Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Log Levels

Last updated: 2024-11-18 19:27:41

LogLevel class defines various logging levels used for categorizing log messages.

The Luminova LogLevel class defines a set of constants representing various logging levels, following standard practices for logging severity. These constants provide a consistent way to categorize and manage log messages based on their importance and urgency.

  • Standardized Log Levels: Includes levels like EMERGENCY, ALERT, ERROR, and DEBUG for comprehensive logging.
  • Custom Levels: Adds additional levels, such as PHP, EXCEPTION and METRICS, are for other application use cases.

Use Cases

  • Categorize log messages by severity for better organization.
  • Integrate into logging systems to ensure consistent handling of log levels.
  • Extend or filter logs based on specific levels, such as debugging or performance metrics.


Logging message:

$logger->log(LogLevel::CRITICAL, 'This is a critical error');

Validating log level:

if (LogLevel::has('critical')) {
    echo "Log level 'critical' is valid.";
} else {
    echo "Log level not recognized.";

Class Definition

  • Full namespace: \Luminova\Logger\LogLevel
  • This class is marked as final and can't be subclassed


EMERGENCYstringemergencySystem is unusable. Critical issues that require immediate attention.
ALERTstringalertAction must be taken immediately. Used for critical issues requiring urgent resolution.
CRITICALstringcriticalCritical conditions, such as an application or service being down. Requires immediate action.
ERRORstringerrorRuntime errors that require attention. Indicates problems that need investigation.
WARNINGstringwarningWarnings about potential issues that may require attention but are not immediately critical.
NOTICEstringnoticeNormal but significant conditions that require attention. Provides useful information.
INFOstringinfoInformational messages that highlight the application’s progress at a coarse-grained level.
DEBUGstringdebugDetailed information used for debugging and diagnosing issues, typically during development.
EXCEPTIONstringexceptionException messages or errors, useful for handling uncaught exceptions or error scenarios.
PHPstringphp_errorsPHP errors, including parse errors, runtime errors, and warnings.
METRICSstringmetricsPerformance metrics, specifically for APIs or production-level monitoring.

List of all valid log levels.

public const array<string,string> LEVELS = [
    'emergency'     => self::EMERGENCY,
    'alert'         => self::ALERT,
    'critical'      => self::CRITICAL,
    'error'         => self::ERROR,
    'warning'       => self::WARNING,
    'notice'        => self::NOTICE,
    'info'          => self::INFO,
    'debug'         => self::DEBUG,
    'exception'     => self::EXCEPTION,
    'php_errors'    => self::PHP,
    'metrics'       => self::METRICS,



Checks if the specified log level exists.

public static has(string $level): bool


$levelstringThe log level to check (e.g., 'error', 'info', 'debug').

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if the log level exists, false otherwise.