Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Process Execution Handler

Last updated: 2024-09-14 14:17:17

Process Handler simplifies executing command processes. It supports multiple execution methods like popen, proc_open, and shell_exec, as well as running closures and working with stream interfaces.

The Process Handler class is designed to handle small command process execution in PHP, with built-in support for various types of execution methods. It allows users to run commands via different executors, such as popen, proc_open, shell_exec, exec, and also supports running PHP closures or working with stream resources.

The Process class offers flexibility and ease of use, making it possible to interact with system commands or custom code in a streamlined manner. It is capable of waiting for the process to complete with optional timeouts, checking whether a process is finished, and retrieving responses once the process is complete.


  • Multiple Executors: The class supports running processes using different command execution mechanisms such as:
    • popen
    • proc_open
    • shell_exec
    • exec
  • Closure Support: It can execute callable PHP functions or generators, allowing developers to easily run custom code or produce dynamic outputs.
  • Stream Interface: It handles stream resources for reading or writing data through file descriptors, making it suitable for dealing with files, network streams, etc.
  • Process Lifecycle Management: The class can manage the lifecycle of a process, including starting, running, waiting for completion, and retrieving responses or outputs.
  • Timeouts: It includes the ability to wait for a process with a defined timeout to avoid long-running or hanging processes.

Example Usages:

  1. Running a Command with popen:The Process class allows for running shell commands using popen, providing control over the command output and process flow.

    $process = Process::withCommand('ls -la', Process::EXECUTOR_POPEN);
    $process->wait(5); // Wait for up to 5 seconds
    if ($process->isComplete()) {
      // Get and output the response
      $response = $process->getResponse();
      echo "Command output:\n";
  2. Executing a Callable Function:It supports running a PHP closure or callable, making it versatile for various tasks beyond shell commands.

    $process = Process::withCallback(function() {
       return "Hello, World!";
  3. Shell Command Execution with shell_exec:This feature enables executing system commands using shell_exec and capturing their output.

    $process = Process::withCommand('echo "This is a test"', Process::EXECUTOR_SHELL);
  4. Handling Stream Resources:The class can read from or write to streams, like files or network resources, using the stream interface.

    $stream = fopen('path/to/file.txt', 'r');
    $process = Process::withStream($stream);
    // Get the contents read from the stream
    if ($process->isComplete()) {
      $response = $process->getResponse();
      echo "Stream content:\n$response";
  5. Executing with proc_open:For advanced command execution scenarios, it supports running commands using proc_open, allowing more fine-grained control over input/output streams.

    $process = Process::withCommand('php -v', Process::EXECUTOR_PROC_OPEN);
  6. Waiting for Generator Completion:It can run and wait for PHP generators to complete, making it a versatile tool for handling asynchronous-like operations.

    $generator = function() {
      yield "Part 1";
      yield "Part 2";
    $process = Process::withCallback($generator);
    // Get the generator's output
    if ($process->isComplete()) {
      $response = $process->getResponse();
      echo "Generator output:\n" . implode("\n", (array) $response);

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Utils\Process


These constants are predefined process executors which can be pass directory during initialization or along with withCommand method.

EXECUTOR_POPENpublicstringExecutes a command using popen, opening a pipe for process I/O.
EXECUTOR_EXECpublicstringExecutes a command using exec, running it directly via the shell.
EXECUTOR_SHELLpublicstringExecutes a command using shell_exec, capturing output from the shell.
EXECUTOR_PROC_OPENpublicstringExecutes a command using proc_open, offering more control over process execution and I/O streams.
EXECUTOR_CALLBACKpublicstringExecutes process using a custom callback function, allowing flexible execution logic.
EXECUTOR_STREAMpublicstringExecutes a process using streams, enabling direct access to input/output streams during execution.



Process constructor.

public __construct(
    \Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface|\Luminova\Storages\Stream|\Closure|resource|callable|array|string $input, 
    string $executor, 
    ?string $cwd = null, 
    ?array<string,mixed> $env = null
): mixed


$input\Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface|\Luminova\Storages\Stream|\Closure|resource|callable|array|stringCommand string, callable, or stream to be executed.
$executorstringThe process executor type (e.g, Process::EXECUTOR_*).
Can be one of the defined executor constants.
$cwdstring|nullOptional working directory (default: null).
$envarray<string,mixed>|nullOptional environment variables.


