Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Acknowledgements & Credits

Last updated: 2024-10-17 17:41:30

Luminova owes its existence to the power of open-source, the contributors, developers community, and Ujah Chigozie Peter, the lead developer, who made this project a reality.


We would like to express our deep appreciation to the following individuals, teams, and technologies that have played an integral role in the development and birth of Luminova.

Core Development Team

The Luminova project is made possible thanks to the contributions and dedication of the core development team. Their relentless effort in engineering, testing, and optimizing the framework ensures that it meets the standards of performance and reliability.

  • Ujah Chigozie Peter - Lead Developer.

Open Source Libraries

Luminova would not be possible without the power of open-source software. We are grateful to the following projects that have significantly influenced and supported our development:

  • PHP - The core language that powers Luminova.
  • Composer - Manages dependencies for PHP.
  • Bramus Router - The initial routing library that inspired Luminova's current HTTP routing system.
  • The PHP League - Provides the flexible file system library, enabling Luminova to support various storage solutions.
  • Guzzle - Handles HTTP network requests.
  • PHP Mailer - Enables versatile mailing features within Luminova.
  • PHPUnit - Ensures code stability through testing.
  • Rector - Refactors and upgrades Luminova's code, maintaining high quality standards.
  • Phpstan - A static analysis tool that catches errors in Luminova's code during testing.
  • Tachycardia - A PHPUnit extension that detects and reports slow-running tests.
  • Nikic PHP-Parser - Simplifies static code analysis and manipulation during testing.
  • PHP Documentor - Helps generate structured documentation for Luminova.
  • Saggre PHP Documentor Markdown - Extends PHP Documentor for generating Markdown-based documentation.

Community Contributions

We are thankful for the enthusiastic community that has embraced Luminova. Their contributions, whether in code, suggestions, or bug reports, help to shape the future of the framework.

  • Contributors - A special thanks to everyone who has contributed via pull requests, bug reports, or feature suggestions on any Platform.
  • Beta Testers - Thank you to the testers who helped ensure the stability and performance of Luminova before each release.


GitHub Profile - Ujah Chigozie Peter

Documentation & Learning Resources

Thanks to the community members who have created tutorials, blog posts, and videos, helping others learn and adopt Luminova:

  • Luminova Channel - YouTube series on building scalable applications with Luminova.


Finally, we want to recognize the following key technologies, platforms, and tools that have assisted us in building and maintaining Luminova:

  • GitHub - For hosting the project and enabling collaboration.
  • Visual Studio Code (VSCode) - For providing a powerful IDE that has greatly enhanced developer productivity.
  • PHP Composer - For providing platform and tool essential for managing project dependencies and ensuring easy package management within Luminova.
  • NanoBlock - For providing the infrastructure to test and deploy the Luminova framework.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported the Luminova project in any way. Your contributions make it all possible, and we look forward to continuing this journey together.