Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Management of Loaded Custom Service Layer Classes

Last updated: 2024-08-29 00:02:02

Services is a utility class that efficiently manages class initialization across the application's codebase. It provides shared and serializable class instances, with a centralized location for regist

Services is a utility class designed to simplify the management of class instances across your application. Serving as a centralized hub, it allows developers to manage, cache, or return shared instances of a class throughout the codebase. With a centralized location for registering classes, Services optimizes application performance by loading and initializing classes only when called. See documentation on how you can register your service bootstrap.

Key Features

  1. Class Registration and Access: Register classes in service and access their instances anywhere in your codebase.

  2. Shared Instances: Enables multiple parts of the application to access the same instance of a class.

  3. Serialization and Caching: Supports serialization of class instances, allowing them to be stored as cache. These cached instances can be reinitialized with new constructor arguments or used with default arguments as they were stored.


Suppose you have a class named YourClassName that you want to discover using the service class loader. In this example, let's assume that your class is located at app/Utils/YourClassName.php, with the namespace App\Utils.

namespace App\Utils;

class YourClassName 
    private string $name = '';

    public function __construct(string $name){
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getName(){
        return $this->name;

To dynamically create an instance of a service class, you can use the Services::YourClassName() method with the following parameters:

use \Luminova\Application\Services;
$instance = Services::YourClassName(...$arguments, true, true);

Global Helper Function

Additionally, there is a global helper function service() available, which provides a convenient way to access service instances.

$instance = service('YourClassName', true, true, ...arguments);

Using full qualified class name FooClass::class.

$instance = service(YourClassName::class, true, true, ...arguments);


You can only use class name YourClassName::class if you didn't register your service with a custom name alias.

To get the default initialization name from YourClassName:

$instance->getName(); // Peter

To reinitialize the instance with a new constructor argument without persisting across the codebase.

$new = service('YourClassName', false, false, 'Farhana');
$new->getName(); // Farhana

To persist the initialization argument across the codebase.

$persist = service('YourClassName', 'Ujah', true, true);
$persist->getName(); // Ujah

To get instance of service

$service = service();

Clear all services.

$service = service()->clear();

  • Class namespace: \Luminova\Application\Services



Check if service class is available either in cache, shared or ready to initialized.

public static has(class-string|string $service): bool


$serviceclass-string|stringThe service class name or class name alias.

Return Value:bool - Return true if service class exists, false otherwise.


To delete a service from shared instance and it cached instances.

public static delete(class-string|string $service): bool


$serviceclass-string|stringThe service class name or alias.

Return Value:bool - Return true if cached service was deleted, false otherwise.

To fully delete a service, you will need to unregister it from the bootstrap file /app/Config/Services.php.


To clear all instance of service and it corresponding cached instance.

public static clear(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if cached services was cleared, false otherwise.


To add a service class object or class name to services.

public static add(string|object $service, \Luminova\Application\arguments $arguments): ?object


$arguments\Luminova\Application\argumentsArguments to initialize class with.
- The last 2 argument should be boolean values to indicate whether to shared instance or cached.

Return Value:

object|null - Return object instance service class, null otherwise.



Using this method to add a service will not make the service visible across your codebase.

However, if you pass true to serialization, it will store that service and make it discoverable anywhere.