Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Asynchronous Background Task Queue Execution

Last updated: 2024-10-17 17:33:31

Luminova's Queue Class is a flexible and efficient module for managing asynchronous tasks in (FIFO) order. It utilizes PHP Fiber if available or alternative methods if not supported.

The Luminova Queue Class provides a mechanism for managing asynchronous tasks, allowing for efficient handling of background processes. Asynchronous processing enhances application responsiveness and scalability by enabling tasks to run independently from the main application flow.

This queue class organizes and executes tasks in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) manner, ensuring that tasks are processed in the order they are added. This approach guarantees fairness and predictability in task execution.

The Queue Class leverages PHP 8.1s Fiber feature for executing tasks if it is available in the environment. If Fibers are not supported, it attempts to use process forking for execution. If neither option is available, the class defaults to a standard asynchronous execution method, which is also optimized for efficient task handling.

Usage Examples

Asynchronous Executions

Enqueue tasks directly during initialization.

use \Luminova\Utils\Queue;

$jobs = [
    // Tasks with custom identifiers
    ['task' => fn($queue): string => "Executed Task 1\n", 'id' => 1001],
    ['task' => fn($queue): string => "Executed Task 2\n", 'id' => 1002],
    ['task' => fn($queue): string => "Executed Task 3\n", 'id' => 1003],
    ['task' => fn($queue): array => ["Executed Array Task 4"], 'id' => 1004],

    // Tasks without an identifiers
    fn($queue): array => ["Executing Array Task 5"],
    fn($queue) => logger('debug', 'Executed Logger Task 6'),
    'Executed String Task String 7',
    function($queue): void {
        echo "Executed Void Return Task\n";

$queue = new Queue($jobs);

// Run the queue
$queue->run(function(array|string $result) {

Pushing Tasks to the Queue

You can dynamically add tasks to the queue after initialization.

// Enqueue a task with an identifier
$queue->push(function() {
    // Task 1: Perform some operation
}, 1001);

// Alternatively, enqueue a simple string task
$queue->push("Task 2");

// Enqueue any callable item, such as a method from a class
$queue->push([SomeClass::class, 'methodName']);

Removing Tasks from the Queue

You can remove specific tasks based on different criteria.

// Remove a task by its string value
$queue->remove("Task 2");

// Remove a task by its identifier

// Remove a task by its index in the queue

Running Specific Tasks

You can retrieve and run specific tasks using their identifiers or indices.

// Run the current task by its identifier
$current = $queue->getInstance(2)->run();

// Run the current task
$current = $queue->current()->run();

// Run the next task in the queue
$next = $queue->next()->run();

// Run the last task in the queue
$lastTask = $queue->last()->run();

Class Definition

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Utils\Queue
  • This class implements: \Countable


These constants are used to control how messages from the queue are reported during execution.

E_LOGint1Log errors and execution messages using log level debug.
E_OUTPUTint2Display errors and messages directly to the output.
E_SUPPRESSint0Suppress all error and execution messages.


Initializes asynchronous queue with optional jobs, output settings, and error reporting mode.

public __construct(
    array<int,\Closure|callable|string> $jobs = [], 
    bool $output = false, 
    int $eReporting = self::E_OUTPUT
): mixed


$jobsarray<int,\Closure|callable|string>An array of jobs to execute. Each job can be a closure, callable, or string.
$outputboolWhether to display the result of executed jobs if they return a string (default: false).
$eReportingintDetermines how execution messages and errors are handled (default: Queue::E_OUTPUT).


Push a new job queue, either closure, any callable or string to be executed.

public push(\Closure|callable|string $item, string|int|null $id = null): void


$item\Closure|callable|stringThe item to enqueue.
$idstring|int|nullOptional job identifier (default: null).


Run the job queue asynchronously, executing each job's callback function.

If Fibers are supported, it will be used for asynchronous execution.If Fibers are not available, it attempts process forking (if supported)or executes jobs directly in a blocking manner.

public run(\Closure|callable|null $callback = null, int $timeout): void


$callback\Closure|callable|nullOptional callback function executed after the queue finishes processing.
$timeoutintMaximum time to wait for execution in seconds (default: 0 for no timeout).


Registers a callback to handle the response of each executed task.

This method allows you to specify a callback function that will be called whenever a task completes. The callback receives three parameters:

  • $result: mixed - The result of the most recently completed task.
  • $previous: mixed - Variable containing the cumulative results of all previously completed tasks up to that point.
  • $queue: Luminova\Utils\Queue - The current instance of the queue class, allowing access to its properties and methods.
public onResponse(callable $callback): void 


$callbackcallbackThe callback function to be invoked on task completion.


$queue->onResponse(function (mixed $result, mixed $previous, Luminova\Utils\Queue $queue) {
    echo "Task completed: " . var_dump($result) . "\n";
    echo "Current cumulative results: " . var_dump($previous) . "\n";

Note: The onResponse method should be invoked before calling the $queue->run() method.To modify the result, declare the $result argument in your callback as a reference (e.g., &$result). This allows you to update the result within the callback, affecting the overall response.


Manually cancel all running jobs.

public cancel(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true on success, false on failure or if no active running job to cancel.


Get executed job result.

public getResult(): array|string

Return Value:

array<int,mixed>|string - Return array of job result or string in a new line representing the result.


Get execution start time in seconds.

public getStartTime(): float

Return Value:

float - Return the start execution time in seconds.


Get execution waiting time.

public getWaitingTime(): float

Return Value:

float - Return the time waited for jobs to complete in seconds.


Check if queue is running any job.

public isRunning(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the queue is running, otherwise false.


Check if the queue is empty.

public isEmpty(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the queue is empty, otherwise false.


Check a job is in the queue.

public has(string|int $id): bool


$idstring|intThe job identifier or string value to remove.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the job was removed, false otherwise.


Check if the queue has registered callable jobs.

public hasQueue(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the queue has registered callable jobs.


Get the size of jobs in queue.

public count(): int

Return Value:

int - Return the size of the queue.


Delete the current task from the queue.

public delete(): void


Remove an job from the queue.

public remove(string|int $id): bool


$idstring|intThe job identifier or string value to remove.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the job was removed, false otherwise.


Free all resources by clearing the queue.

public free(): void


Get new instance Queue for a specific job by it queue index.

public getInstance(int $index): \Luminova\Utils\Queue


$indexintThe job queue index.

Return Value:

\Luminova\Utils\Queue - Return new Queue instance.


Get new instance of current (first) job from queue.

public current(): \Luminova\Utils\Queue

Return Value:

\Luminova\Utils\Queue - Return new Queue instance.


Get new instance of next job from queue.

public next(): \Luminova\Utils\Queue

Return Value:

\Luminova\Utils\Queue - Return new Queue instance.


Get new instance of last job from queue.

public last(): \Luminova\Utils\Queue

Return Value:

\Luminova\Utils\Queue - Return new Queue instance.


Get the job identifier from returned job queue instance.

public id(): string|int|null

Return Value:

string|int|null - Return the current job queue identifier if available.