Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: How to Implement a RESTful API with CRUD Operations

Last updated: 2024-11-25 16:13:15

This guide outlines the basic steps to implement a REST API with full CRUD operations using the Luminova Framework.

This guide walks you through building a RESTful API using the Luminova PHP framework. It covers full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality, utilizing HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

For a working implementation and source code, check out the Luminova HTTP and CLI REST API Examples on GitHub.


Before starting, ensure you have:

  • Luminova PHP Framework installed.
  • A working database (e.g., MySQL).

Step 1: Define API Routes

Routes map client requests to specific controller actions. In Luminova, routes can be defined using method-based or attribute-based routing.

Attribute-Based Routing

With attribute-based routing, routes are defined directly on controller methods using PHP attributes.

// /app/Controllers/Http/RestController.php
namespace App\Controllers\Http;

use Luminova\Base\BaseController;
use Luminova\Attributes\Prefix;
use Luminova\Attributes\Route;
use App\Models\Posts;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Utils\Auth;
use App\Controllers\Errors\ViewErrors;
use \JsonException;
use \stdClass;

#[Prefix(pattern: '/api/v1/(:root)', onError: [ViewErrors::class, 'onRestError'])]
class RestController extends BaseController
    #[Route('/api/v1/posts/(:root)', middleware: 'before', methods: ['ANY'])]
    public function auth(): int {}

    #[Route('/api/v1/', methods: ['ANY'])]
    public function index(): int {}

    #[Route('/api/v1/posts', methods: ['GET'])]
    public function list(): int {}

    #[Route('/api/v1/posts/(:int)', methods: ['GET'])]
    public function read(int $post_id): int {}

    #[Route('/api/v1/posts/create', methods: ['POST'])]
    public function create(): int {}

    #[Route('/api/v1/posts/update/(:int)', methods: ['PUT'])]
    public function update(int $post_id): int {}

    #[Route('/api/v1/posts/delete/(:int)', methods: ['DELETE'])]
    public function delete(int $post_id): int {}
  • Attributes: Define routes directly in the controller, specifying HTTP methods and additional configurations like middleware.
  • Prefix Handling: Routes are scoped under /api/v1/, with a global error handler for non-existent endpoints.

Method-Based Routing

Routes are defined in the /routes/api.php file using method chaining, and linked to corresponding controller methods.

// /routes/api.php
use \Luminova\Routing\Router;

// Api endpoints index
$router->any('/', 'RestController::index');

$router->bind('/v1/posts', function(Router $router) {
    $router->middleware(Router::ANY_METHODS, '/(:root)', 'RestController::auth');

    // CRUD routes for posts
    $router->get('/', 'RestController::list');                   // Retrieve all posts
    $router->get('/(:int)', 'RestController::read');             // Retrieve a specific post by ID
    $router->post('/create', 'RestController::create');          // Create a new post
    $router->put('/update/(:int)', 'RestController::update');    // Update an existing post
    $router->delete('/delete/(:int)', 'RestController::delete'); // Delete a post by ID
  • Middleware: Protects the routes with authentication.
  • Index handling: Ensures that invalid routes are redirected the the index method.

Method-Based Routing Index Controller

In your index.php context method, add routes prefixes to handle API endpoint request as below:

// public/index.php
// Leave other unchanged

        'prefix' => Prefix::API,
        'error' => [ViewErrors::class, 'onRestError'] 
        'prefix' => Prefix::WEB,
        'error' => [ViewErrors::class, 'onWebError'] 
        'prefix' => Prefix::CLI

Step 2: Define the Models

Posts Model:

The model represents the Posts entity and interacts with the database.

// app/Models/Posts.php
namespace App\Models;

use Luminova\Base\BaseModel;

class Posts extends BaseModel 
    protected string $table = 'posts'; 
    protected string $primaryKey = 'pid'; 
    protected bool $cacheable = true;

Users Model:

The model represents the Users entity and interacts with the database.

// app/Models/Users.php
namespace App\Models;

use Luminova\Base\BaseModel;

class Users extends BaseModel 
    protected string $table = 'users'; 
    protected string $primaryKey = 'user_id'; 
    protected bool $cacheable = false;

Step 3: Database Management

1. Create the Database Migration Class:

Define your database migration table blueprint.

