Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Twig Templete Engine Implementation

Last updated: 2024-08-28 22:15:34

Using the Twig template engine, to efficiently render templates and minimizing class initialization to save you the time and effort of manually registering classes and functions.

Welcome to the Luminova framework documentation for integrating and optimizing the Twig template engine. This guide introduces built-in methods—call_static, call_new, call_func, and get_const—designed to enhance efficiency and maintainability. These methods minimize unnecessary class initialization and save you the time and effort of manually registering classes and functions, ensuring optimal performance. Our goal is to simplify your experience with Twig in the Luminova framework, allowing you to focus on building robust and dynamic applications.


Version: v3.10.2 - Learn more

To get started with Twig, install it via Composer:

composer require "twig/twig:^3.0"

Call Static

To call a static method in Twig, you first need to extend Twig's AbstractExtension and register your Twig functions in the overridden getFunctions method, and also call the addExtension method to add your extensions, before you can then access these functions using {{ myFunction() }} in your templates.

In the Luminova framework, registering Twig functions can be done in /app/Config/Templates/Twig/Functions.php. Within the registerFunctions method, define your Twig functions in the array within the method.

However, a more recommended approach is to use the built-in call_static method to access any class object and functions without manually registering each class and function you need.

function call_static(string $className, string $method, mixed ...$arguments): mixed

The above is a pseudo-class example illustrating how call_static handles method loading in a plain PHP design.


Optionally, you can define a list of classes with aliases in protected static array $classes = [] within the Twig function class at /app/Config/Templates/Twig/Functions.php.

To call a method previously defined with a static class method:

{{ call_static('foo', 'myMethod') }}

To directly call a static method from the class namespace:

{{ call_static('\\Foo\\Bar\\ExampleClass', 'myMethod', ...arguments) }}

Call New

In pure Twig, to initialize a class instance and access its properties and methods, you first need to register your class in a Twig functions extension. Initializing and accessing the class object can be done as shown below:

{{ foo('arg1', 'arg2').methodName() }}

Or, you can assign the instance to a variable:

{% set instance = foo('arg1', 'arg2') %}
{{ instance.methodName() }}

Alternatively, with Luminova, you can use the call_new method to initialize a class object, directly access the object, or assign it to a variable. This simplifies the process and avoids the need for manual class registration.

function call_new(string $className, mixed ...$arguments): object


To initialize a class instance using the alias previously defined with protected static array $classes = []:

{{call_new('fooClass', 'arg1', 'arg2').myMethod()}}

Or assign class object to variable.

{% set instance = call_new('fooClass', 'arg1', 'arg2') %}

To directly initialize a class instance from the class namespace:

{% set instance = call_new('\\Foo\\Bar\\Example', 'arg1', 'arg2') %}

To access methods and properties of the instance assigned above in instance:


Call Function

To call a global function in Twig, you typically need to extend AbstractExtension and override the getFunctions method to add a new Twig function. This function can then be accessed by calling the function name, like {{ myFunction() }}.

Alternatively, with Luminova, you can use the call_func method to call any global function without prior registration.

function call_func(string $functionName, mixed ...$arguments): mixed


Here is an example of calling a function using call_func:

{{ call_func('myFunction', 'arg1', 'arg2') }}

Get Constants

To access a constant variable in Twig, you typically need to register your constant variables in the Twig extension getGlobals method. This allows you to access global constant variables like {{ APP_NAME }}.

Alternatively, you can use the get_const method to retrieve any globally defined constant variable without manually defining them again. This approach is recommended for better future updates and maintainability.

function get_const(string $constant): mixed


The example below demonstrates how to output your application name using get_const:

{{ get_const('APP_NAME') }}

Exported Class

In Twig templates, unlike Smarty, you can't directly access class static methods without first registering them in a Twig extension. For better performance, it's recommended to use the call_static method for static class methods. But if you must your static class, ensure you enable the initialization flag the third parameter in export method to initialize the class.

Here's an example of how to export the required classes within your application class.

namespace App;

use \Luminova\Core\CoreApplication;
use \App\Utils\FooClass;
use \App\Utils\BarStaticClass;

class Application extends CoreApplication 
    public function __construct()

        // Static export without initialization for Twig.
        $this->export(BadStaticClass::class, null, false); 

Accessing Methods

Non-Static Methods

For non-static class methods, which are initialized during or before export.

<p>My non-static class method: {{ FooClass.getSomeMethod() }}</p>

Static Methods

For static class methods:

<p>My static class method: {{ BarStaticClass.getSomeMethod() }}</p>

Handling Bad Static Exports

If you attempt to access static class methods without the initialization flag, it will result in an error or unintended behavior.

<p>{{ BadStaticClass.getSomeMethod() }}</p>

Exception: Throws an exception "Impossible to invoke a method ("getSomeMethod") on a string variable."

Accessing the static class by its reference will output the class namespace:

<p>{{ BadStaticClass }}</p>

Outputs: \App\Utils\BadStaticClass

Your Thought

Can't you do something to allow access to static classes or initialize them within the framework code?

Our Answer

Yes, we can. However, we chose not to do that because we want you to understand what you are doing and why. To follow better coding practices and enhance your application's performance, always use the call_static method if the class is only required within a Twig template file and not needed in your controller class. This ensures more efficient and manageable code.