Process serialization is not supported.

public __sleep(): array



Process deserialization is not supported.

public __wakeup(): void



Runs the process based on the provided input and executor.

public run(): mixed



Creates a Process instance with a callback.

public static withCallback(callable $callable): self


$callablecallableThe callable to be executed.

Return Value:

Process - Return new static process instance.


Creates a Process instance with a stream.

public static withStream(\Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface|\Luminova\Storages\Stream|resource $stream): self


$stream\Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface|\Luminova\Storages\Stream|resourceThe stream resource to read from.

Return Value:

Process - Return new static process instance.


Creates a Process instance with a command.

public static withCommand(
    array|string $command, 
    string $executor = self::EXECUTOR_POPEN, 
    string|null $cwd = null,
    array<string,mixed>|null $envs = null
): self


$commandarray|stringThe command to be executed.
$executorstringThe executor method to use (default: Process::EXECUTOR_POPEN).
$cwdstring|nullOptional working directory (default: null).
$envsarray<string,mixed>|nullOptional environment variables (default: null).

Return Value:

Process - Return new static process instance.


Checks if the process has completed execution.

public isComplete(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the process has finished; otherwise, false.


Checks if the process has completed execution.

public isRunning(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the process has finished; otherwise, false.


Determines if PTY (Pseudo-Terminal) is supported on the current system.

public static isPtySupported(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if PTY is supported, false otherwise.


Checks if the current system supports TTY (Teletypewriter).

public static isTtySupported(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if TTY is supported, false otherwise.


Retrieves the output response from the executed process.The response output, which can be of any type (e.g., string, array).

public getResponse(): mixed

Return Value:

mixed - Returns null if the process has not yet run or if no response is available.


Returns the Pid (process identifier), if applicable.

public getPid(): ?int

Return Value:

int|null - The process id if running, null otherwise


Returns the Pid (process identifier), if applicable.

public getInfo(): array|false

Return Value:

array|false - The process id if running, null otherwise


Retrieve the process start time in seconds.

public getStartTime(): float

Return Value:

float - Return the process start time.



Gets the working directory.

public getWorkingDirectory(): ?string

Return Value:

string|null - Return the current working directory.


Sanitize, replace and retrieve command.

public getCommand(): string

Return Value:

string - Return command string to be executed.



Sets the current working directory.

public setWorkingDirectory(string $cwd): self


$cwdstringThe current working directory.

Return Value:

self - Return the instance of process class.



Sets the environment variables.

public setEnvironment(array<string,mixed> $envs): self


$envsarray<string,mixed>The environment variables.

Return Value:

self - Return the instance of process class.



Sets the mode for opens process file pointer.

public setMode(string $mode): self


$modestringThe mode to use.

Return Value:

self - Return the instance of process class.



Sets the descriptors specifications.

public setDescriptors(array<int,array> $descriptors): self


$descriptorsarray<int,array>The descriptors specifications.

Return Value:

self - Return the instance of process class.



Set the process options before execution.

This method allows setting specific options for the process, such as blocking pipes orcreating a new process group. Options cannot be modified once the process is running.

public setOptions(array<string,mixed> $options): 


$optionsarray<string,mixed>An associative array of options to set.

Return Value:

self - Return the instance of process class.


Supported options include:

  • blocking_pipes: Controls whether the pipes should block during I/O.
  • create_process_group: Determines if the process should be run in a new group.
  • create_new_console: Launches the process in a new console window (Windows only).
  • bypass_shell: Bypass the shell when launching the process (Linux/Windows).
  • detach_process: Detaches the process, allowing it to run independently (Linux/Windows).
  • use_pty: Use a pseudo-terminal (PTY) for the process (Unix systems only).
  • inherit_environment: Inherit the environment variables from the parent process.
  • redirect_stderr: Redirect stderr to stdout (combine output streams).
  • suppress_errors: Suppress PHP errors or warnings during the process execution.


Gets the descriptors for the process.

public getDescriptors(): array

Return Value:

array - Return the descriptors for the process based on the operating system.


Waits for the process to complete and collects output.

public wait(int $timeout): void


$timeoutintMaximum time to wait in seconds (default: 0 for no timeout).