// app/Database/Migrations/PostsMigration.php
namespace App\Database\Migrations;

use Luminova\Database\Migration;
use Luminova\Database\Table;
use Luminova\Database\Schema;

class PostsMigration extends Migration
     * Defines the 'posts' table structure.
    public function up(): void
        Schema::create('posts', function (Table $table) {
            $table->prettify = true;
            $table->database = Table::SQLITE;

            $table->integer('user_id', 5)->nullable(false);

            return $table;

    public function down(): void

2. Create the Table Seeder Class:

Add seed data to populate your posts table.

// app/Database/Seeder/PostsSeeder.php
namespace App\Database\Seeders;

use Luminova\Database\Seeder;
use Luminova\Database\Builder;

class PostsSeeder extends Seeder
     * Inserts sample data into 'posts' table.
    public function run(Builder $builder): void
                'post_uuid' => func()->uuid(),
                'user_id' => 101,
                'post_title' => 'Getting Started with PHP Luminova',
                'post_body' => 'Learn the basics of setting up and running your first project with PHP Luminova framework.',
            // Additional seed data

3. Configure Database Connection:

Set up your database configuration in the .env file. Here, SQLITE is used as an example.

# /.env

database.connection = PDO
database.pdo.engine = sqlite
database.development.sqlite.path = writeable/database/development.sqlite
database.mysql.socket = true
database.mysql.socket.path = /var/mysql/mysql.sock

Note:The socket configuration is needed for database access on the command line.Adjust the socket path based on your environment.

4. Run Migrations and Seeders:

Once configured, run migrations first:

php novakit db:migrate --class=PostsMigration

After a successful migration, seed the database:

php novakit db:seed --class=PostsSeeder

Step 4: Implement Controller Methods

Each method in the RestController class corresponds to a specific CRUD operation, processing incoming API requests and interacting with the Post model.


Middleware Authentication

Handles API authentication and usage quota validation for requests made to the /api/v1/posts endpoint.

public function auth(): int {}
  • HTTP Method: ANY /api/v1/posts/
  • Functionality:
    • Validates the bearer token and user ID.
    • Checks the user's quota limit and update used if within limits.
    • Returns a success status if authentication and quota checks pass.
    • Responds with a 401 Unauthorized status and an error message if authentication fails.


Handle Invalid API Endpoints

Processes requests to the API root or invalid endpoints.

public function index(): int {}
  • HTTP Method: ANY /api/v1/{invalid}
  • Functionality:
    • Renders a 401 Unauthorized response for invalid or missing endpoints.


Retrieve All Posts

Retrieves a paginated list of posts. Use query parameters for pagination, e.g., GET /api/v1/posts?limit=10&offset=2.

public function list(): int {}
  • HTTP Method: GET /api/v1/posts
  • Functionality:
    • Fetches all posts from the database.
    • Returns:
    • 200 OK with a list of posts if they exist.
    • 204 No Content if no posts are available.
    • Includes a GET link in each response item for easier navigation.


Retrieve a Single Post

Fetches a specific post by ID from the URL, e.g., GET /api/v1/posts/2.

public function read(int $post_id): int {}
  • HTTP Method: GET /api/v1/posts/{id}
  • Functionality:
    • Retrieves a post by its ID.
    • Returns:
    • 200 OK with the post data if found.
    • 204 No Content if the post does not exist.


Create a New Post

Creates a new post using the data provided in the request body.

public function create(): int {}
  • HTTP Method: POST /api/v1/posts/create
  • Functionality:
    • Accepts image and body containing JSON keys title, body and userId.
    • Inserts a new post into the database.
    • Returns:
    • 200 OK if the post is created successfully.
    • Relevant error codes for validation or server errors.
  • Validation:
    • Ensures title, body, and userId are provided and meet the required criteria.


Update an Existing Post

Updates an existing post by ID, using data from the request body.

public function update(int $post_id): int {}
  • HTTP Method: PUT /api/v1/posts/{post_id}
  • Functionality:
    • Requires request body body a JSON with optional title and content fields.
    • Updates the specified post in the database.
    • Returns:
    • 200 OK if the update is successful.
    • An error message if the update fails.


Delete a Post

Deletes a specific post by its ID.

public function delete(int $post_id): int {}
  • HTTP Method: DELETE /api/v1/posts/delete/{post_id}
  • Functionality:
    • Removes the post with the given ID from the database.
    • Returns:
    • 204 No Content if the deletion is successful.
    • An error message if the operation fails.