Luminova Framework

PHP Luminova: Abstract Base Class for Model Implementation

Last updated: 2025-01-07 12:26:24

Base Model, allows you to define database models for your application, it also supports database searching using a third-party library provided by the Luminova team.

The BaseModel serves as the foundation for all models within your application, providing essential functionalities and features to interact with the database in an efficient and secure method.

It allows you to define basic rules for your models, like fields that are allowed to be inserted into the model database table, delete, or update. Additionally, it also supports flagging the model as read-only which limits the model to only perform select statements.

Usage Example

The following example demonstrates how to use the Luminova model to interact with a database table.

Defining the Model

// File: /app/Models/Customers.php

namespace App\Models;

use Luminova\Base\BaseModel;

 * The `Customers` model represents the `customers` table in the database.
class Customers extends BaseModel
     * The table associated with the model.
    protected string $table = 'customers';

     * The primary key for the table.
    protected string $primaryKey = 'id';

Example Usage

Retrieving a Record
use App\Models\Customers;

// Initialize the Customers model
$customers = new Customers();

// Find a person by their ID, retrieving specific columns
$customer = $customers->find(1, ['name', 'email']);

if ($customer) {
    echo "Customer Name: " . $customer->name . "\n";
    echo "Customer Email: " . $customer->email . "\n";
} else {
    echo "No customer found with ID 1.\n";


  • The find method retrieves a record by its primary key (id in this case) and returns the specified columns (name and email).

Updating or Inserting Records
use App\Models\Customers;

// Initialize the Customers model
$customers = new Customers();

// Check if a record with the given ID exists
if ($customers->exists(1)) {
    // Update the record
    $customers->update(1, [
        'name' => 'Peter',
        'email' => '',
    echo "Record updated successfully.\n";
} else {
    // Insert a new record
            'name' => 'Peter',
            'email' => '',
    echo "New record inserted successfully.\n";

Class Definition



Model table name name.

protected string $table = '';


The default primary key column name for table, this will be used while selecting, updating and more.

protected string $primaryKey = '';


Define your database table searchable columns, the fields that search will have to look for queries.

protected array<int,string> $searchable = []


Enable or disable database caching for model while calling select, find, search, total or count.

protected bool $cacheable = true;


Database cache expiration time TTL in seconds.

protected DateTimeInterface|int $expiry = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60;


Specify whether the model's table is updatable, deletable, and insertable.

protected bool $readOnly = false


Define fields that can be inserted into.

protected array $insertable = []


Define fields that can be updated.

protected array $updatable = []


Define your Input validation rules based on Validator class rules.

protected array<string,string> $rules = []


Define your Input validation rules errors messages.

protected array<string,array> $messages = []


Database query builder class instance.

protected ?Luminova\Database\Builder $builder = null;


Input validation class instance.

protected static ?Luminova\Security\Validation $validation = null;



Initialize the constructor for the Model class.

public __construct(): mixed


Insert a new record into the current database.

public insert(array<string,mixed> $values): bool


$valuesarray<string,mixed>nested array of values to insert into table.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if records was inserted, otherwise false.

Throw Exception:

\Luminova\Exceptions\RuntimeException - Throws if insert columns contains column names that isn't defined in $insertable.


Update current record in the database.

public update(array<int,mixed>|string|float|int|null $key, array $data, ?int $max = null): bool


$keystring|float|int|array<int,mixed>|nullThe key?s to update its record or null to update all records in table.
$dataarrayAn associative array of columns and values to update.
$maxint|nullThe maximum number of records to update (default: null).

Return Value:

bool - Return true if records was updated, otherwise false.

Throw Exception:

\Luminova\Exceptions\RuntimeException - Throws if update columns contains column names that isn't defined in $updatable.


Fine next or a single record from the database table.

public find(array<int,mixed>|string|float|int $key, array<int,string> $fields = ['*']): mixed


$keystring|array<int,mixed>|float|intThe key?s to find its record
$fieldsarray<int,string>The fields to retrieve (default is all).

Return Value:

mixed - Returns selected records or false on failure.


Select records from the database table.

public select(
    string|int|float|array<int,mixed>|null $key = null, 
    array<int,string> $fields = ['*'], 
    int $limit = 100, 
    int $offset = 0
): mixed


$keystring|array<int,mixed>|float|int|nullThe key?s to select its record, if null all record in table will be selected.
$fieldsarray<int,string>The fields to retrieve (default is all).
$limitintSelect result limit (default: 100).
$offsetintSelect limit offset (default: 0).

