Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Event Management

Last updated: 2024-09-19 19:10:41

Whether you need to listen for user actions, manage system events, or trigger custom workflows, The Event class offers a simple yet powerful solution to orchestrate event handling across your project.

The Luminova Event class provides a static event management system, allowing you to attach callbacks to events and trigger them throughout your application. This utility supports adding, removing, and triggering event hooks, making it an essential component for managing event-driven behavior.

Class Overview

The Event class is designed to handle events via static methods, meaning all event callbacks are stored in a static container shared across the application. You can use this class to:

  • Bind callbacks to specific events.
  • Trigger events and execute their associated callbacks.
  • Remove specific callbacks or entire events.
  • Retrieve all event callbacks.
  • Clear all events.

Usage Example

use Luminova\Utils\Event;

// Add a callback to an event
Event::on('user.register', 'sendWelcomeEmail', function($user) {
    // Send welcome email to the user
    echo "Welcome email sent to {$user->email}";

// Trigger the event
Event::emit('user.register', [$user]);

// Remove a specific callback
Event::off('user.register', 'sendWelcomeEmail');

This example demonstrates how to bind, trigger, and remove callbacks from events using the Event class.

Advanced Usage

Event Binding Example

The Events class extends the base Event system, allowing you to define and bind event listeners in your application.

// /app/Utils/Events.php
namespace App\Utils;

use Luminova\Utils\Event;

class Events extends Event
    public function __construct()

     * Bind event listeners for various events in your application.
     * Define callbacks for specific events, such as sending a welcome email
     * upon user registration or compressing files after an upload.
    private function bindEvents(): void
        parent::on('user.register', 'sendWelcomeEmail', static function(object $user) {
            echo "Welcome email sent to {$user->email}";

        parent::on('file.upload', 'compressFile', static function (string $file) {
            echo "Compressing file: {$file}\n";

Usage Example

You can trigger events anywhere in your application by calling the event name and passing the necessary arguments. For instance, to trigger the user.register event:

use App\Utils\Events;

Events::emit('user.register', [
    (object)['email' => '[email protected]']

Key Benefits:

  • Centralized Event Management: By binding events in one place, you ensure maintainability and clear event management.
  • Flexible Triggers: Emit events from anywhere in your code, making your application more modular and decoupled.

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Utils\Event



Initialize a new event class.

public __construct(): mixed


Retrieves the singleton instance of the Event class.

public static getInstance(): static

Return Value:

static - Return a new static event object.


Triggers an event, executing all the callbacks associated with it. You can optionally target a specific hook within the event.

public static emit(string $name, array $arguments = [], ?string $hook = null): int


$namestringThe event name to trigger.
$argumentsarrayArguments to pass to each callback.
$hookstring|nullOptional hook name to trigger specific hooks.

Return Value:

int - Return the number of callbacks triggered.



Binds a callback function to a specific event and hook. This method allows you to define a unique callback that will be invoked when the event is triggered.

public static on(string $name, string $hook, callable $callback): void


$namestringThe name of the event to bind the callback to.
$hookstringA unique identifier for the callback.
$callbackcallableThe function to invoke when the event is triggered.



Removes a specific callback from an event or clears all callbacks if no hook is specified.

public static off(string $name, ?string $hook = null): bool


$namestringThe event name to unbind.
$hookstring|nullOptional. The unique identifier of the callback to remove.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if successful, false if the event or callback does not exist.



Retrieve all event callbacks, or callbacks for a specific event.

public static events(?string $name = null): array


$namestring|nullOptional. The event name to filter by.

Return Value:

array - Return the list of event callbacks.


Clears all events and their associated callbacks.

public static detach(): void