Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Examples of Command Line Tool Implementations

Last updated: 2024-09-15 12:04:53

This example demonstrates how a command line tool can be implemented, using the Base Command class and command routing.

Creating a Simple Blog Application in CLI with Luminova BaseCommand

This example demonstrates how to build a simple blog application using Luminova's BaseCommand within a CLI environment.

Setting Up Command Routing

Define the command routing for handling blog-related operations:

// /routes/cli.php

use \Luminova\Routing\Router;

$router->group('blogs', function (Router $router) {
    $router->command("list", 'BlogCommand::list');
    $router->command('/read/id/(:value)', 'BlogCommand::read');

Creating the Controller Class for Blog Operations

The BlogCommand controller class handles the various blog operations:

// /app/Controllers/Cli/BlogCommand.php

namespace App\Controllers\Cli;

use \Luminova\Base\BaseCommand;
use \Luminova\Command\Utils\Text;

class BlogCommand extends BaseCommand
    protected string $group = 'blogs';
    protected string $name  = 'blog-command';
    protected array $usages = [
        'php index.php blogs list' => 'Get a list of blogs',
        'php index.php blogs read id "foo"' => 'Read a blog by its ID',
    protected string $description = 'CLI tool for managing blogs on our website.';
    protected array $options = [];

     * Display help information for the blog command.
     * @param array $helps Help information for the command.
     * @return int Status code.
    public function help(array $helps): int
        return STATUS_ERROR;

     * List all available blogs.
     * @return int Status code.
    public function list(): int
        // Retrieve blogs from the database
        $blogs = $this->builder->table('blogs')->select(['id', 'title']);

        // Display header
        $this->write($this->color('OUR BLOGS', 'red', null, Text::ANSI_BOLD));

        // Display each blog
        foreach ($blogs as $row) {
            $this->writeln($this->color('[' . $row->id . ']', 'green') . ' ' . Text::padStart($row->title, 10));

        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

     * Display details of a specific blog.
     * @param string $id Blog ID.
     * @return int Status code.
    public function read(string $id): int
        // Retrieve the blog from the database
        $blog = $this->builder->table('blogs')
                              ->where('id', '=', $id)

        // Display blog details
        $this->write($this->color('[' . $blog->title . ']', 'red', null, Text::ANSI_BOLD));

        return STATUS_SUCCESS;

Execution Example

To interact with your blog application via CLI, use the following commands:

  • List Blogs
    Retrieve a list of all blogs:

    php index.php blogs list
  • Read a Specific Blog
    Retrieve and display the details of a blog by its ID:

    php index.php blogs read id 123456

Note: Before running any controller-related commands, ensure you have navigated to the /public/ directory by using the cd command.