Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Base Class for Application Configuration Classes

Last updated: 2024-09-19 19:07:30

Base configuration serves as an underlying of your application configuration classes, which may be required by the framework depending on the component used in your application.

The base configuration service as the foundation of your application's configuration classes, which are essential for the framework depending on the components utilized in your application. To create a new configuration class, you need to extend and define necessary properties and method as you need.

Class Declaration

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Base\BaseConfig
  • This class is an Abstract class


Bellow is an example how you can extend the BaseConfig class.

namespace App\Utils;

use \luminova\Base\BaseConfig;
class Config extends BaseConfig 
    public const MY_VAR = 'var';

Now you can import your configuration class anywhere you would like to use it or register in service to make it available anywhere.



An alternative to the global helper function env, the getEnv method allows you to retrieve an environment variable with a specific return type.

final public static getEnv(string $key, mixed $default = null, string|null $return = null): mixed


$keystringThe environment variable key to retrieve.
$defaultmixedThe default value to return if the key is not found.
$returnstring|nullThe expected return type. Can be one of:

Return Value:

mixed - Returns the environment variable cast to the specified type, or default if not found.

Supported Return Types:

  • bool.
  • int.
  • float.
  • double.
  • nullable.
  • string.


Generate or retrieve a nonce with an optional prefix.

final public static getNonce(int $length = 16, string $prefix = ''): string


$lengthintThe length of the random bytes to generate (default: 16).
$prefixstringAn optional prefix for the nonce (default: '').

Return Value:

string Return a cached generated nonce value.


Remove a directive from the Content-Security-Policy (CSP).

public removeCsp(string $directive): self


$directivestringThe CSP directive to remove.

Return Value:

self - Returns the instance of configuration class.


Clear all directives from the Content-Security-Policy (CSP).

public clearCsp(): self

Return Value:

self - Returns the instance of configuration class.


Build and return the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) as a string.

public getCsp(): string

Return Value:

string - Returns the CSP policy string in the correct format.


Generate the <meta> tag for embedding the CSP in HTML documents.

public getCspMetaTag(string $id = ''): string


$idstringThe CSP element identifier (default: none).

Return Value:

string - Returns the <meta> tag with the CSP as the content.


Send the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) as an HTTP header.

public getCspHeader(): void