Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: HTTP Socket Server for Real-Time Communication

Last updated: 2024-09-29 19:12:29

HTTP Socket Server is a simple module for real-time communication for HTTP and WebSocket requests. It allows you to define routes and set up error and connection handlers all in one place.

The HttpServer class is designed to provide a flexible and efficient HTTP server for handling incoming requests. This class allows you to create a server that can manage different connection types, handle both HTTP and WebSocket protocols, and apply various configurations such as rate limiting, timeouts, port management, sequential and simultaneous client connections. It is ideal for developers building lightweight web applications, services, or custom servers that need to manage client-server communication efficiently.

Key Features

  • Address and Port Binding: Initialize the server with a specific address and port.
  • Automatic Startup: Optionally start the server automatically upon creation.
  • Flexible Routing: Route HTTP requests dynamically with support for GET, POST, and other HTTP methods.
  • WebSocket Support: Accept WebSocket connections for real-time, bidirectional communication.
  • Rate Limiting and Timeouts: Set limits on client requests and automatically close idle connections.
  • Debugging Support: Enable or disable debug mode to output detailed information for troubleshooting.
  • Port Management: Check if a port is in use and free it if necessary to prevent server failures.
  • Graceful Shutdown: Cleanly close all connections and free up resources when the server is stopped.
  • Server Management: Support for sequential and simultaneous Handling of Client Connections.

Sequential vs. Simultaneous Client Connections

  • Sequential (Single Process Mode):

    • When the $simultaneous flag is set to false, the server handles each connection one by one. This mode is simpler and can be useful for lightweight applications or scenarios where the traffic is low, and the overhead of managing multiple processes is unnecessary.
    • Benefit: Lower resource consumption (CPU and memory) due to the absence of process creation and management, suitable for environments with limited resources.
  • Simultaneous (Multi-Process Mode):

    • When the $simultaneous flag is set to true, the server forks a new process for each client connection, allowing multiple requests to be handled concurrently. Each new connection results in a forked child process, managed by the server, which allows handling numerous connections in parallel.
    • Benefit: Improved performance under heavy load, as multiple client requests are processed simultaneously. This mode is particularly useful for high-traffic applications where serving multiple clients concurrently is essential to avoid delays.

Forking Processes

In Multi-Process Mode, the server employs process forking using the pcntl_fork() function. For each incoming client, the server creates a child process that handles the client's request independently of the main server process. This allows:

  • Non-blocking I/O: Since each client is handled in its own process, other client connections are not blocked by long-running operations from another client.
  • Improved concurrency: The server can handle multiple clients at the same time without waiting for one to finish before serving the next.

Additionally, the server uses mechanisms like process cleanup to manage the lifecycle of child processes and avoid process exhaustion by ensuring that the maximum allowed number of concurrent processes is respected.

Key Difference

  • Sequential Mode:

    • Simpler to manage.
    • Less overhead (no forking or process management).
    • May result in slower response times under high loads since clients are handled one at a time.
  • Simultaneous Mode:

    • More complex due to process management.
    • Higher CPU and memory usage due to forking.
    • Much faster under high loads as multiple clients can be served in parallel.

This dual-mode approach allows you to customize the server's behavior to specific performance needs, ensuring both scalability and resource efficiency based on traffic patterns.

Usage Examples

Basic Server Setup

To create and start an HTTP server listening on at port 8080, you can initialize the server and begin accepting requests:

use Luminova\Http\HttpServer;
$server = new HttpServer('', 8080);

Rate Limiting

You can configure the server to limit the number of requests a client can make to prevent abuse:

Max 100 requests per 60 seconds:

$server->setRateLimit(100, 60);

Connection Timeouts

You can configure the server's timeouts for idle connections to prevent resource exhaustion:

Idle connections close after 30 seconds:


Graceful Shutdown

When you need to shut down the server, call the shutdown() method to ensure all client connections are properly closed:


HTTP Requests Handling

You can define routes for different HTTP methods using get, post methods, allowing the server to handle incoming requests dynamically:

With Response Class Object:

$server->get('/', function(HttpRequestInterface $request) {
    return new Response(
        ['Content-Type' => 'text/html'],
        '<h1>Hello, World!</h1>'

With String Response:

$server->get('/', function(HttpRequestInterface $request) {
    return "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\Hello World!";

You can now test the server by visiting on your browser or run below command for debugging:

curl -X GET "

WebSocket Protocol Handling

The server also supports WebSocket and SocketIO connections, which can handled by setting up accept or route method.

Enabling WebSocket Support

To accept WebSocket connections, simply enable the WebSocket functionality:


WebSocket Handler

$server->accept('/ws(?:/.*)?', function(string $message, array $payload) {
    logger('debug', "SocketIO Message: {$message}", $payload);
}); Handler

$server->accept('/*)?', function(string $message, array $payload) {
    logger('debug', "WebSocket Message: {$message}", $payload);

You can set up real-time communication through these WebSocket endpoints, making your server more interactive.

