Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Client IP Address Lookup with the IP Class

Last updated: 2024-12-27 15:04:01

Retrieve the client's IP address, validate whether it is a proxy or Tor exit node, or obtain detailed information using third-party API providers such as IPHub or IPApi.

The IP address class provides functionality to retrieve and handle client IP addresses from various sources, including headers and environment variables. This class is particularly useful for web applications to accurately determine the client's IP address, considering proxies and load balancers.

For IP address information, it uses third-party APIs either or to gather detailed data about the user's IP address. After retrieving the information, the class stores it locally, which reduces the need for repeated network requests to the API. This caching mechanism enhances performance by speeding up subsequent lookups and minimizing API calls.

Helper Functions

1. Get User IP Address

Use the global helper function to retrieve the user's IP address:

echo ip_address();

2. Get User IP Address Information

To fetch detailed information about the user's IP address, use the helper function with a true parameter:

$info = ip_address(true);

3. Get IP Address Instance

To obtain an instance of the IP address class, use the global helper function in one of the following ways:

$instance = func('ip');


$instance = func()->ip();

This instance allows you to interact with various IP-related methods provided by the class.

Class Definition

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Functions\IP



Retrieve the client's IP address.

This method first checks if the CloudFlare HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP header is set and uses it if available. If not, it iterates through other potential headers to find the client's IP address. It also validates the IP address to ensure it is neither a private IP nor a reserved IP range.

public static get(): string

Return Value:

string - Return the client's IP address, if failed returns on production and REMOTE_ADDR on development.


Get the local IP address of the machine.

This method first attempts to retrieve the machine's IP address via its hostname.If that fails or returns an invalid IP address, it falls back to using platform-specific shell commands (ipconfig on Windows or ifconfig on Linux/macOS) to retrieve the IP.

public static getLocalAddress(): string|false

Return Value:

string|false - Returns the local IP address as a string, or false if unable to retrieve it.


Get the local network IP address (not the loopback address).

This method attempts to retrieve the machine's IP address on the network, avoiding the loopback IP ( It first checks platform-specific network interfaces using shell commands (ipconfig on Windows, ifconfig on Linux/macOS).

public static getLocalNetworkAddress(): string|false

Return Value:

string|false - Returns the local network IP address as a string, or false if unable to retrieve it.


Fetches and stores information about an IP address from third-party APIs, either ipapi or iphub. An API key is required for both providers which can be configured in app/Config/IPConfig.php.

The method caches the IP address information in the filesystem to avoid repeated network requests. The cache is stored in the directory /writeable/caches/ip/ with filenames in the format ip_info_<IP_ADDRESS>.json and does not expire automatically. The cached data remains until the cache file or directory is manually deleted.

public static info(?string $ip = null, array $options = []): ?object


$ipstring|nullThe IP address to look up. If null, uses the current IP address.
$optionsarrayAdditional options for storing IP address information.

Return Value:

object|null - Return address information as an object, or null if not found.


Check if the request origin IP is a trusted proxy IP or subnet.This method used the configuration in app/Config/IPConfig.php variable trustedProxies to determine if the ip can be trusted or not. If no proxies are set for trustedProxies, this will always return false

public static isTrustedProxy(?string $ip = null): bool


$ipstring|nullThe IP address to check. If null defaults to the current IP address.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the request origin IP matches the trusted proxy IPs, false otherwise.


Validate an IP address for a specific IP version (e.g., 4, 6, or 0 for any).

public static isValid(?string $ip = null, int $version = 0): bool


$ipstring|nullThe IP address to validate.
$versionintThe IP version to validate (e.g., 4, 6, or 0 for any).

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the IP address is valid for the specified version, otherwise false.


Compare two IP addresses to determine if they are equal.

This method checks the equality of two IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6) by converting them to their numeric binary representations. If either IP address is invalid, the method returns false. Otherwise, it compares the numeric forms to check for equality.

public static equals(string $ip1, ?string $ip2 = null): bool


$ip1stringThe first IP address to compare.
$ip2string|nullThe second IP address to compare (default: null).

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if both IP addresses are valid and equal; false otherwise.

Note: If the second IP address ($ip2) is not provided, it defaults to the current client IP

  • obtained via the self::get() method.


Convert an IP address to its numeric long integer representation (IPv4 or IPv6).

public static toNumeric(?string $ip = null): string|false


$ipstring|nullThe IP address to convert (default: null).
If null use the current client Ip.

Return Value:

string|false - Return long integer representation of the IP address, otherwise false.


Convert a numeric or hexadecimal IP address representation to its original (IPv4 or IPv6).

public static toAddress(string|int|null $numeric = null): string|false


$numericstring|int|nullThe ipv4 numeric or ipv6 hexadecimal representation to convert.

Return Value:

string|false - Return original IP address from numeric representation, otherwise false on error.


Convert IP address to binary representation (IPv4 or IPv6).

public static toBinary(?string $ip = null): string|false


$ipstring|nullThe IP address to convert.

Return Value:

string|false - Return binary representation of an IP address, otherwise false on error.


Convert an IPv6 address to its IPv4-mapped representation.

public static toIpv4(?string $ipv6 = null): string|false


$ipv6stringThe IPv6 address to convert (e.g, ::ffff:

Return Value:

string|false - Return the IPv4-mapped address, or false if the input is not a valid IPv6 address.


Convert an IPv4 address to its IPv6-mapped representation.

public static toIpv6(?string $ipv4 = null, bool $binary = false): string|false


$ipv4stringThe IPv4 address to convert.
$binaryboolWeather to return the binary representation (default: false).

Return Value:

string|false - Return the IPv6-mapped address, or false if the input is not a valid IPv4 address.


Convert a binary representation of an IP address to its original IP address.

public static fromBinary(string $binary, bool $ipv6 = false): string|false


$binarystringThe binary representation of the IP address.
$ipv6boolOptional flag to specify if the IP address is IPv6 (default: false).
If true, assumes the address is IPv6.

Return Value:

string|false - Returns the original IP address as a string, or false if the conversion fails.

NoteIf the binary is a representation of an IPV6, it will return the IPV4 representation of the binary if you didn't specify true in the second parameter indicating it's an IPV6.


Check if an IP address is a Tor exit node. If $ip is null, it uses the current IP address.

This method performs the following actions:

  1. Network Request: Retrieves the Tor bulk exit list from
  2. Check IP: Verifies if the given IP address is in the Tor exit list.
  3. Caching: Stores the bulk list for future use to avoid repeated network requests. The cached list expires after the specified period, the default is 30 days.
public static isTor(?string $ip = null, int $expiration = 2592000): bool


$ipstring|nullThe IP address to check.
$expirationintThe expiration time to request for new exit nodes from tor api (default: 2592000).

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the IP address is a Tor exit node, otherwise false.


Note: You can also use the global helper function is_tor to check if an IP address is a Tor exit node.