Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: File Upload Object

Last updated: 2024-08-28 22:27:02

File object encapsulates a file ready to be uploaded to a server. It offers customization options before sending the file to the upload class, It allows you to modify properties like filename, etc...

The File object represents a file ready to be uploaded to the server. With this class, you can customize files before sending them to the Uploader or Storage class for final upload. Optionally, you can change the filename or set a symlink path to generate a symbolic link for files stored in the private storage directory.

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Http\File



Constructs a File object.

public __construct(int $index, string|null $name = null, string|null $type = null, int $size, string|null $mime = null, string|null $extension = null, string|null $temp = null, int $error): mixed


$indexintThe index of the file.
$namestring|nullThe name of the file.
$typestring|nullThe MIME type of the file.
$sizeintThe size of the file in bytes.
$mimestring|nullThe MIME type of the file.
$extensionstring|nullThe file extension.
$tempstring|nullThe temporary file path.
$errorintThe error code of the file upload.


Magic getter method to allow access to protected properties.

echo $file->name;
echo $file->type;
echo $file->size;
echo $file->mime;
echo $file->extension;
echo $file->temp;
echo $file->error;
echo $file->message;
echo $file->index;


Gets the index of the file.

public getIndex(): int

Return Value:

int - The index of the file.


Gets the name of the file.

public getName(): string|null

Return Value:

string|null - The name of the file.


Gets the MIME type of the file.

public getType(): string|null

Return Value:

string|null - The MIME type of the file.


Gets the size of the file in bytes.

public getSize(): int

Return Value:

int - The size of the file in bytes.


Gets the MIME type of the file.

public getMime(): string|null

Return Value:

string|null - The MIME type of the file.


Gets the file extension.

public getExtension(): string|null

Return Value:

string|null - The file extension.


Gets the temporary file path.

public getTemp(): string|null

Return Value:

string|null - The temporary file path.


Gets the error code of the file upload.

public getError(): int

Return Value:

int - The error code of the file upload.


Gets the validation error message.

public getMessage(): string|null

Return Value:

string|null - Return the validation error message.


Gets file upload configurations.

public getConfig(): \stdClass|null

Return Value:

\stdClass|null - Return upload configurations.


This method allows you to change the file name before finally uploading.

public setName(string $name): self


$namestringThe name of the file.

Return Value:

self - Return instance of self.



To set file configurations before uploading.

public setConfig(array&lt;string,mixed&gt; $config): self


$configarray<string,mixed>Configuration data for the upload.

Return Value:

self - Return instance of self.

The configurations will be used in validating file before uploading to server.


  • upload_path (string) The path where files will be uploaded.
  • max_size (int) Maximum allowed file size in bytes.
  • min_size (int) Minimum allowed file size in bytes.
  • allowed_types (string) Allowed file types separated by '&#124;'.
  • chunk_length (int) Length of chunk in bytes (default: 5242880).
  • if_existed (string) How to handle existing files [overwrite or retain] (default: overwrite).
  • symlink (string) Specify a valid path to create a symlink after upload was completed (e.g /public/assets/).


Reset file configuration and remove temp file.

public free(): void


Checks if the file is valid according to the specified configuration.

public valid(): bool

Return Value:

bool - True if the file is valid, false otherwise.