Debugging and Logs

If you're encountering issues, enabling debug mode provides more insights into what's going on.


To see which process is using a port, for example port 8081, use this command:

lsof -i :8081
# kill -9 <PID> Optional kill the process if need to

Server Shutdown

Graceful Termination with Signals

You can also handle signals like SIGINT (Ctrl+C) or SIGTERM for more graceful termination in CLI environments:

declare(ticks = 1);

pcntl_signal(SIGINT, function () use ($server) {

pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, function () use ($server) {

Register Shutdown Function

In some cases, your script may exit unexpectedly due to an error or signal. You can use register_shutdown_function to ensure the socket is closed whenever the script exits:

register_shutdown_function([$server, 'shutdown']);

Class Definition

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Http\HttpServer



A unique identifier for the WebSocket connection, used in the handshake process to establish communication.

public string $guid = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11';



Initializes the HTTP server by binding to the specified address and port.

This constructor sets up the necessary properties for the HTTP server and optionally startsthe server immediately if $autostart is set to true. The server can bind to an IP addressor hostname, with an optional port. You can also pass stream context options for advanced configurations.

public __construct(
    string $address, 
    ?int $port = null, 
    bool $autostart = true, 
    resource|array|null $options = null
): mixed


$addressstringThe connection IP address, hostname or a valid TCP connection string to bind to (e.g.,,, or tcp://
$portint|nullOptional port number between 1024 and 49151 to bind to (default: null).
$autostartboolWhether to start the server automatically upon initialization (default: true).
$optionsresource|array|nullOptional resource for stream context or an array of options to create stream_context_create resource (default: null).



Magic method to route calls to undefined methods.

This method allows routing requests to the corresponding HTTP method handlers based on the method name.

public __call(string $method, array $arguments): void


$methodstringHTTP method (e.g., 'GET', 'POST').
$argumentsarrayThe arguments to pass to the route.


$server->put('/post', function(HttpRequestInterface $request) {
    return new Response(
        ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'],
        "Post was created"


Enables or disables debug mode for the application.

When debug mode is enabled, detailed debug messages will be output.This can be useful for troubleshooting and understanding application behavior during development or testing.

public debug(bool $debug = true): self


$debugboolIndicates whether to enable (true) or disable (false) debug mode.

Return Value:

self - Returns instance of HttpServer.


Specifies whether the client must connect to the server before sending and receiving HTTP requests.

When set to true, the server requires clients to connect before making requests. In this case,you must implement connect() and disconnect() routes to handle the connection lifecycle.

public connectionRequired(bool $required = true): self


$requiredboolWhether a connection is required before handling requests (default: true).

Return Value:

self - Returns instance of HttpServer.

For example:

  • Clients should send a GET request to connect: curl -X GET
  • Similarly, to disconnect: curl -X GET

If set to false, you can handle the connection and disconnection logic manually without the needfor these specific routes.


Configures whether the server should accept WebSocket connections.

public websocket(bool $accept = true): self


$acceptboolSet to true to enable WebSocket connections; false to disable.

Return Value:

self - Returns instance of HttpServer.


Check if socket server is successfully connected to address and port.

public isConnected(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if is connected or otherwise false.


Checks if the configured port is currently in use.

This method attempts to establish a connection to the provided addressand port. If a connection is successful, the port is considered in use.

public isPortFree(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the port is in use, false otherwise.


Check if the port is in use and free it if necessary

public freePortIfStuck(int $port = null): bool


$portintThe port number to check

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if the port was freed, false otherwise


Automatically close connections that are idle for too long.This can prevent resource exhaustion if clients stay connected without sending requests.

public setTimeout(int $timeout, int $microseconds = 0): self


$timeoutintThe server timeout in seconds wait for idle connections.
$microsecondsintThe microseconds part of the timeout to be set (default: 0).

Return Value:

self - Returns instance of HttpServer.


Sets the rate limit for incoming client requests.

This method defines the maximum number of requests a client can makewithin a specified time window (in seconds). Helps prevent abuse oroveruse of the server's resources.

public setRateLimit(int $maxRequests, int $timeWindow): self


$maxRequestsintMaximum number of requests allowed in the time window.
$timeWindowintTime window in seconds for the request limit.

Return Value:

self - Returns instance of HttpServer.


Set the maximum number of client processes to create when the third argument of start() is true.

This method allows you to define the limit on the number of simultaneous client processesthat can be spawned by the server. Setting this value helps to control resource usageand prevents the server from being overwhelmed by too many concurrent connections.It is particularly useful in environments with limited resources or when handling alarge number of client requests.

public setMaxProcesses(int $max): self



Return Value:

self - Returns instance of HttpServer.