Return Value:

mixed - Returns selected records or false on failure.

Select records from the database.

public search(string $query, array<int,string> $fields = ['*'], int $limit = 100, int $offset = 0): mixed


$querystringSearch query string, escape string before passing.
$fieldsarray<int,string>The fields to retrieve (default is all).
$limitintSearch result limit (default: 100).
$offsetintSearch limit offset (default: 0).

Return Value:

mixed - Returns found records or false on failure.


Delete a record from the database.

public delete(string|array<int,mixed>|float|int|null $key = null, int $max = 1): bool


$keystring|array<int,mixed>|float|int|nullThe keys to delete, if null all record in table will be deleted.
$maxintThe maximum number of records to delete.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the record was successfully deleted otherwise false.


Get total number of records in the database.

public total(): int|bool 

Return Value:

int|bool - Return the number of records or false if failed.


Get total number of records in the database based on the keys.

public count(array<int,mixed>|string|float|int $key): int|bool 


$keyarray<int,mixed>|string|float|intThe key?s to find total number of matched.

Return Value:

int|bool - Return the number of records or false if failed.


Determine if a record exists in the database.

public exists(string|int|float $key): bool 


$keystring|float|intThe key to check if it exists in the database.

Return Value:

bool - Return true if the record exists otherwise false.


Deletes all cache entries related to the current model.

This method removes all cache files for the model from the cache directory. The path is constructed based on the model's class name and is expected to be within the filesystem cache directory.

public purge(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Returns true if the cache files are successfully deleted, false otherwise.


Initialize and ser validation class object.

protected validation(): Luminova\Security\Validation

Return Value:

Luminova\Security\Validation - Return the number of records.

After first initialization you can then use static::$validation to access the object.


Run a search in database table using the $searchable to index search columns. This method uses third-party libraries to search database table.

public doSearch(
    string $query, 
    array $fields = ['*'], 
    int $limit = 100, 
    int $offset = 0, 
    string $flag = 'any'
): mixed


$querystringsearch query string, escape string before passing.
$fieldsarray<int,string>The fields to retrieve (default is all).
$limitintSearch result limit (default: 100).
$offsetintSearch limit offset (default: 0).
$flagstringSearch matching flag, default is (any) any matching keyword.

Return Value:

mixed - Return found records or false on failure.


To use this method or searchInstance you will first have to install a third party library by running composer command composer require peterujah/php-search-controller .


Return search controller class instance.

protected searchInstance(string $flag): \Peterujah\NanoBlock\SearchInstance


$flagstringSearch matching flag (e.g any, start).

Return Value:

SearchInstance - Search controller instance.


Search Flags

The $flags keys to predefined search behaviors in the SearchInstance class. Here are the available flags and their corresponding behaviors:

  • 'start': Matches records that start with the query string.
  • 'end': Matches records that end with the query string.
  • 'any': Matches records that contain the query string anywhere within the field.
  • 'second': Matches records that contain the query string in the second position (specific use case).
  • 'length2': Matches records that start with a query string of length 2.
  • 'length3': Matches records that start with a query string of length 3.
  • 'startend': Matches records that start and end with the query string.


Get the name of the database table associated with this model.

public getTable(): string

Return Value:

string - Return the name of the database table.


Get the primary key field name for this model.

public getKey(): string

Return Value:

string - Return the primary key field name.


Get the table searchable array of column names.

public getSearchable(): array<int,string>

Return Value:

array<int, string> - Return table searchable column names.


Get instance of database connection.

public getConn(): Luminova\Interface\DatabaseInterface

Return Value:

DatabaseInterface - Return database driver connection instance.



Get instance of database builder class.

public getBuilder(): ?Luminova\Database\Builder

Return Value:

Builder|null - Return the instance database builder.


Retrieve last inserted id from database after insert method is called.

public getLastInsertedId(): mixed

Return Value:

mixed - Return last inserted id from database.


Change the database result return type (e.g, array or object).

public setReturn(string $returns): self


$returnsstringThe result returned as (e.g, array or object).

Return Value:

self - Return instance of model class.


Check if method is read only

public isReadOnly(): bool

Return Value:

bool - Return true if is read only otherwise false.