Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Time-Based One-Time Password: Google Authenticator Client

Last updated: 2025-01-26 10:24:40

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The Luminova Authenticator client interface simplify generating and validating Time-Based One-Time Passwords (TOTP). By implementing the Luminova\Interface\AuthenticatorInterface, ensuring compatibility with the Luminova\Security\TOTP class. This design allows flexibility in implementing custom TOTP solutions while maintaining compliance with the Luminova TOTP class. For apps using alternatives to Google Authenticator, implementing the AuthenticatorInterface ensures compatibility with Luminova's MFA system.

Google Authenticator Client

The Google Authenticator client allow the generation of secure authentication secrets, QR code creation, and TOTP validation. It offers flexibility through customizable account details, issuer names, time zones, and caching mechanisms. By adhering to PSR standards, it integrates with various cache implementations, ensuring one-time code usage for enhanced security.

Key features include:

  • Generating Base32-encoded secrets for authentication.
  • Creating QR codes for easy configuration with TOTP apps.
  • Verifying user-provided codes against the stored secret.
  • Flexible support for time zones and caching to prevent code reuse.
  • Compliance with PSR caching interfaces and the Luminova base cache.

Usage Examples

Initializing the Authenticator

You can create a Google authenticator instance by providing account details, issuer name, and optional time zone or caching instance.

use Luminova\Security\Authenticator\Google;
use Luminova\Cache\FileCache;

$authenticator = new Google(
    '[email protected]',       // Account name (email or username)
    'MyAppName',              // Issuer (your application name)
    new DateTimeZone('UTC'),  // Optional timezone
    new FileCache('totp')     // Optional PSR-compliant cache instance

Generating a Secret

Generate a secure Base32-encoded secret key for a new user. The secret is stored and can be used to generate or validate TOTP codes.

$secret = Google::generateSecret(24);
echo "User Secret: {$secret}";

Note: Generate a Base32 secret key of a specific length (must be divisible by 8):

Creating a QR Code

Generate a QR code URL for easy configuration in Google Authenticator or similar apps. The QR code encodes the secret and account details.

$secret = Google::generateSecret();
$authenticator->setSecret($secret); // Generate new secret for user
$qrCodeUrl = $authenticator->getQRCodeUrl();

echo "<img src='{$qrCodeUrl}' alt='Scan this QR Code to configure your authenticator'>";

Validating a Code

Verify a TOTP code provided by the user. Specify optional parameters like time-step duration and allowed discrepancies for added flexibility.

$userProvidedCode = '123456';
$authenticator->setSecret('USER_OLD_SECRET123'); // Set user own secret
$isValid = $authenticator->verify($userProvidedCode);

if ($isValid) {
    echo "Authentication successful!";
} else {
    echo "Invalid code. Please try again.";

Updating Secret, Timezone, or Cache

The authenticator instance can be updated dynamically to set a new secret, time zone, or caching instance:

$authenticator->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('America/New_York'));
$authenticator->setCache(new FileCache('totp-storage'));

Class Definition



Initialize a Google Authenticator instance with the necessary parameters.

public __construct(
    string $accountName, 
    string $issuer, 
    DateTimeZone|string|null $timezone = null, 
    Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface|Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface|Luminova\Base\BaseCache|null $cache = null
): mixed


$accountNamestringThe account name (e.g., user email or username).
$issuerstringThe issuer's name (e.g., your app or website name).
$timezoneDateTimeZone|string|nullThe timezone for time-based calculations (optional).
$cacheCacheItemPoolInterface|CacheInterface|BaseCache|nullThe instance of PSR cache or Luminova base-cache for preventing code reuse (optional).



Get the label used in the TOTP configuration, optionally URL-encoded.

public getLabel(bool $encode = false): string


$encodeboolWhether to URL-encode the label.

Return Value:

string - Return the label in the format 'Issuer:AccountName'.


Get the account name associated with this instance.

public getAccount(): string

Return Value:

string - Return the account name.


Get the shared secret key.

public getSecret(): string

Return Value:

string - Return the shared secret key.


Generate a QR code URL for configuring Google Authenticator.

public getQRCodeUrl(): string

Return Value:

string - Return the URL for the QR code.



Initialize a Google Authenticator instance with the necessary parameters.

public setSecret(string $secret): self


$secretstringThe shared secret key for TOTP generation.

Return Value:

\Luminova\Interface\AuthenticatorInterface - Return the current instance of authenticator client.


Set the timezone for time-based calculations.

public setTimezone(\DateTimeZone|string|null $timezone): self


$timezone\DateTimeZone|string|nullThe new timezone.

Return Value:

\Luminova\Interface\AuthenticatorInterface - Return the current instance of authenticator client.


Set the cache instance for code reuse prevention.

public setCache(Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface|Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface|Luminova\Base\BaseCache $cache): self


$cacheCacheItemPoolInterface|CacheInterface|BaseCacheThe instance of PSR cache or Luminova base-cache.

Return Value:

\Luminova\Interface\AuthenticatorInterface - Return the current instance of authenticator client.


Generate a new Base32-encoded secret key.

public static generateSecret(int $length = 16): string


$lengthintThe desired length of the secret (default: 16).

Return Value:

string - Return the generated Base32 secret key.



Verify a given TOTP code against the shared secret.

public verify(string $code, int $discrepancy = 1, int $timeStep = 30): bool


$codestringThe user-provided TOTP code.
$discrepancyintThe allowed time-step discrepancy (default: 1).
$timeStepintThe time step duration in seconds (default: 30).

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the code is valid, false otherwise.