Set headers from an associative array of key-value pairs.

public setHeader(string $key, mixed $value): self


$keystringThe header key/name to set.
$valuemixedThe value of the header key.

Return Value:

self - Returns instance of HttpServer.


Set headers from an associative array of key-value pairs.

public setHeaders(array&lt;string,mixed&gt; $headers): self


$headersarray<string,mixed>Associative array of headers, where the key is the header name
and the value is the header value.

Return Value:

self - Returns instance of HttpServer.


Get the server socket resource for registration in the event loop.

public getSocket(): ?resource

Return Value:

resource|null - The server socket resource or null.


Get the ID of the server socket.

public getId(): int

Return Value:

int - Return the ID of the server socket.


Extracts the address and port from the DNS connection string.

If no address or port is found in the DNS, defaults to localhost( and port 8080.

public getAddress(): array

Return Value:

array - Return an associative array containing 'address' and 'port'.


Starts the server by creating a socket and binding to the specified address and port.

This method attempts to create and bind a socket to the server's address and port. If the portis already in use or any other error occurs, an exception is thrown. Additionally, it enablesnon-blocking mode on the server socket.

public start(): self

Return Value:

self - Returns the Http Server instance after the socket is successfully created.



Runs the server and begins listening for incoming connections.

This method initiates the server to handle incoming client connections and processesrequests based on routes. It can either handle connections sequentially or simultaneously based onthe $simultaneous flag. The server will run in a loop until it is stopped.

public run(int|null $timeout = 100000, int $sleep = 10000, bool $simultaneous = false): void


$timeoutint|nullOptional timeout for client connections, in microseconds (default: 100000 µs).
$sleepintTime in microseconds to wait between connection attempts (default: 10000 µs).
$simultaneousboolWhether to allow multiple simultaneous connections (default: false).


Gracefully shuts down the server and closes the socket connection.

This method ensures that the server is properly shut down, closing any open socketconnections to prevent resource leaks. It also clears all client connections androutes. If a DISCONNECT callback is registered, it will be executed during shutdown.Optionally, the method can attempt to free the port if it is stuck after shutdown.

public shutdown(bool $kill = false): void


$killboolWhether to attempt freeing the port if it's stuck (default: false).


Marks a client as connected to the server and sets its connection status.

public on(string|null $address = null): void


$addressstring|nullThe client's IP address or identifier.
If not provided, defaults to the server's own IP address.


Marks a client as disconnected and removes it from the active clients list.

public off(string|null $address = null): void


$addressstring|nullThe client's IP address or identifier.
If not provided, defaults to the server's own IP address.


Accept an incoming client connection and route the request.

This method handles an incoming connection, reads the client's request,and sends an HTTP response based on the defined routes. If a specificresponse is provided, it will be used; otherwise, a default responsewill be sent.

public accept(string $pattern, \Closure $response): void


$patternstringURI pattern or null for all (e.g, /, /foo/{segment}).
$response\ClosureOptional response object or string.


Define a route for GET requests.

public get(string $pattern, \Closure $response): void


$patternstringURI pattern (e.g, '/') to match.
$response\ClosureThe response callback.


Define a route for POST requests.

public post(string $pattern, \Closure $response): void


$patternstringURI pattern (e.g, '/') to match.
$response\ClosureThe response callback.


Register a simple "ping" route for health checks.

This method registers a GET /ping route, responding with a "PONG" message.It can be used to verify that the server is responsive. The response includesappropriate HTTP headers and a 200 OK status.

public ping(): void


Define a route to capture errors and response to with custom error.

public error(\Closure $response): void


$response\ClosureThe response callback.


Define a route for connection responses.

The callback should accept an array of connected clients associated with the request's IP address.

public connect(\Closure|null $response = null): void


$response\Closure|nullThe response callback.
Callback signature: function(array $clients): void
where $clients is an array of connected client information.


Define a route for disconnection responses.

The optional callback can be used to process disconnection logic, accepting an array ofconnected clients associated with the request's IP address.

public disconnect(\Closure|null $response = null): void


$response\Closure|nullThe response callback (optional).
Callback signature: function(array $clients): void
where $clients is an array of connected client information.


Define a route for specific HTTP methods.

public route(string $methods, string $pattern, \Closure $response): void


$methodsstringHTTP methods to accept (e.g, GET&amp;#124;POST&amp;#124;PUT).
$patternstring|nullURI pattern or null for all (e.g, /).
$response\ClosureThe response callback.


Sets a callback to intercept and modify the server response before sending it.

The provided closure should accept the response content and headers as parametersand must return the modified string content.

public onResponse(\Closure $intercept): void

Example usage:

$server->onResponse(function(string $response, array $headers): string {
    $response .= '<p>Prepend Content</p>';
    return $response;


$intercept\ClosureCallback to modify the response content.