_stringboolWeather to retrieve unix-timestamp or formate cookie datetime string

Return Value:

string|int - Return cookie expiration timestamp or formatted string presentation.



Count the number of cookies in storage.

public count(): int

Return Value:

int - Return the number of cookies in storage.


Calculates the total size of all cookies in bytes.

public size(): int

This method iterates through all cookies in the jar, calculates their size in bytes, and caches the result to avoid redundant recalculations. The size includes the name-value pairs for each cookie.

Return Value:

int - Return total size of the cookies in bytes.


Check if a cookie with name exists.

public has(string $name): bool


$namestringThe key of the cookie to check.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the cookie name exists, false otherwise.


Check if a cookie name has a prefix.

public hasPrefix(?string $name = null): bool


$namestring|nullAn optional cookie name to check for prefix,
if null will use name from getCookie() method or from config name key.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the cookie name has a prefix, false otherwise.



Clear the entire cookie stored in file jar.

public clear(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the cookie was cleared, false otherwise.


Remove a cookie by name.

public delete(?string $name = null): bool


$namestring|nullAn optional cookie name to remove,
if null will use name from getCookie() method or from config name key.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the cookie was removed, false otherwise.


Force mark a cookie as expired.

public forceExpire(?string $name = null): bool


$namestring|nullAn optional cookie name to expire, if null will use name from getCookie() method or from config name key.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if cookie has expired, otherwise false.


Check if the cookie is secure.

public isSecure(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the cookie is secure, false otherwise.



Check if the cookie is HTTP-only.

public isHttpOnly(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the cookie is HTTP-only, false otherwise.



Check if the cookie value is raw.

public isRaw(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the cookie value is raw, false otherwise.



Check if the cookie has expired.

public isExpired(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the cookie has expired otherwise false.



Check weather the cookie include subdomains.

public isSubdomains(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if subdomain is included, false otherwise.



Checks if the cookie jar is empty.

public isEmpty(): bool

This method determines whether the cookie jar contains any cookies.It returns true if there are no cookies stored, and false otherwise.

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if the cookie jar is empty, false otherwise.


Checks if the cookie jar configuration is set to read-only mode.

public isReadOnly(): bool

Determines whether the cookie jar is in read-only mode, preventing any modifications or persistent storage of cookies. This behavior is controlled by the readOnly configuration key during initialization.

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if the cookie jar is read-only, otherwise false.


Check weather cookie configuration is marked as a new session.

public isNewSession(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if marked as a new session, false otherwise.

See Also:



Check weather cookie configuration is set to be read and write as netscape cookie format.

public isNetscapeCookie(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the cookie should be in netscape cookie format, false otherwise.


Check weather cookie configuration is set to emulate browser behavior during requests, by setting cookies in the request header object Cookie instead of CURLOPT_COOKIE.

public isEmulateBrowser(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if should emulate browser, false otherwise.


Get the current cookie name object to a string header value format.

public toString(bool $metadata = false): string;


$metadataboolWeather to include metadata (e.g., Expires, Max-Age etc...).
This can be used for testing purposes or to emulate a browser's behavior..

Return Value:

string - Return the header string representation of the Cookie object.



echo $cookieJar->toString(true);


PHPSESSID=jal8an935c; Expires=Fri, 01-Nov-2080 16:24:40 GMT; Max-Age=1764361606; Path=/;; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax


Convert the current cookie name to an array.

public toArray(): array<string,mixed>

Return Value:

array<string,mixed> - Return an array representation of the Cookie object.



Converts an array of cookies to a Netscape-formatted cookie file string.

public toNetscapeCookies(?array $cookies = null): string

This method generates a string representation of cookies in the Netscape cookie file format.If no cookies are provided or available, it returns null.


$cookiesarray|nullAn optional array of cookies to convert. If null, uses the instance's cookies.
Each cookie should be an associative array with 'value' and 'options' keys.

Return Value:

string - Return a string containing the Netscape-formatted cookies, or an empty string if no cookies are available.


Convert all loaded cookies or specified cookies to netscape-formatted cookies.

echo $cookieJar->toNetscapeCookies();

Output: TRUE / TRUE 3497703880 PHPSESSID jal8an935c

Note: The specified cookies must adhere to the cookie array format as described above