Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: PSR Nova Logger Class

Last updated: 2024-11-18 20:07:17

Installation guides for the PHP Luminova framework highlight the benefits of using Composer for easy maintenance and ensuring you're always up to date with the latest framework and dependency.

The NovaLogger class serves as the default logging system for the Luminova framework, offering robust features for managing application logs. It supports logging messages, creating log backups, and dispatching log entries to emails or remote servers.

If preferred other logger, NovaLogger can be replaced with any PSR-compliant logger (e.g., Monolog) by configuring the App\Config\Logger class's getLogger method. This allows developers to easily channel all logging operations to a custom logger.

Key Features

  1. Default Logger: Preconfigured as the default logger for Luminova applications.
  2. Versatile Logging Options: Supports logging to files, sending logs via email, or dispatching logs to remote servers.
  3. Asynchronous Logging: Leverages asynchronous operations for non-blocking logging (enabled in the logger configuration).
  4. Configurable: Allows customization, such as setting log file extensions or dispatching methods.


The NovaLogger is preconfigured as the default logger in \Luminova\Logger\Logger. Custom initialization is typically unnecessary unless specific customization, such as changing log file extensions, is required.

Example: Using NovaLogger

Initialize NovaLogger with custom log file extension

use \Luminova\Logger\NovaLogger;

$logger = new NovaLogger('.txt');

Log messages asynchronously (enabled by default in the logger configuration)

$logger->log('error', 'This is an error message');

Log messages synchronously

$logger->write('error', 'This is a synchronous error message');

Send logs to email

$logger->setLevel('error')->mail('[email protected]', 'This is a log sent via email');

Dispatch logs to a remote server

$logger->setLevel('debug')->remote('', 'This is a log sent to a remote server');

Note: When using NovaLogger with \Luminova\Logger\Logger, you can redirect logs to a file, email, or remote server by using the dispatch method. This ensures logs are sent to the appropriate destination based on their type.


To replace NovaLogger with another PSR-compliant logger:

  1. Implement the getLogger method in App\Config\Logger to return your preferred logger.
  2. Ensure your custom logger adheres to the PSR-3 LoggerInterface.


// app/Config/Logger.php
public function getLogger(): ?LoggerInterface
    return new MonologLogger('custom-channel');

Class Definition

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Logger\NovaLogger
  • Parent class: AbstractLogger



Default log path.

protected static ?string $path = null;


The maximum log size in bytes.

protected static ?int $maxSize = null;


Flag indicating if backup should be created.

protected static ?bool $createBackup = null;


The log file extension type (e.g, .txt, .log)

protected string $extension = '.log';



Initialize NovaLogger

public __construct(string $extension ='.log'): mixed


$extensionstringThe log file extension type (e.g, .txt, .log).


Sets the log level for the remote and email logging.

public setLevel(string $level): self


$levelstringThe log level to set (e.g., 'error', 'info', 'debug').

Return Value:

self - Returns the current NovaLogger instance.

Note: Setting log level with this method doesn't affect log and write methods.This is only for remote and mail logging, to identify the type of log level that triggered the logging.


Generates the HTML message body for log.

public getHtmlMessage(string $message, array $context = []): string


$levelstringThe log level (e.g., 'error', 'info', 'debug').
$messagestringThe log message.
$contextarrayOptional associative array providing context data.

Return Value:

self - Return formatted HTML email message body.


Log a message at the given level.This method will log message asynchronously using PHP Fiber if explicitly enabled in App\Config\Logger,otherwise logs as normal.

public log(string $level, string $message, array $context = []): void


$levelstringThe log level (e.g., "emergency," "error," "info").
$messagestringThe log message.
$contextarrayOptional associative array providing context data.



Writes a log message to the specified file. This doesn't support no use asynchronous logging.

public write(string $level, string $message, array $context = [], bool $auth_backup = false): bool


$levelstringThe log level (e.g., 'info', 'error', 'debug').
$messagestringThe primary log message.
$contextarrayOptional associative array providing context data.
$auth_backuparrayWeather to automatically create backup if max size is reached (default: false).

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if the log written to file, false otherwise.



Logs message to an email asynchronously.

This method prepares and sends an error log via email using the configured Mailer.If sending fails, it logs an error message.

public mail(string $email, string $message, array $context = []): void


$emailstringThe recipient email address.
$messagestringThe message to log.
$contextarrayAdditional context data (optional).

Return Value:

Note: If error occurs during mailing log, file logger will be used instead.If exception occurs during mailing log, file logger with level exception be used.


Send log message to a remote URL asynchronously.

This method sends an error log to a specified URL endpoint with details about the error.If sending fails, it logs an error message.

public remote(string $url_endpoint, string $message, array $context = []): void


$url_endpointstringThe URL to which the log should be sent.
$messagestringThe message to log.
$contextarrayAdditional context data (optional).

Note: If error occurs during network log, file logger will be used instead.If exception occurs during network log, file logger with level exception be used.


Clears the contents of the specified log file for a given log level.

public clear(string $level): bool


$levelstringThe log level whose log file should be cleared (e.g., 'info', 'error').

Return Value:

bool - Returns true on success, or false on failure if the log file cannot be cleared.


Formats a log message with the given level, message, and optional context.

public static message(string $level, string $message, array $context = [], bool $html_context = false): string


$levelstringThe log level (e.g., 'INFO', 'ERROR').
$messagestringThe primary log message.
$contextarrayOptional associative array providing context data.
$html_contextboolIf true the context will be formatted as HTML &lt;pre&gt;&lt;code&gt; (default: false).

Return Value:

string - Return the formatted log message.


Creates a backup of the log file if it exceeds a specified maximum size.

protected backup(string $filepath, string $level): void


$filepathstringThe path to the current log file.
$levelstringThe log level, used in the backup file's naming convention.